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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jung has called number the most primitive expression of the spirit. Shall we dance? (Syncrhologblog 14))

Jung has called number the most primitive expression of the spirit.

Jung, in his paper on synchronicity, came to the conclusion that synchronisitic events are not just sporadic irregular happenings without any order.

In other words, we would have to assume that in psychic as well as in physical reality there is a kind of timeless order or orderedness which always remains constant, and synchronistic events fall into the area of these events of which they are single sporadic actualizations.



A few things happened the last two days. Much synchronicity as always, but also I did some reflecting and reading. I know I've been reading the one book lately, but today I wanted to broaden my understanding of synchronicity. I wanted to really understand the tool, the gift that was given to us by the universe/God.

There is some great examples of how the numbers are a significant representation of one. The way it goes is 1-2-3-4 is 1. 1 plus the 1 of itself equals 2 and the 1 inside 2 added to itself is the wholeness as 3. Quite intriguing. Never heard it put that way before, but it makes sense. You can never have any number without 1. Even 0 is not only eternal or infinite, but its one eternal infinite number that represents everything. What's interesting about 0 is the concept of both worlds connecting to each other (Physical and Psyche or Heaven and Earth or Yin and Yang) occurs in the hole of our self expression.



Another interesting insight is that synchronistic events are our daily miracles. They are miracles for the sheer fact that they in themselves should be impossible or improbable, but there they are. The experience with these events is what brings on the excitement because in these events are creations.  So in the event of synchronistic happenings the Psyche is creating something that merges the two worlds creatively and as a game. The love of feeling that excitement and joy literally creates the synchronicity of events to occur.


Why? Because truth is beyond probability. Truth stands as it's own existence. It is what it is and can never be forgotten. No matter how hard we try. It's beyond control and it's beyond understanding. So in essence truth is real and spiritually tied with our soul which is created from love. Truth is love's flower. Loves beauty made to show itself to our world and imagination. Truth lives in both worlds as one love eternal.

Another theme that has been plastered across my awareness over and over is the fun of it all. The way that synchronicity can find a rhythm with you is with your awareness of it happening. Each time you notice it you are playing with the world of solid possible structures to become bent with the flexibility of your psyche's enjoyment.


Getting fun in here! Dance a little to let go of the rational nonsense that is exactly that. Nonsense! Hype up the senses and feel the love! Let the love grow!

That feeling is from one source, but love. So its love reaching for you to give you a hug, a pat on the back, a nod of support, a song of appreciation, a picture to honor you. Eternal oneness has an ordered way of appearing to us in this world, but is only one everything in the unconscious world.

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