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Saturday, April 25, 2015

4/11/15 Compassion Report

Compassion Report

When asked to write about compassion, there is one person that comes to mind more than any other person.  Since I met David almost 4 years ago, we shared a bond that was given to us by the spirit and from the very first day, I fell in love with his kindness.  There have been a handful of people in my lifetime who have bent over backwards for me, but none like him.  Id like to tell you what compassion means to me, through the eyes of my relationship with a near perfect man, David Dirkhising.  The kind of man of which we all wish more existed.  Since I can assure you that his talent can not be summed up in this short summary of our life together, Id like to focus on one example of who he is specifically.

            No matter what my needs are, David puts them ahead of his own.  He lets me stay at home, because that's what I need.  I always get to pick out the movies, shows, what we eat for dinner, even though I would happily let him choose.  Like the good partner he is, the man listens to me complain yet never puts me down or says anything critical.  His dedication at work to support us both is inspirational, even life giving, a vehicle for his tireless dedication to our larger goals.  He is wonderful, even when I am not.  And these statements don't cover a fraction of what he does for me every single day.  To me, Davids selfless attitude is a perfect example of what compassion should be.

This is the first of many more reports from the front line observer who will be experiencing these events first hand, live, and through their flesh and blood.

Remember everyone that we are Human's first.

God Bless

Monday, April 20, 2015

Human Again Chapter 10 Contemplation of the Human Process

Human Again Chapter 10
Contemplation of the Human Process

It’s now or never before we’ll know what this spell of writing has been all about. Humanity has reached a precipice of forgetting their purpose, their roles, their destiny, and their heart within the all. With a careful reflection upon the ventures we tread there lies waiting for each of us a crystalized truth of what life really means. Hidden in the facades we carelessly display, projections of emotional turmoil work their way to the surface to show us through another face. The many faces and the many masks we use to conceal the true essence of our living soul allows it to silently play in the background of our life’s story. An untold phenomena in which each of us are take part in and where each individual is has its place within the tale we are living right now.
To be human now is the vast request of the whole of the world without even so much as a whisper from them to make it known. Our programmed natural response to these various notions is to keep your mouth shut and keep your heart closed so as not to make too many sounds which could wake the sleepers waiting. Waiting for the feeling of life to come barreling through their doors begging them to take part in. The adventure to meet them headway while cruising down a narrow road while traveling to the local deli. A meeting with the divine while surfing the long wide web of electrified knowledge. We’re all still waiting to be born into a soup of boiling truth, while carefully being stirred by the weak hand of observance. For me there’s a boiling spirit churning unnoticed within the recipe of the unknown. A proof that needs nor deserves proving. An evidential fact that asks not for evidence. A feeling that creates itself endlessly while simultaneously moving inside each of our own bodies. This is the puzzle piece in which has come to be known to all humans as the heart, beating the love into our bodies and through our lungs. Love isn’t a lonely word, but in fact the true word of all life that continues to be. Regardless of our self-will, self-projections, and the chaotic mechanisms each of them use.
            This was an experiment. An experiment that I feel captured one of the deepest measures of what being a human is all about.  Writing is becoming lost to the fathoms of glowing vessels strewn about leisurely throughout the globe. Day by day each of our electronic gizmos continue to self-perpetuate their never ending  lives by allowing us the pleasure and honor to use them to our own devices, just as long as they are in control of their controllers. You might believe this to be an embellishment of my own perception, but it’s nothing less than an eagle eyed focus on the core of what has become a continuing process involving humanity. There are reasons to believe that with this outer reflection we can finally discover where and when our curiosity took the driver’s seat while our heart became the passenger barely tagging along for the ride. What pray does this mean when considering the notion of writing as something more than just a past time play? While all the various meanings become plastered across the globe for all too see they inconspicuously remain hidden behind the distracting wants and pleasures in which we all take so much enjoyment in. Thus leaving the written word begging for a home to live and grow in. That home is and has always been the heart and specifically the heart that glows so boldly without a sound that our society ear couldn’t hear, the one in which bodies use daily to live and frequent their life with. That being is the human.

            The truth is there if you want it. The truth is hidden if you believe it to be. The truth is what you make it if you’re not being honest. The truth is loud if you are quiet and silent if you are too loud. The truth builds lives and creates possibility. The truth vanquishes the pain from the suffering. The truth is hidden in plain sight if you look to far while easy to find if you aren’t looking anywhere at all. The truth is within the writing of your own soul and if you dare recognize that truth then you’ll start writing until you’re finally whole. You’ll start writing down your thoughts and your dreams and you’ll find that reality is not at all what it seems. You may see the writing on the walls or the beckoning letter calls. You may hear the words find you where we all do meet. Or you may instead find yourself listening to the stories from the people you meet. You could find yourself texting the ideas to your web or translating your messages being beamed to your head. Maybe you can see your thoughts that live in the memories you carry and even the millions of perspectives your conscious helped bury. Endless amounts of reasons for you yourself to write. Start now, start here, start today! The truth has been waiting so adamantly to find you and if you give truth just a few moments of your valued attention you will find that each learned writing lesson had a pearl of wisdom holding all the meaning your dear heart could have ever desired.

            Being human is needed now more than ever. To be a truthful spirit one must be a believer that truth will always deliver. The heart knows no bounds and has no wants that it doesn’t experience already. Each heart plays the biggest part within the entire story of life forever. You’ve made it this far and for that I have been given the greatest treasure. To bring the words from heart to mouth to fingers to letters. The purpose of this blurb is to bring words back into place. They were being forgotten and hadn’t the space to bring the truth to the outer most reaches of inner space. Writing may be a forgotten mystery but I believe that what you have to write just adds more truth to our shared history. Some may say mirror you don’t realize what you say. The spirit that brings the words to you is a shared understanding that is destined truth. Will you follow the trail of letters bringing you down a passage or to new paths? This isn’t a fantastic notion, but a hurried fact. You’ll recognize its beauty once we’re all back on track.
This is phase ten of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

(A letter about compassion) The Introduction to becoming a Human

(A letter about compassion)
The Introduction to becoming a Human

Dear fellow reader,

It’s come to my attention that the more we spout off about compassion through the various channels of communication the less it’s taken seriously as a super power. It’s shameful as race of “civilized beings” can’t see the rewards that are warranted them if more than just a few individuals would take such a stance toward life, their family, and the universe. For thousands of years and possibly even centuries beyond that the gift of compassion has served magnificently when it came to beings who endlessly suffer. But given the new approach that I’m continuously being briefed on about when it comes to “modern” perceptions of such innocent childlike actions, there has been deemed no room at all to squeeze between the ego’s and greed to allow such beauty to transpire through the collective whole.

I regretfully have to inform those who believe in such nonsensical perspectives and graciously give my saddest of apologies for their soul has been quietly shut out of their body. And with such drastic tactics we beings who have been observing such practices have decided to use a different approach. So that they too won’t, can’t, and shall never be dubbed useless again.

For argument sake let’s discuss person 1. That is what we will call this being.

Person 1 goes through their life as does all of you said HUMAN beings. But a few things distances this person from the survivalist mentality that you have all conjured into your beings labeled as INSTINCTS. Person 1 does not exhibit the egotistic notions of various hidden plans with sleight of hand agendas being quietly discussed in back rooms with dirty money being propagated to those who are deemed worthy by said peers. No person 1 just simply uses its head to look the other way without judgement, without complaints, while quietly sharing with those who are interested plans of another way.

Next you can see Person 1 going about their business doing good deeds out of the sheer feeling of driving them to do so because they feel that it’s needed more than anything else in the world. While vultures of multiple communities shout at one another while feeding off any information they can find to help only themselves move forward and with a hope that all the other’s not playing along will eventually become forgotten about. And eventually left behind. Instead of sharing these animals choose the way of self propelling their own lives without any help they stomp on anyone that gets in their way.

The last example I will recall about Person 1 is that even after said person experiences these types of drastic attention grabbing accounts of insecurity in which each of these human animals proudly exhibit, Person 1 continues with their life with smile upon their face, a warmth in their heart, and of course, of course while opening the door metaphorically as well as physically for any of these groups of hungry feeding frenzies to vent their frustrations to Person 1. While Person 1 gives them the respect, care, love, and energy to help these misguided beings come back to the beings they truly are.

These are simple examples of daily life for people who fit in the Person 1 scenario. This example isn't taken any of their other sufferings, challenges, and sadness into account. Because though one’s can strive toward compassion it takes nothing away from their born humanity. They are not regardless of what the masses may believe these beings that exist in perpetual bliss while pain and suffering circle them about. They are just not allowing their essence to be pulled fully into said pain. Rather they move steadily move through the pain without allowing any attachment to the suffering that goes along with it. It certainly does not make them less human in fact I believe it increases their ability to become fully human instead. To withstand all that’s thrown at you with a smile is what I firmly believe a human being for they understand the truth that you are nothing less than brother/sister of theirs and love for that person will be the first thing exhibited at all times.

This is only an introduction to what will be a story of Person 1’s experience when it came to becoming a full human being. Join me as we go through this beings experience on a place called Planet Earth. Share this beings triumphs and failures, challenges and sadness as he crosses the threshold of life to become what the being was always born to be.

Along with this there will be multiple reports about people doing amazing things currently from this year 2015 and on. They are shared in hope that they will inspire others along their journey's to help bring compassion back into the world regardless of the challenges and pain we each are personally experiencing.

God Bless


Friday, April 10, 2015

Divine the nine Regulating our Actions to be Heart Attuned

Divine the nine
Regulating our Actions to be Heart Attuned

Its fine they say. Just another number we forgot to notice today. A statistic fumbling into the laps of nonsense plenty. Without such dis cordination we couldn’t travel through the nation. We couldn’t get enough stock for what we sell and who would tell anyone anything, but those who are looked over.  And looked over quite well. The trick was to pick the side and then align with the highest giver of what we wanted. Once we found a big enough crowd we continued to grow the slumber. As long as they took no interest or care into what we provided and we did what we dared. We could cruise on without any hitch to bring us utterly close to the deepest and darkest or just the plain rich. It isn’t counter to bring our course in another direction from what our goal originally started moving toward whether it was moving away from pain, divinity, illusion, or their source. There isn’t a time that I can divine when such plainly simple gestures floated among the known. The holly ever after has finally been given over to the difficult depictions of where the light has always shown. But low and behold the knowing and the know-nots for they are at once and never again profoundly mis-sold. Truth be shown that if you were to follow up on the ones who’ve been forgotten you would find yourself suddenly being forgotten because of everything they had unveiled. Because once you uncover all that is true you won’t remember who you were before or why you were doing what you do. And this matters not as much as what matters all around you. Popping up here and disappearing there. There isn’t much to it all except the gracious gratuitous fall from a very high stature. What other option would such matters incline themselves to bring? While the mad artists wait so desperately to sing! There unusual hymns for the ones who don’t know and quite sadly those still don’t ask to know, the ins and the outs of how many directions we all seem to go. Isn’t it the glorious tapestry of divining which brings our hearts and souls toward pining for the very spirit that grows and sews our weaving integrity into the all-around never ending musical? While flowing and sharing it does nothing less but move us together into the rhythms where each and every one of us become the utmost of caring. Nine isn’t so lost as many numerals often are. It’s certainly not as soft as it lends us a preview of all the rest of the numbers which will soon come barreling through. It’s simply an access point of unity which silently lives inside me and in all ways you!

With that a humbleness should be afforded for all the racket and noise that I’ve escorted to the halls of understanding. For if I hadn’t then all that would remain living loudly in our brain would be the various accusatory lies which no one would want recorded. The chatters and chimes singing their lives into every minute step of once again yours and mine. Live on I say and you’ll know the day when everything round straightens into the path of middleness so dear have patience. It’ll be here yesterday if you keep looking into tomorrow so please don’t go astray. Wait now and know now that yesterday is but a thought away while tomorrow will forever be forever non. Thus we shall move on into the twilight of our new century’s rebirth with a gladness we no longer can remove. From this a church of spiritual truth will continue on behind the scenes singing with solitude. That is the imagining of the spirits true love. A reality that all of us are one and different and in return we become the one that used to exist only up above into the true shining essence of our united, dare I believe connected existence as love.

In case you haven’t understood. The numbers will bring you closer than you might have thought they should. They’ll appear when you’re not looking, in the vast arrays of frequency we call air, or under the pulsing waves with double the care. An anointing of fresh displays of true blossoms will you find sprawled from there to now. Within the crisp glow and life extensions of anyhow. Follow the expressions the numbers give to your life and you’ll not only remember their meanings, but you’ll remember how you were always supposed to live your life!

This is phase nine of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.
