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Friday, February 27, 2015

MovieSync Connections

This is a quick post for now.

A few days ago a podcast I did with Michael Johnston from the Arkiving Synchronicity show was uploaded. His podcast talks with different people about the MovieSync phenomena. You can find out more details about the community and the phenomenon here

A quick explanation of what this is can be found here which discusses the Dark Side of Oz specifically.

Now what's cool about this is two things. One yesterday I finally got to listen to some of Endless River by Floyd. Their newest album. At the time I didn't know the podcast was uploaded.

Cooler though is on the way home from work my Magic Ipod did it again. Out of a 1000 or more songs it chose first

The Beatles You won't see me

Rolling Stones Can't you hear me knockingand lastly

Pink Floyd Shine on you crazy diamond part 2

All of these bands have one or more songs syncing up to specific movies.

Is it just coincidence? Or are the dots finally connecting?

Thank you Magic Ipod again for your persistence! I'm following your lead now and I'll be listening closely for some answers! :)

If this was a game

Let's take a look at games for a minute.

You play a game to have fun while fulfilling your quest.

Let's say finding the princess.

The game objective is to go and free the princess. So that becomes your quest. You go to all kinds of different worlds bopping around seeking the princess. You travel through water, air, space, lava, and even through mushroom forests to find her. Then there it is level 199 the level before the last level and you know now that it's upon you and that the goal has almost been reached. You can feel how amazing it will be to find her, free her, and maybe even marry her. Hell that's the least she could do for going through all the challenges.

Now you're on the last level of the game. The boss is there and everything is weighing on you. Can he/she do it? Will they do it? The challenge only gets more difficult as you progress through the various stages while moving toward glory. And you win. All the lands celebrate, you celebrate, your family and friends celebrate and it's all over. For now. Until Princess freedom the 2nd comes out next summer.

Take everything I said and envision your life now. If you were to go to the finish line even though you know how it will feel, look, and be. You wouldn't see the mushroom forest, the lakes of tarragon, or even the mountain Hot Red-Aliquid. You would be at the finish line with no story to tell or experiences to share. There are people who use cheat books and codes to get through games quickly and with ease. However I would bet if you asked them about their experience and compared their story with those who took the time, faced the challenges, and won the game the old fashioned way that the ones who did it the hard way enjoyed it triple times compared to the ones who cheated.

Moral of the story is. Imagine this life is a game. Now go play it with using all the excitement you would while searching for your princess or prince.

God Bless thanks for reading


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

#MirrorExperiments Results

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Monday, February 2, 2015 at 8:36am
2/1/15 Dream
This one was about people in my family being selfish and making me do things for them when they had the ability and the time to do it for themselves. Example: They were in a store and called me to go down to the same store they were in to purchase something instead of them doing it while in the store. Weird. Specifically the dream hilighted me being forced to call someone literally after they got off the phone with them.
I was watching a TV show and the episode was about a person waiting till the last minute to get things done before winter hit. Suddenly winter hits and they are scrambling around trying to get things done and asking others to show them the way. Meanwhile the person who they go to help for told them or and over to get ready for winter. If there are more reflections/synchronicities that appear through the day I will update this document.
1)I was talking with someone yesterday about an old friend and then that same old friend emailed me today asking if I was interested in being involved with a Tesla event.
2)Jordan Pearce from spirit science has a newsletter. Every once in a while I will get an update. Today was that update about a new Chakra video series that he uploaded. (Side note. Yesterday I did a podcast and during the conversation there was mention of Legend of Korra having an episode about Chakras and how it inspired him to go and look further into them.)
Then I log onto Tsu and find that SpiritScience finally friended me after I requested to be friends about 3 weeks ago.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Could not remember my dreams for the life of me today....
There weren't really small synchronicities today. Just one big one while watching Ancient Aliens Ep: Alien Messages

The big one was relating to the fact of Orion being a major place where sacred sites across the globe constructed their structures to mirror or to connect with.
This connects with the conversations that took place two days prior.
Also that episode focused a good portion of it on the I-Ching being a binary code. What's interesting about this is that after Carl Jung studied the I-Ching he came up with the theory of Synchronicity. Hmmmm. smile emoticon
Thanks for reading.
God Bless
The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Wednesday, February 4, 2015
I woke up remembering that it had to do with some work colleagues of mine. One was downstairs in a building and they were in an office trying to get things done, but didn't have anyone reliable enough to help.
I went down there because another employee asked me to get them a chocolate bar and something else, but with a $1 bill. I told him that's ridiculous because of how little money he had.
We'll see what happens folks connecting this with the today's course of events.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless
I was in a meeting today and had severe dejavu (Remember folks that was something to keep an eye out for). The meeting was kinda similar to the reason in my dream. Interesting.
Two major repeating subjects for the past few days has been (Oddly) Billy Joel. I must have heard 5 or 6 of his songs in the past three days and I normally listen to my Ipod, radio at work, cable music station. Very odd. The other has been Pink Floyd (Oddly again though) not through the music per say. More of shirts, pants, objects actually. The song did pop on my ipod today right before I went to work.
Before watching Ancient Aliens my best friend watched starman with jeff bridges. I caught some of it while they did so. Well in it Seti comes up which comes up on Ancient Aliens episode called alien messages and the binary code message is in that movie as well. Along with meteor/asteroids. Very interesting synchronicity.
Come on Alien Messages! If I can't see the obvious than its hopeless lol
God Bless!

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 4, 2015
Once again I couldn't remember my dreams, but had a numerous amount of synchronicity connecting with people remembering dreams after we started this experiment. And a few interesting connections having to do with Orion and a strong reoccurrence of manatees.
The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 5, 2015
No dreams to report as usual. This is normal for me actually. Dreams don't come back into my recollection easy, but I already had a few I did remember so far so I say it's a success already. More interesting is that today I had dejavu again. And I did have a few telepathic experiences where I knew what the other person was going to say and I didn't make them aware of it. But Dejavu again hmmm that's twice in a week. So maybe there is something connected with not remembering dreams and tracking synchronicity helping to bring more dejavu events into our lives?
Thoughts on this?
Thanks for reading!
God Bless

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 6, 2015
I had some major deja vu again. And I had a significant synchronicity connecting to my deja vu's. It was a title that I saw on a paper of some sort and it had the words mirror and dejavu in it. Pretty wild. Plus stars came up twice strongly today. Maybe I'm repeating issues instead of solving them?
February 7, 2015
I woke up not remembering my dreams like always. At least I remembered a few this week. That's way more than normal. What's interesting is that a synchronicity connecting stones, statues, and ancient origins all came up today. And this is connects to me specifically with my writings that I've been working on. But most importantly I feel that since beginning this experiment I have gotten some really powerful answers and a huge surge of comforting energy surrounding my life. I'm so thankful for all of you for participating and any of your thoughts and prayers. To say I believe it worked wouldn't be saying enough.
So in conclusion for today. Hold the vision, live the vision, and the reflections will not only multiply and focus on you, but will also inspire others to do the same thing. After all there is only we!
Last thing I want to add is that we are almost to Sunday which will be one full week since starting this experiment.
I would like to know everyone's thoughts, feelings, and opinions about it if you would be so inclined to tell. And I would love to know if you'd want to do it for another week or on to the next experiment?
Thanks and God Bless!

I'm curious to hear about any of your experiences over the past week. Also I'm curious to know if any or all of you want to do another experiment or try a similar experiment to the one we just did.
In conclusion from my experiences with the experiment here are the results and answers that I received.
1)Deja Vu is something way more prominent and purposeful when it comes to synchronicity. Is it a way for us to remember the vision that we created while dreaming (Whether awake o...r asleep)? This will have to be explored more from other peoples experiences.
2)To really reach others we have to be willing to show the real relatable human in which we exist as.
3)With just having an intention and as you make the effort to track synchronicity and share your experiences, more connections and messages come your way.
4)Having people interested in participating with said experiment is more then enough proof that more people are awake than we realize.
5)When utilizing the mind, body, and soul to heal oneself you essentially begin to heal everyone outside of you as well. It's not about focusing on healing others or yourself. It's about listening to your heart for the guidance with how to balance the two.
6)Lastly if I didn't ask for help, support, prayers, and thoughts during this process I may not have been able to reveal really what was needed with which my spirit kept asking.

Thank you all again! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feelings about this and Happy Valentines Day or Love Day!
God Bless
A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream, I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from the outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to a golden scarab one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, the common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata), which, contrary to its usual habits had evidently felt the urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment. I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since.

Synchronicity: An Acasual Principle (1952)
The Collected Works of C.G. Jung
Paragraph 843
Princeton University Press Edition

#MirrorExperiments Tracking Synchronicity. Who's interested?

Here's an experiment I started at the beginning of this month. I personally had some major results and some of the people who participated did as well. My intuition is feeling a need to replicate it so if you're interested I'll start it up again for a week and we can compare notes.

Here's the low down

The MirrorLiving Experience

Experiment 1 Tracking Synchronicity

First thing I recommend is to get a notebook or a few notebooks for the experiments.
We'll start small like I mentioned earlier. After you wake up tomorrow from sleep write down as much information that you can about your dream. (If you can't remember dreams like myself then keep tabs on any synchronicities or dejavu moments that occur. Because this might jog a memory or two of what you dreamt about) Throughout your day keep tabs on any synchronicity connecting specifically with your dreams you had and write the events down.
Example: You have a dream about birds flying into a pool of jelly searching for oyster crackers.
In your daily life a person calls you up asking if you want to go eat oysters. A friend purchases a jar of jelly while standing close by and a flock of birds are flying across the screen in the movie you just rented for the day which has nothing to do with birds.

Continue doing this for the week.

As you continue, day to day more and more synchronicity will flood into your daily life. Your dreams and your daily experiences will begin to connect all the more naturally This is because you are opening yourself to experience the impossible along with to a more creative and relatable approach when it comes to life. So if it does it's completely natural.

By doing the above you are connecting your subconscious with your consciousness. Together we are working on connecting the two areas of psyche which will bring a stream of new paths to show up in your life. These paths if my theory is correct will be reflections or actual choices that will bring you closer to your purpose.
Free will is very real so you always have a choice when a path is brought to you and whether you will follow it or not.

The point is that as you continue connecting the synchronicities more options will flow into your life and you will find yourself (if you follow them which is your choice) learning about a whole different side of who you really are.

My theory is that if you do this other people in this group will have certain synchronicities that occur in their own lives that connect to yours and will reveal certain answers that you need for your life. This is what I would like everyone to post about. It can be a short sample of meaningful synchronicity that you experienced over the week or day by day. But honesty is crucial as mentioned before. And my hope is that through everyone's experiences we will see how not only are we all connected, but each of us is/are/could be holding onto certain answers that one another needs to help get closer to their purpose.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

It's a Rush!

Today started off with a song by Rush. What's funny is that because my I-pod is ancient (See for more details) the album/songs don't come up when they play. It seems this happens only when Rush comes on. A really heavy driven/alternative type of song. Before making my way into the doorways of daily labor I jam out for a bit.
Now as if my Magic I-Pod struck again I walk into a wall of sound called Rush coming from the speakers at my work. Awesome!

I started thinking about the word Rush and how it really pertains to everything we do. We Rush to work. Rush to sleep. Rush to get the newest game/movie/album. We Rush to get to our family. We rush to play music or just eat. We rush to get errands done. We are always rushing. Sometimes we even Rush to meditate or get some exercise in.

Man what a Rush!

During all this Rushing we miss opportunities, experiences, nature, life, people, meaning. Everyone is guilty even me.

But wait there's more!

The next day I Rushed to start relaxing in my home, trying to reclaim some peace and quiet. I thought about the Rush ideas and synchronicity. I turn on some VH1 Classic to watch some 90's rocked and then right after guess who is on That Metal Show?

Yep Geddy Lee!

It's as if Rush was trying to tell me something. Not to Rush maybe? To Rush more than ever? Or maybe the universe was just trying to tell me I'm on the right path?

Whichever it is I know that I'll keep moving forward, keep trying not to Rush except when it's most needed, and that the Rush of life hopefully is what it's all about!

God Bless and thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

My life and spiritual endeavors

I love experiments. Not the usual scientific chemical with atoms or tech-savy mainstream fascination. My experiments pertain more to thoughts, synchronicity, intuition, crystals, meditation, etc..

Recently I had a few people from my FB groups participate with me in an experiment with dreams and synchronicity. I still await for everyone's results, but the message that I received after the process was this.

Be yourself, open your self to others, and most importantly doing is a better example then telling. Hence this refreshed blog and my newly inspired goals to navigate my daily life while connecting it to my spiritual journey.

It's not what you think.....I promise!

So  you want to live a spiritual life but you still live in society. What to do.

Well let's clear any confusion you may or may not have.

It will not, should not, and can not be easy for you. I'm sorry if I may have deceived you, but if it were easy then we'd never get anywhere.

But let's put things into perspective. What's easy anyway, but another way for us to get what we want when we want it and how we want it. That's exactly what got us into this contradicting conundrum of a place that we live in. And we just can't have that anymore!
Is it possible to bring spirituality into our daily routine?

For now I will say yes for the most part. I have for a very long time when it came to my own personal life. Add family and friends into the equation and now you are talking a nice cocktail of complexity. It has never been a smooth process when trying to adopt my spiritual techniques into my life while giving the proper attention and affection to the family.

Hopefully as you read my blog as I work through this process day to day, week to week, month to month etc... you'll see you're not alone in this endeavor. In fact if you do take on the challenge you'll at least have someone that you can compare notes with.

For now let's go back to the experiments that I brought up earlier in this blog.

The experiment was a simple experiment that anyone can do at home. That was the goal. Personal and simplicity.

For one week or more (Up to you with how long you want to do it) you get a notebook and write down your dreams everyday. Then during the day you look for anything connecting to your dream and you jot it down. (Ex. A red parrot flies through an ocean in your dream. During the day you see a red parrot on a bottle and the song oceans plays by Pearl Jam on your friends I-phone.) It's called Synchronicity. Then as the week continues and more connections begin to prop up you look for any kind of meaning that stands out to you with the synchronicity/dream. Now for people like me who can't remember their dreams everyday. You go through your day and write down any synchronicity that you experience through the week. (Synchronicity would be you running into someone that you haven't seen in years named Bob and then later in the day your husband is watching What about Bob? (Great Movie)

My results from the experience oddly was an increase in Deja Vu and not only that, but I experienced three different types which really blew my socks off.

Anyway I'll get into that a little later for now as I said daily life and spirituality takes time and now I'm out of it.

God Bless


Friday, February 13, 2015

My Magic I-pod Touch (Old School Edition)

Today started out a little more interesting than I would have expected.

It all started with my Magic I-pod!

I made that name up, but it seems like it fits it's personality. Here he comes now!

Yes that's Beck, but that's just because it's the first image I saw when I googled my I-pod. But it does have a great synchronicity to my life being a Soundtrack.

Flashback a few days ago.....

My friend mentioned that Sunny Day Real Estate had a new song out

(Turns out it's a year old) and we listened to it. As can you by clicking above. Personally I thought it was pretty good, but I can be biased sometimes.

Anyway fast forward to this morning. I jump into my vehicle for a fun day filled with work and I turn on my now vintage I-pod touch and what do you know. Sunny Day Real Estate comes up.


Wrong! No seriously the song Wrong by Depeche mode comes up.

(Great Video just a heads up)

So I listen to the song and jam out as I normally do. Then afterward Sunny Day Real Estate comes on. And the song's title is Friday. Interesting...

I cruise forward moving closer to my destination and Apparatjik is the next blaring through the pod before I make it to work. This was more interesting because Thursday night as I perused my emails I found an update about Apparatjik and there new Art Book in my emails. While pulling into the parking grounds the next song chugging away is Satellite by Guster.

Finally after reaching my work destination. Soon after I walk into said business while my synchronicity radar buzzed ever so quietly in the background of my psyche I hear the music playing from the Satellite radio station. And it's this next jem!

Oh and I forgot all about it being Friday the 13th! But just to start off my day that was a pretty sweet synchronicity pay off before any of my work had really begun.

Later at home the fam and I humbly discuss how Kanye West and Beck have now taken over mainstream news. But Beck deserves that for once in his life right?

Just saying, thanks Magic I-pod Touch and of course thanks universe for the tunes and synchronicity glimpses of the impossible!

Thanks for reading

God Bless

Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's all about simplicity

Now that you have an idea of what this blog is about let me share some realness about myself with you.

I am flesh and blood. I work, I have a family, and I have passions, desires, and dreams in which I earnestly seek. Helping the world is one of my main passions.

On the other side I have day to day habits that I personally struggle with. I have responsibilities that can sometimes get the best of me. I'm even challenged by accepting the absurd frequency of how often so many people give in to the manifold of distractions gleaming about.  This includes doubts and delusional fears that perpetuate the mainstream airwaves. Please everyone reading don't cave in! Don't give up! Trust me! No! Better yet trust your heart! Try it. You may be surprised.

One of my other passions that I would like to include here is a book series that I have been blessed to work on with a best friend of mine. Through the many blog posts I intend to write I will give a nice glimpse into my experiences writing, developing, revising, and even the publishing process.  I'm far from done and far from ready for you to read it, but it's the least I can do for the many people who have followed me and supported my causes all along the way!

Our belief is that it will help to engage humanity with an experience that our hearts and spirits have been searching for.

A bringing of life to life! Yes I know I said it again. But I do enjoy the intention with which it stands for.

This is only the beginning. In fact nothing ever ends. It just begins a new again. If we have the strength to see that truth.

God Bless

Maybe a song can help promote better the idea of beginning a new!

Who I Am

Greetings world,

For the past 5 years I have been avidly using social network as a medium to reach people who were in need of a new perspective. This may or may not be you.

When I started my quest I knew that it would be long and arduous. I knew I would have to join as many networks as possible to reach as many people as I could.

Why did I do this? Because the world that I was a part of (the same you live in) seemed to be getting a bit cynical and at the core of who I am I know that there is much more to this grand adventure that we share called life!

I wanted to bring life back into life.

The one issue that challenged me the most as I continued pursuing this lofty goal was dare I say it life.

Regardless, as I made my way from there to here I have found that I would never have met the people I did along the way. I found also that I wasn't alone in my pursuit. This I would come to find was the most interesting revelation of them all.

I started small and began dreaming one idea after the next. Until I had way to many creative ventures for me to keep track of. This is why I decided after the 5 years of reflection (pun intended) that simplicity is and always will be the best way.

And what is a better and simpler way than a...........


Through this blog I intend to show those who are curious the good, the bad, and the ugly of my life. But the most important thing that I will share with you is that it is all true. 100%. I'll even provide the pudding as proof which is that I am no different than any of you. And through my blog my goal is to show how you yourself can accomplish what your heart truly desires!

So.......Welcome! Everyone! To the many inner and outer glimpses of me.


If you want to learn more about the image just click below!