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Saturday, December 31, 2011

This is a call to remember your gift! Your love that shines within! Shine it for the world!

This is a call to all you crystallized energetic humans. This is a call to the love you have shining brightly whether you believe in spirit or not. Your heart is the one thing that guides you correctly and where you can here the truth sing to you with love. Shine on because you are a glowing brilliant light that shines forever through the reality you see before you. You are the love shining and reflecting within and without. Walk  as love walks, talk as love talks, and be as love always is for this new year unfolding its chapter of eternal & loving possibilities. Will you believe in the love that you shine? Will you believe in the miracle of experiencing this with open eyes? I do and I'll meet you there in my heart. May God bless us with the never ending love that God gifted us to know.

Love you all!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jesus’s Christmas Message, Dec. 17, 2011 – Part 1/2

Jesus’s Christmas Message, Dec. 17, 2011 – Part 1/2

2011 December 18
Posted by Steve Beckow

Shaunie L. has transcribed Jesus’s Christmas Message through Linda Dillon. What I want to do here is simply to excerpt from it those passages most relevant to Ascension and related events. The whole of the message can be found here: here.

This is an excerpt of Part 1 of that message. Shaunie will be sending me the rest of the transcript later. In Part 2, Jesus actually recreates what it will be like to ascend so hold onto your hats for that one – or listen to the mp3 version, below. Thank you, Shaunie.

Jesus’s Christmas Message through Linda Dillon

Saturday, December 17, 2011

(Part 01 of 02)

I am Jesus/Sananda… Brother of your Heart and Brother of your Soul… Brother of your Journey. And I welcome you. I welcome all of you upon this beloved planet. I welcome you to this time of unity, of connectedness and balance. I welcome you Home. I welcome you Home not only to the 5th Dimension, but the 7th if you choose. I welcome you Home to my Heart.

I wish to tell you and to speak to your Hearts… about this up coming year. And I can hear you saying to me, “Lord, please? What ever you do, do not tell us that this chaos and turmoil will continue.” Shall I remain silent? Shall I not tell you the Truth? That is not possible for me. So let me speak to you.

My beloved friends, this is it. This is the time… when our beloved sweet Gaia… ascends on her journey Homeward. She spirals up into the Heart of One… then down… into the 5th Dimension. Which is exactly what we will do with you today. It is miraculous… and it is also the fulfillment of the promise made between us… particularly the Mother, the Divine Feminine… when Gaia volunteered to do this.

It is her Sacred Journey, and for millions and millions and millions of years she has nurtured you. She has held you. She has taken care of you, even when there were times when she shrugged or adjusted. But with the work of all of you… and yes, us, the work of your Star Brothers and Sisters… and planetary assistance which you have never thought of. For there are other planets, also sentient Beings… that are assisting Gaia in this undertaking, you know?

But she wants you to be with her in this Sacred Journey, in this journey of Oneness of Love. And when I say you? I mean all of you, the trees, the water, the mountains, the air, the oceans, the snakes, the spiders… and each of you, my beloved friends. She invites you to come along.

And each of you before you came to this planet, entering this reincarnation have said, “Yes, I wish to do this. I have waited so darn long for the return of Love, for the fulfillment of the Plan on Earth… I am going, nothing will stop me.” And you have turned to me, and you have pledged… and you have said to me, “Yeshua, this time we will complete the Journey Of Love. We will anchor this Journey within our Hearts and when the time is right and the activation occurs, we will be ready.” And you are. You are more than ready my Beloved Ones. And although you do not see me yet… (although some of you do) in form, I am with you… as is the Archangels, my Blessed Mother, Yahweh, the Company Of Heaven, the Legions Of Light. We are in this together.

So you say to me, ”Yeshua, Jesus/Sananda, what does this look like? What does this unfoldment look like?” So I speak to you in global terms, and as I do so I also embed within your Heart what your individual journey looks like.

There will continue to be what looks like elimination or dislocation of some of the institutions, practices, environments, ways of doing business that are not of Love. This has not changed… this has not changed. There is a place for commerce, for the exchange of what you create and trade. That is not a problem. There is a place for those who wish to engage in politics, but is politics that are based on the 13 Blessings and Virtues. It is societies that are based fundamentally on Love, that do not include the paradigms of old earth, of greed, lust… ah, we do not even want to talk about it. So that will be fading away, but at the same time things will be coming on. The new is already emerging. You see it all around you.

Sometimes you go like this and are afraid to look and afraid to hope… just in case it isn’t real. Because you do not want to be duped or disappointed again. Turn and face it, because this is your time and your creation with Gaia, with Us. The Light grows.

The energy that you hold, your Crystalline Body, all of this is coming online. It is all well, well underway. New institutions, new understandings of what this means will also emerge and that is important.

You do not arrive in the 5th Dimension as if you are going to a resort, a Club Med or a Club Galilee. It is not all service, but it will feel that way because the ability to create, to manifest, to build what you wish to build is simple because the illusions and the density of the 3rd Dimension is gone. It is already over. Some cling to it, but that does not matter because they are clinging to an illusion that is disintegrating even as they do so.

And so, the mantra for this year is to let it go and to embrace the Wholeness of your Being, to embrace the Wholeness of your Community. And Dear Hearts, your community is the human collective and everything else that is upon the Earth. It is not simply where you live, the star technology has taken care of that. But it is necessary during this time of transition… that you also make peace with the 3rd Dimension. And you say, “Well, what do you mean? How do I do that?” And you do it by Blessing everything you have known in that reality.

It is not that physicality or the experience of physicality disappears, but what you have thought of as the 3rd Dimension as duality/polarity. All of that is gone. It simply will not exist. But if you really wish to continue in that struggle, then we will take you else where. You will not be harmed or die, but you will taken else where.

Our Plan, our Request, our Mother’s Plan is to invite you all… each and every one of you on this Journey, on this adventure. Because Dear Hearts, it is exciting, it is playful, and it is fun. It isn’t drudgery. It isn’t something you are working at! Remember, when have sat together and laughed and played and broken bread… and created bread.

That is what this Journey is about. So we invite you. Do not attach and do not judge.

For we know the trouble that can cause! So do not judge what you see dissolving, disintegrating. And what ever you do, do not judge your fellow human beings. For each and every one of them are Bright Angels on a mission.

This is a time of Co-Creation like never before. We have done a great deal of Co-Creation, as have your Star Brothers and Sisters. But it has always been in the reality that you were occupying. But the rules change as you shift dimensions. Now one of the wonderous qualities of the 5th Dimension is the ability to manage change, to bring forth change. And your societies, your planet is so ready. You have seen the forerunners of this.

There is resistance in some sectors. Do not judge them. The key to this is to send them Love. Send them Michael’s Blue Flame Of Truth. Send them my Sacred Heart. Send them the Magenta. Send them the Blue Diamond Of The Mother. But send them and Bless them and help them to understand… the world has changed. And it has changed for the better.

Before I go into this meditation of my Sacred Heart, my Christmas gift to you… I wish you to know how much I Love you. You have not only persevered, you have not only hung on, but you’ve had Faith and Hope… and you have lived this… even in what you felt were the darkest nights. I honor you, I respect you… and please… come walk with me.

(End of Part 01)

Transcribed by Shaunie L with Joy and Blessings to you All for a Merry Christmas (Christ Mass) and a Transcendent 2012 New Year!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

And Christ walked with me......

And Christ walked with me. As we walked we moved through walls and dimensions. We walked what seemed endlessly.
Finally Christ looked at me and asked are you happy?
I looked at him with confusion and said walking with you has brought me joy, but not through space and time.
That's because I don't live here and never have. This isn't where I exist fully. You can have fragments of fractions of my love here and it isn't just my love its everyone's.
What do you mean?
These are all reflections of love. It is always love, but not where love originates from. Love is beyond these dimensions, which are only divided mansions. Before this there were mansions, but now because everyone looks here for them all they see are divisions of mansions. So they can't find the mansions and worlds of love we all live in. It's not here. All that's here are the echoes of our voices and existence. Because everyone has distorted the view of loves actual appearance the reflections of that love has been distorted as well.
Where do you live?
He turned away from the windows of dimensions and in front of both us he reached out and opened a door that was a mirror which reflected all the other dimensions.
Through the door was a heart. Not bleeding just beating. The rhythm was peaceful and comforting. It resonated within all my cells in my body as a bell does. Vibrating to the core of my soul. I could feel the love flowing and growing as an ocean of blooming flowers.
I looked at Christ and said I can feel it!
He said of course because that's where feeling originates from. All the emotions everybody has are nothing but reminders for you to remember how to come back to your home.

Your opinions of your emotions are just your reminders for you not to think. Everybody puts to much importance on their emotions as if they need understanding.

The emotions are pure and from your heart which is your home. No explanation is needed and you release the emotions as if you would be releasing all your thoughts because of them covering up your love.

Christ was still young but looked wise and very experienced.

He said follow me, but instead he looked at me and then we both looked at the heart as it beat and as it's warmth and comfort grew within me the image before us changed instantly into a bright glowing flame that was brighter then light itself. It shone as a star gleams and twinkles in the sky. The beating turned into a symphony of music bringing such peace and beauty into my soul.
I looked at Christ and he pointed at the children laughing and playing.

I wasn't %100 sure but I could feel it was Buddha, Gandhi, Mary, and many masters and beings. Playing and laughing together.
I looked at Christ and he said the children are where the love is able to be free. We never grow old, that's apart of the distortion of everybody's perception out there.

As I looked around I saw how everything was beautiful here and it was just fragments out there of what existed here. I realized how the buildings we had out there didn't breathe or grow and in here they weren't constricted. They were free and the people were all young. Some were child like others were teens, but nothing older then about 18 age wise. But even age was confused because no one acted to serious. Everything was taken with ease and joy. Peace was an after thought because peace just was and everything was living from love.

The land had a vibrancy never experienced outside here. A life so full and everlasting that words fall short from the experience itself.

My body felt so much love it couldn't help, but to allow it to flow out into the world around me. As it flowed out the world added my personal love into the world. I heard it thank me and more feelings of peace and comfort overtook me. Art of the most beautiful kind appeared right in front of me without any action of mine except observing. Because I allowed it to flow into me and out it became one with me, so no action was needed. It knew all my heart's desires and dreams and they slowly began to grow all around me, each another world of imagination. A sprout of creativity growing into a tree of beauty and awe.

Christ now was as young as everyone else and I knew that I was the only one not changing my age yet. I asked why this was and Christ said because of the mystery.

The mystery?
Yes the mystery of God. Only God knows when and where things make sense and it only will make sense for the person who the mystery grabs a hold of.
What is the mystery for?
Christ laughed its for your heart to grow with love. As the mystery unfolds love unfolds and this is the mystery of life that everyone searches for. Compelled by, and lured toward. The sirens of your heart will call you forth with the echoes of synchronized images. Each image a an echo of your heart and the ones who love you. If you try to put a label on it, it then becomes known and the mystery is forgotten or hidden from remembering.
Why would it hide?
No you have it backwards you hide from it. All it knows is how to grow and where growth is free.
Knowing isn't growing , but learning is planting and joining is growing eternally. The mystery obviously still has more for you to grow into and love. Each one that joins the heart allows the outside to see its beautiful reflection. A true reflection of our eternal existence. Nothing can stop it. It's like mirrors trying to stop its own reflection by turning in another direction. Silly.

To be a mirror is something that is apart of the mystery and freeing love to be apart of your life.
A mirror of eternal love not of the distorted confusion that we travel around so confidently with. The mirror is only a mirror. The distortion is from our own confusion and blocking of the divine breathe of fresh love. Free love. True love. Mysterious love. God Love.

God is Love and Love is God that is the true mirror reflection.
Reflect the love you live as in peace and innocence.
You want to know purpose, but purpose is another word to confuse your love with. The mystery is the game you have been playing, but fooled yourself to believe it to be real. Love is the only game or mystery to solve and the only solution to this perceived game is love!!

I cried and am crying and still cry because of this beautiful gift that Christ shared with me. As I woke up I remembered the world, the masters, the angels, and all the beautiful creatures that lived in the land. I knew that land to be my true home. I know I live there even now and the game has more life and beauty now. I know now that Christ has transformed me. Transformed me into who and what I actually always have been. The transformation you see was never anything except me breaking out of the lies and delusions (Divided Illusions) I filled myself and my world with. I forgave myself for being so silly and taking this game to be so serious. I thanked myself, Christ, everyone in that land of love, and God for allowing me the gift of remembering. With the remembering comes the blooming flower of love and truth. Nothing but everlasting beauty and creation.

I thank Love and with that I thank God and I thank God and with that I thank Love
The true reflection that we shattered because of our own thoughts. I thank the thoughts for allowing creation, but I also remember that I don't own them, only flow and join them as the love grows into our own personal lives. Together we remember the love we live as and as children we are in awe of the beauty and masterpieces that are created from this truth.

God Bless you all and allow the transformation of Christ because you asked yourself for a reminder. Christ is something bigger then dogmas. Is not better or worse then religions or masters, but as the masters are so is Christ. Its a combination of all the love and wisdom that has ever existed in our world, but given to us with simplicity, elegance, genuineness, selflessness, compassion, and most importantly with childlike innocence.

Become a child again by remember who your child is and what your child loves.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Catholics and how pride stops our wisdoms awareness



Hmm. I'm sure many of you are sitting there asking how and why would this person discuss such a dogmatic and ignorant (in some peoples opinion) religion.


There is something that some may know and others haven't a clue. That is Catholics, True Catholics have their origin in seeking understanding of their faith. This means that you should question everything about your faith so you can fully understand it with clarity and experience. This is something even I myself was very ignorant of at some point.


This, many would say goes against everything many know about the church and Catholicism in general. However this is exactly what St. Augustine Bishop of Hippo preached. He was one of the trail blazers to bring philosophy of the Greeks into the religion. Even metaphysics wasn't far from his thoughts. Raised by christian and pagan parents he had little choice, but to soak it all up, whatever form knowledge took. Never did he forget nor erase his teachings that he learned along the way during his life, even with his faith. That in itself is courageous and pretty respectful.


What is fascinating about Catholics is that they have brought so much confusion and misinterpretations to the forefront that many people today look at it as if they were ignorant fools who speak from an unknowing and detached perspective from reality. This could be nothing further from the truth. 


If one were to take time and look into this religion they would find so much wisdom and experience that a spiritual person couldn't begin to dream of what they would be able to learn about the cosmos, spirit, life, God, history.


Now I am not saying this is the best religion to any degree. I actually feel that religion is no longer as important or possibly needed to have a genuine personal divine experience with the higher dimensions of consciousness and dimensions that are the many mansions mentioned so often in the texts.


What I am saying is if you would look at the Vatican as a modern day Library of Alexandria you would possibly come to an agreement that they do have so much information tucked away in their little treasure trove of lost and secret mysteries.  Think about the fact that they have libraries of ancient wisdom that are from the very people who wrote them. Actual and tangible artifacts of ancient truth. Art that we only have replicas of or have never been shown the light of day. Original scientific knowledge and experiments documented from the many builders of the foundation of what science is today. Music that immediately delivers a profound feeling of transcendence.  And to this day research that is current and daily forming from observation and studies of our cosmos. Anytime you hear about the Vatican you hear about original objects and anything that was important in human history.


Here is my hope and prayer

That the Vatican will make public what humanity holds to be important to our foundation as a human race. To reveal their secrets and drop the ignorant blocked walls of closure from the world and reality that needs it. I watched the TV show Curiosity yesterday with Stephen Hawking commentary. Its his show really. And in the beginning their are articles of how the Vatican was upset and angry with his opinion of Heaven not existing. This is the exact disservice I am talking about. How can you have people believe in faith and personal truth, when you discount and put down someone elses opinion? How can that person along their path and through their own experience be wrong? The answer? They can't. Everyone has a right and freedom to understanding the truth and how it works in their life. The people who believe in a higher aspect or divine principle that guides us are the ones who can help others experience that divine truth, by us being the example and sharing this experience we have had along our journey and remind them that everyone is worth something, everyone is connected deeply, and that light flickers within everyone whether you see it or not. If you see it then help another see the light that blazes courageously and without haste nor embarrassment. Show them the light that shines within themselves. Be the light so they can know its not so dark outside. Its only dark if you can't see your light. The light burns always though regardless of your forgetfulness.I wonder what the many religions of the world have as secrets that humanity could learn from develop and integrate into their own personal search toward a higher understanding of the source/universe/spirit/love/and their reconnection to the universe that hides within us all?

If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods and on facts which they themselves have learnt from experience and the light of reason? Reckless and incompetent expounders of Holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion. [1 Timothy 1.7]

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mirror Living Living the reflection of Peace and love that shines brightly within us all!

Reality is a mirror of the soul.

Our perception is our own making. If reality exists in perfection then we don't see reality correctly. Some do. If we have peace, then others are able to feel, connect, & think from and in this peace.

What's funny is if we all realized that peace is what clears our perception then we would instantly find peace. We would be in peace with everything. All the distractions, wants, desires become conflicts made from our own actions. Literally everything we do, think, say, becomes our own responsibility toward joy & peace. By recognizing this fact we understand, learn, and grow from taking on this responsibility.

By being aware of all these things taking place bringing peace & joy , the fights & conflicts, confusion & selfish needs become useless & silly. We learn our peace we create, creates peace throughout the universe & beyond. Wanting to share your opinion over another persons changes into wanting to listen to others more & you wanting to speak less, to learn your vast habitual habits & worries that you weren't aware of.
This helps us know what to pray for and who. The diligence & focus becomes powerfully gentle & everlastingly reaching & fruitful.

So you wanting to be someone who can save the world, becomes a journey of you saving yourself for the worlds benefit.
I hypothesis that one person with even a snippet of peace within can bring peace, love, understanding, & inspiration for the universe. Hinting at the concept of peace being truly within.

Without is the chaos that needs love, tenderness, consideration, respect, help, support, honesty, truth, justice, no conditions, acceptance, forgiveness, miracles, healing, wisdom, God, & each other to find true peace that is within & without.

Which becomes peace is always & all ways eternal & perfect & able to reach. For their is no effort accept seeing, living, feeling, and being that peace in the chaotic world around us.

Mirror Living
Living the reflection of Peace and love that shines brightly within us all!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MTV2's 120 Minutes with Matt Pinfield: Ep 1 - Watch Free Music Videos Online | MTV Hive

Check out this website I found at

120 minutes was MTV's way of showing the world what unique and creative bands there were to check out. Growing up I watched and learned from this show. There was no internet when this show was on the air. I repeat there was no internet when this was on the air. So looking for bands and learning who they were inspired by or finding out where you can buy there albums or even pinning down touring dates was very difficult. We have another shot and this time we have the internet. Same host and same format, this looks like it could be very promising for the current age.

MTV2's 120 Minutes with Matt Pinfield: Ep 1 - Watch Free Music Videos Online | MTV Hive

Check out this website I found at

120 minutes was MTV's way of showing the world what unique and creative bands there were to check out. Growing up I watched and learned from this show. There was no internet when this show was on the air. I repeat there was no internet when this was on the air. So looking for bands and learning who they were inspired by or finding out where you can buy there albums or even pinning down touring dates was very difficult. We have another shot and this time we have the internet. Same host and same format, this looks like it could be very promising for the current age.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial

My heart helped me realize something today when I thought about the trial.

It said the verdict was a reflection of how some people look at the world today.

It showed that we as people, in society still look out for ourselves before others.

This shows perfectly with this case.

The lawyers got further and further away from the child and more involved with

their opinions about the childs death.

Because life was not put first the death overshadowed her life instead.

Because Casey looked out for her benefit instead of anyone elses at whatever

cost, Jose helped. Because Jose just wanted to be known worldwide throughout human

history he took the case, not for Caylee or Casey or Justice or Truth.

This just became a chain reaction which left the jury in the same boat.

Was it possible they just wanted to go home and get it over with?

Was it because they didn't want the responsibility with being the ones to make

this person serve time? Was it because one juror had a cruise to catch today?

Was it because one juror doesn't judge? I don't know.

But why didn't they take 2 weeks to look over this evidence? Discuss like civil

human beings over a course of a month even.

Why come back in a day with an answer?

 Is it ADD flowing into our peers who overlook us in court?

If you were going to make a decision about

the rest of your life that could affect it in a positive or a negative way,

 would you take 1 day to make it?

If your answer is what I think it would be no. You would make sure that you

were looking out for yourself through every precaution you could take, so how

could it be anything but true that this jury looked out for themselves and not

anyone who needed to be looked after?

A reflection of what all of us do to each other. So I hope and Pray that everyone

will reflect on this case deeply. And continuously ask yourselves this one


Are you going to keep looking out for yourself instead of others who are

struggling and defenseless who need a voice?

I hope and Pray you will think about this for more than 1 day.

Friday, July 1, 2011 Environment | ASCII Code in Italian Crop Formation

2011 Italy Crop Circle Ode to Enki?

The Associated Press: Lightning Medicine: Rare white buffalo calf named

Lightning Medicine: Rare white buffalo calf named

By LINDA STEWART BALL, Associated Press – 1 day ago

GREENVILLE, Texas (AP) — Thousands of people came from miles around Wednesday to see and honor a legend in the flesh — the white buffalo born in a thunderstorm on a northeast Texas ranch.

The rare white buffalo calf, regarded as sacred by Lakota Sioux tradition, was honored with Native American prayers, religious songs and the solemn smoking of a pipe in a special naming and dedication ceremony at the Lakota Ranch in Greenville, about 50 miles northeast of Dallas.

Flag-flying patriotism, a steady Native American drum beat and scorching heat provided the backdrop for the spiritual event that drew about 2,000.

The calf was named Lightning Medicine Cloud — a reference to the thunderstorm that marked the arrival of his birth as well as a tribute to a white buffalo born in 1933 named Big Medicine.

According to Lakota Sioux tradition, Whope, the goddess of peace, once appeared in the form of a white buffalo calf. Some say the goddess will return once four such calves are born.

But whether the Greenville, Texas, calf was the third of its kind ever born or the first male in 150 years wasn't immediately clear.

But all agreed that the birth of such a calf was unusual and stressed that it was not an albino, given its dark nose, eyes and marking on the tip of its tail. Several who spoke at the ceremony said they considered it a blessing.

"He's the hope of all nations," said Arby Little Soldier, upon whose land the calf was born on May 12. "The red man, black man, white man and yellow man; we've all got to come together as one."

Unity and peace were major themes, as was respect for the environment and the notion that all living things are interdependent.

The white buffalo is an omen that signifies the arrival of hard times unless people learn to change their ways and live in a manner that benefits everyone, including Mother Earth, according to literature distributed at the entrance gate.

"It's the beginning of a new age, new times," said Samuel Joseph Lone Wolf, a Native American elder from Palestine, who played an important role in Wednesday's ceremony. "The birth of the white buffalo calf, it tells us we need to get right, not just with Mother Nature but with all nations and with the Creator, which is God."

Some tourists complained that it was difficult to see much of the ceremony unless one was on the front row. There were no bleachers or big screens upon which events were featured. One white woman, seemingly disappointed by the program's length beneath the hot sun: "I think they're going to keep going until all the pale faces faint."

But another said she was just grateful to be there.

Bonnie Greenwood said she and her husband live down the road and see the buffalo all the time as they drive by.

"We wanted to be sure to be here for this," said Greenwood, who sported a bright orange Buffalo bison T-shirt from her high school alma mater and brought their 9-year-old granddaughter from Oklahoma to also witness the ceremony.

After Little Soldier rode a horse around a corralled area and threw a lance into the ground, making the area as sacred, the crowds surged forward as the small herd of buffalo was let loose with the small white buffalo among them.

"He's beautiful," said Angela Hope, who drove up from San Antonio to pay homage. "He's a spiritual gift."

To commemorate the occasion, tourists could buy everything from Lightning Medicine Cloud T-shirts and caps, glossy photos of the white bison and even buffalo meat made from Lightning's darker relatives.

Arby Little Soldier and several other leaders are charged with caring for the calf. When Lightning Medicine Cloud turns 2, another ceremony will be held and other prophecies revealed, said Patricia Little Soldier, Arby's wife.

"When do you think you'll get another white buffalo?" 13-year-old Tristen Scott from Virginia asked Arby Little Soldier.

The calf's caretaker sighed as he patiently explained that the odds were against that happening any time soon. "What are your chances of winning the lottery?" Little Soldier said.

On the Net:

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

A Sign of World Peace and Unity

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Think With Your Heart


Feeling! The next Intelligence!

Hidden in a cave: First ever portrait of Jesus found in 1 of 70 ancient books? | Mail Online

BBC NEWS | Technology | Text reveals more ancient secrets


For as "foot" is ambiguous when applied to an animal and to a bed, so are "with feet" and "without feet". So by "in species" here [Aristotle] is saying "in formula".

For if it ever happens that the same name indicates the differentiae of genera that are different and not subordinate one to the other, they are at any rate not the same in formula.

New Uncontacted Group Confirmed in Brazil | Wired Science

The Brazilian government has confirmed the existence of a previously unknown group of so-called uncontacted people who have remained isolated from industrial society.

In April, the Brazilian government agency charged with protecting the country's indigenous tribes took aerial photographs of the group's Amazon dwellings. The photos were released June 22 by Survival International, an advocacy group for indigenous people.

Survival International research director Fiona Watson talked to about the photos.


The structure of the dwelling is very different from those seen in photographs of another uncontacted Amazon group that were released in February. Unlike those small, open dwellings, these are large and enclosed.

"Probably 20 or 30 people could fit in there," said Watson. "You can see smaller structures toward the back of the house. These could be areas for cooking, or storing things. I've been to indigenous villages where they have separate structures for keeping the large birds from which they pluck feathers to make arrows."

Image: Peetsa/Arquivo CGIIRC-Funai

Mirage or Parallel Universe

I Am Waiting For You To Recognize Yourself In Me

I am a star waiting for a constellation to fulfill my purpose.
I am a shaman waiting for your spirits to arise and teach me our destiny.
I am a circus looking for the ring leader to tame my wildness and calm my soul.
I am chaos waiting for life in harmony
I am a saint purposely walking a disastrous path waiting for God to take the controls.
I am the confusion that pushes us closer toward resolution
I am a speck in vast space spinning alone waiting for the family universe to dance along


Speak or Just Listen

So I stand around waiting for my throat to spill

My language on the table

The dialect is all wrong and I can't find the song

To bring back to Earth


There's the shallow end of the century

Waiting for discovery only to find It's

Already been discovered in time


To many To little

Follow True

Follow You


Pixels catching my vision

Sparkles fading my nutrition

Definite amounts of color radiating my senses

Terrible dimensions


Trouble you I dare to Trouble you

With what to do

With what you do


I am the lonely speck floating in the vastness of your sea

Searching for someone to finally let me be

Let us be

Are you there?

So much time to look through the pictures of humanity,

So little time spent with the love humanity gives.

I can't sit around for to long, might miss

What's been going on?

I haven't had the time to see my own face.

Been staring in my mirror interspace

To much action to take my attention

Toward time or affection

I stare blindly into the deep crystal hues

Looking to find me there inside of you

Will you remind me of who I am?

Would you define me as Hue-man?

If I could but take one glance in sight

I might witness the gift that dances before the blind

The trickling manifestation we beautifully show

Our new habitation for a love to begin to grow

I can't sit around for to long, might miss what's going on

Dedicated for all those who wrestle with attention spans and forgettance of patience

Love and GOd Bless

See the love that shines inside us all! Even you have a purpose!

YouTube - &#x202a;Björk - Crystalline (Full New 2011) + Lyrics&#x202c;&rlm

New Bjork 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Artificial Leaf used to harness energy

Artificial Leaf used to harness energy

YouTube - &#x202a;Puma Punku &quot;Tiahuanacu, Tiwanaku&quot; Ancient mystery&#x202c;&rlm

Before My Eyes

Before my eyes, I saw beauty in all different colors.

Before my eyes, there were galaxies of dizzying gold.

Before my eyes, I sat staring at the gleaming ocean.

Before my eyes, I felt the wind blow across my soul.

Before my eyes, the connection around me pulsed into fields of radiance.

Before my eyes, the skin I wore felt like home.

Before my eyes, I saw people living with strong devotion.

Before my eyes, music played and I could see their tones.

Before my eyes, I met my family speaking with ancient experience.

Before my eyes, I saw a beautiful sky as clear as glass.

Before my eyes, I saw the trees reach out for a connection.

Before my eyes, my breathe moved in colors and dimension.

Before my eyes, my love blossomed with the flowers and grass.

Befor my eyes opened,

I knew I was already awake.

Love and God Bless



No Circle is ever Closed we Walk ever in Spirals


Sunday, June 12, 2011

How To Find God Without Religion Or Science

How To Find God Without Religion Or Science

Does God exist? Is there proof of God's existence? Can the question of God’s existence truly be answered in a rational way? Read this blog and you will find the God you seek without religion or science.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

God Without Science or Religion

Some scientists believe that the final laws of nature (principles that do not need any explanation in terms of deeper principles) will give us the ultimate instructions (theory of everything) on understanding God and the universe. At best, we can only imagine the wholeness of the universe by reducing it with logical precepts into rational paradigms, which are in themselves, irrational processes. A mathematical theory of everything can predict nothing except the fact that we are reliant on the known laws of nature. Other scientists realize that some of these laws are more than mere coincidence, that there is an astonishing elegance built into the very core or structure of the universe that reflects a pattern that cannot be defined as entirely accidental. These scientists and others are starting to embrace the fact that a supernal-agency (god-factor) might be the only explanation for the results of their experiments. Although their calculations and observations are based on assumptions that go beyond the validity of the theories they are testing, some scientists have now started to replace the unknown factor(s) within their formulas with a god-factor that recognizes that certain types of matter and energy continually transform but are neither created nor lost or ultimately affected by time or space.

Not everything is the result of brute force. The whole subject of the beginning of all things is too profound for the human intellect to comprehend without including an unknown or god-factor. Today, science alone cannot understand the source of thought without including a god-factor within its formulas. This god-factor is present in every human life and experience. It provides the ability without restriction, to conceive all that is conceivable from the sensation of trying to intentionally or unintentionally reflect on this god-factor that is always in a perpetual state of underpinning human thought. The human mind in general, cannot focus on the god-factor without instinctively changing and shifting into a continual succession of seeking understanding. There are no exceptions.

An example of combining science and the god-factor can be demonstrated by how human beings arrived at the manifestation and use of the number one. The number one applies itself in a manner of degrees, more or less, to all existence, real or imagined, as the basis of all numbers. Numbers (with words associated to their identity and meaning) measure all that is measurable by placing in perspective a reality the human mind can comprehend. Anything outside of this framework is our only conceptual awareness or definition of infinity (a word without any numerical associations used to frame everything outside of space and time – the undiminished wholeness of flowing movement without boundaries – that which has nothing outside itself and therefore no limits within itself – the finite surpassing itself without any preset limit). The human mind in all its abilities to try to understand infinity can only expand upon a baseline of finite space, time, or numbers. Any attempt at reaching an understanding of infinity always ends the same way with one exception. The human mind must consider the god-factor when trying to comprehend or define infinity.

It is within reason to believe that space-time is derived from a deeper level of objective reality. Space-time in terms of the solar system, stars, galaxies and universe can only exist through understanding and accepting the source combination of thought and the number one as having a transcendent origin beyond science. Without this combination and understanding, space is the allusion of time, the ultimate metaphor between two conflicting points of expectation and human self-reference, making the universe an indefinable existence without degree.

It is understood by science that if any one of a dozen known constants should be altered by even a minuscule fraction it would not be possible for suns and planets to form let alone life to evolve. Therefore, the mathematics of science may have inadvertently stolen the god-factor from humanity by conditioning us to believe that numbers and calculations, without a god-factor, supersede nature. Without the inclusion of a god-factor within the mathematics of science, there is no way to define or regulate our ideas of truth. Our world would be nothing more than a maze of semantic mathematical nonsense. The statistical probability that organic structures (you and me) and the most precisely harmonized reactions that typify living organisms would be generated by random change in scientific terms is in fact zero. Every known mathematical system complex enough to include arithmetic contains fundamental constructs that cannot be proven true or false within their respective system. Science is not an effort that is free of philosophical assumptions. We must penetrate beyond the bounds of science into the realms of the metaphysical to comprehend the whole experience of life. True knowledge of anything demands that there is an understanding of the whole not just its parts.

As our sensory experience pursues the depths of reductionism, the minuteness of the physical world breaks down into an abstraction. The world becomes ambiguous in its plurality. The physical universe is not self-explanatory. Science by itself cannot fully satisfy our intellectual desire for understanding. We must accept the fact that the physical universe transcends the limits of its own reality. We should not limit our notion of reality only to those things we can currently understand nor should we deceive ourselves by thinking we can solve life’s mysteries by merely reducing them to overly simplified mathematical explanations. If we look only at the very rational order of the universe, we see that it points beyond itself towards a real-time self-existent agent (or an element in polar contrast with an element of pure form; or a unifying singularity; or an orderly unknowable) yet to be acknowledged by science. In the past there is a place, where the universe condenses into a singularity, a point of unimaginable density where the most ordered alpha state defined as the cosmic absolute, initiates an introduction to a god-factor. In the future, the cosmos moves through a cosmological expansion beyond time, into pure empty space where all comprehension of possibility becomes an absolute nothing. This absolute nothing is where our scientific understanding of the universe ends. The cycle beyond this logic can ultimately transcend the idea of ideas and essence of essences only within the embrace of an all-encompassing theory that includes a god-factor. Space has extensions, not dimensions. Time is change brought about by motion through space. Ultimate science begins only after a god-factor has been included within science.

Science and the god-factor are two elements of thought. Science expresses the knowable and the god-factor expresses the unknowable to science. The two must be symbiotic without contradiction to express the true power and scope of the universe. The universe is whole; nothing is added because nothing is left out. No matter how many degrees or levels of understanding there are in explaining the facts and laws of the universe, the degrees or levels will ultimately reach a limit where science must exit and a god-factor must enter. The human intellect can act on experience but not on that which exceeds experience. In its final stage, whatever cannot be known may be more revealing than that which is known. The cycle is never ending. The circle is never closed.

The finite in our mind can establish the infinite in our mind. The question of the infinite is only possible because an awareness of the infinite is present in the question of infinity. This awareness actually precedes the question and is a result of its presupposition. It demonstrates that our awareness of the infinite is included in our awareness of the finite. We live within a dimension of consciousness where no conceptual prisons exist. There is no need to separate from that, which was, is or shall be. We are and will always be one for we are awareness from intelligence guided by the wholeness of nature and consciousness. By becoming aware of each moment, we are able to know the depth and realness of our being.

We are living within the present moment of a single consciousness that is the living universe. However immense the universe may appear to us, it can only exist as we perceive it, even if this is beyond our current understanding of space-time and infinity. Better still, the larger we perceive the universe, the deeper and more fulfilled our consciousness will become because the mind is the full complement of the conscious whole through understanding its complexity and expanding relationships. From this point of view, the universe can be more personal without suffering any exaggeration.

Real life is finite life where the end is expected and the infinite is considered. As the physical world fails us and we move towards death, we must see past our finite being if we are to experience our fulfilled moment of knowing the extent of our universal involvement. The thought of infinity alone can direct our mind to experience its own limitless expansion, but it does not eliminate the finite. Infinity surpasses the unification of dissected moments of existential time into endless recurring cycles of temporality. Infinity is the finite surpassing itself without any preset limits. It is the undiminished wholeness of flowing movement without boundaries. It is that which has nothing outside itself and therefore no limits within itself.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I went to a Buddhist lecture today and boy is my mind peaceful! lol Sorry bad joke.

I went to see a Buddhist monk yesterday at Borders. I have been to a few different events concerning Buddhism so was expecting the norm. He said some things that really clicked for me.

 Compassion is the inner wish for others to have that inner peace and love that keeps us from suffering. True compassion is when we have an empathic feeling and relation to others going through travesties as we continue to hold on to that inner wish for those who don't.

Also we are not the delusions our mind shows us or thinks, that is false. And we actually are the divine sparks of love and light that we have to awaken to. 

He mentioned that Wisdom is greatly needed these days. You can not create wisdom from reading books and learning spiritual lessons. You can only grow wisdom from experiencing these lessons in daily practice in your life and sharing these truths with others.  Many people have knowledge, but very little have wisdom.

 We cannot just dive in and forgive everyone like a Jesus, instead we must overcome the small judgements and criticisms our mind often makes about others and events in front of us. I feel forgiving our self for these judgments and accusations could be a good start to help us not identify with the falseness we believe.

 He mentioned if we all woke up with that inner peace in us peace would be across the world.  Our mind is an ocean and the stresses and anxieties cause the waves and turbulence, however underneath the waves is our true existence with the divine, which is calm and still. 

Also by using TV we can better understand how important it is for everyone at this time to find that inner peace within. To live that inner peace every moment of the day and by doing that it helps others find that peace of mind and state in themselves.

Last imagination is key. If we just meditate or just imagine a world where everyone is living as their true perfection, in peace, unconditional love, and wisdom then we would help make this a reality.

The book is Modern Buddhism and its about modern times and how you can use steps to bring your mind back from the delusional state it wants to perpetuate.  He even said its not for Buddhists its for the common person in daily times.

God Bless and continue to let divinity shine from different paths we all need to take to remember our home and destiny.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Joseph Campbell



Joseph Campbell with the masks of God.

If you like or appreciate star wars in any way, shape, or form, then meet the inspiration, the man, the myth. lol.  This gentleman is what inspired Lucas to write his sagas. Joseph Campbell was the explorer of myths in reality and how they connected with our individual lives and divinity.  For a long time he didn't agree with Carl Jung, until later in life, when he admitted Carl was more correct then he perceived in his early explorations. Only through the vast experiences with different cultures and societies, could he see that the unconsciousness shapes and molds our daily lives and always have. So discover yourself within the many realms of myths and history, that we all lived and experienced many eons ago.


God bless and Enjoy!



Wakey Wakey to the art gallery of life!


The many facets of origins have made me consider our lives to be gifts that we should welcomely share with the world.  The glorious facets of unknown secrets and mysteries were discovered and purposely forgotten, so we could once again play hide and seek with the many pieces of the puzzle. 

Could we but open our eyes and wipe the cobwebs off our internal knowingness, then we could actually experience the diversity of paths that we continue to share and explore with each other.  Each person another beautiful masterpiece of art that we so willingly dissect and confuse to be our own. My portrait is not yours to paint, but yours to add your glorious perspective and dimension to.  If we could step back and observe all the different paintings that are displayed in the art gallery of life we could see the beauty inherit within all the various visions. 

We would say, I can understand the pain that artist went through when they used those colors and depictions of life.  I could see the joy this person used when creating the world that is displayed here. I can see the hatred that coursed through this artists broken heart and how they forget their divine spark, while the other artists kept painting their joy around him/her to remind them of their own divinity they forgot.

The truth is the the love thats used to paint the many paintings in the gallery, no matter how its depicted is still at the end of the day, love. Love in its fullness and unconditionality, to display its passions, desires, visions, & various experiences of being.  Love that is for-getting and not re-membered. If we were to re-member the connections within ourselves, we might then allow the love to generate its true vision without interfering with its clarity, by using human perception.

The truth of love is beyond our current vision, however we can see fragments of sparks that lie dormant and fully energized within each other. Won't you see your own spark of love? Won't you share this today with your family on the Earth?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dear God

Dear God,


It's hard to talk about you these days. It's easier if I use a different term it seems. The word God is seemingly outdated even though I feel it has depth and meaning through the vast emptiness that bombarded it. Regardless I can't seem to get peoples attention about the love that you share with everything.

No it seems, its easier if I come up with something witty and clever, that seems to bring an eye or two toward your life. So many seem scared and to intelligent to let their guard down with what they know is the only truth in their life's experience. They know because their is no possible way that someone else could understand what they went through. That's what they say anyway.  This is my life and yours has nothing to do with mine they claim. Isn't this insane? 

The connections between things are astounding. How the seeds become the trees and DNA that's inside us are even found in their leaves. That's not true they say, but the double helix and the four chemical blocks prove otherwise. We have consciousness they remind, but the consciousness we have is so closed off that we forget how to enjoy life.  I'm getting off topic.

God what I'm really trying to say is how can we all embark on this journey to better living with you? Each with our own personal way and expression, but doing it together?  Once again I feel if people would see the small miracles in their life, maybe they would feel more connected?  Or maybe if they weren't putting up so many walls with fear of showing vulnerability.  Right now I'm writing this without being concerned with how people will take it. Why? Because its an expression of how you guide me and allow me to share it with others. Expression of your love and trust.

Yes, I do know people will look at me like a freak, or fear that dogma has swallowed me whole.  Or they will say blasphemy because he believes in UFO's. Well I just know the experience and guidance you have shown me along the way and I couldn't just keep it to myself. However I would never impose it upon someone else.  So instead I blog it out. Let the vibrations & frequencies channel the wires of the spiritual grid.  Somehow some where it'll comfort some one. Even if only one person receives comfort from this, that would be a large blessing. Or if me blogging this helps people rethink their boundaries, that would be pretty amazing as well.

If nothing happens, well then I had a nice chat with you and you know that I'm with you 100% and I got to relieve some confusion. I may not have answers, but I have some comfort knowing that my vulnerability(Ego walls) are becoming quite thin.  I have you to thank for that. And I know that these people who rush around with agendas and deadlines don't have time for your miracles to enter their lives, because they choose otherwise. But that doesn't mean your love doesn't try to reach them almost like a whisper in the night or a fire that burns inside warming our iced heart with your light.

So I'll end this by saying I'll keep an eye out your gifted miracles and an ear to my heart, because that's where you show me and teach me my part. I look forward to sharing theses ideas with my family when they wake from their sleep. So many I miss, but I wait patiently with thee for all of us to dream awake.

LoVe AllWays


Monday, May 30, 2011

Meditation with Moldavite & Rose Quartz Merkabah



Meditation with left hand using both stones:

A Rose Quartz pyramid formed or revealed itself.  I was shown a book full of golden light and felt it was akashic records.

I was shown that the mayans learned the mathematics of nature & religious understandings of the world.  The mayans had such a strong & profound love that God blessed them with an understanding of all the cultures & religions through dreams. Then as a community they joined each other, shared & discussed these meanings that were brought to them. Each person would have a different message and by discussing and sharing they were able to understand the full message, various culture traditions, and wisdom of the sacred.  Through their love for each other and God's love for them they were given a gift with the ability to form a harmonic calendar that would help evolve humanity and the Earth herself.  They worked with energy through their hearts, minds, crystals, stars, & God's guidance.  They transcended death & because of this the calendar is still embedded strongly in humanity's evolutionary consciousness.  There was a star system that appeared and I feel it was the Pleiades. (Which is a system that they honored highly with their designs of the land & architecture.


Meditation with right hand using both stones:

Visual of rose quartz color pink & the green moldavite creating a cross using the two colors. Pink forming the one line and green the other. The colors then alternate.  Also show the moldavite stone was embedded in a chalice (Holy Grail). Swirls of energy that connected pyramid & the galaxy.  It was 3d like with rotation & all.  The lines were seen individually, to create the whole from far away. Similar to Bjorks new website.  Also something with the merkabah joining with a moldavite triangle or pyramid.  Strengthening & adding a dimension to the merkabah. Is that a dodecahedron or are my calculations off?


Ok so some interesting stuff, but whats your gut say about this?  Are these combination of ideas familiar to anyone?  As always share only what you feel drawn to & thanks & God bless to all that read and share any insight.


This song also played right after this. Lyrics are interesting.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Worldwide Waking

People all people around the globe
Over and over we go
To much to say so much time
For the flow to grow
Beg Beg
I Beg for you to see
See what the eyes need
It seems we have a head with eyes
That lie
Take back what has been wrongly identified
See through to the love that's electrified
Connect one to the next
Fly far and wide to find the collection
Of mental pictures that represent the creative longing
For the world we know is true
Doubt your perception, please, because I have a secret
Its the main dis-ease.
Keep moving, the life will surely find you and drag you to where you
Finally awake!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Does Consciousness Depend on the Brain?

Does Consciousness Depend on the Brain?

Truth is the only thing thats real

Humanity is reaching a unification in awareness.  This is not something to have a negative outlook on. Vis-a-vis (The Brave New World Syndrome). No, this is something entirely new to us & something that has always been for the many others. Let me explain. There is nothing new under the sun as so many say because the energy that creates us & gives us life is forever & fractal-ing ever after.  So that's not new to the many that know this already.  It is new to our perception that we live with now though.  Our perception has been faulty for what seems like an eternity.  Now is the first time we can examine the perception we make against billions of other perceptions the world makes.  The truth is beyond our current perception, so that is why more & more people will learn it.  It can't be stopped because it lives forever inside us all.  Now I know people are saying you are wacked out of your mind man.  Well I'm ok with your perception of me.  What you should ask yourself is why am I being so judgemental of someone in a world that is perceived as less than perfect? Meaning who can you say is perfect besides any person or thing existing beyond our current perception as a perfect example?  As in until we remember the perfectness we all live, only then will our perception look toward that and not the faults. But I digress, nobody's perfect including me. So my imperfection brings a different opinion. Different opinions bring an understanding of something from many different angles.  The examination of many different angles bring a stable truth.  A truth that has stability helps unify different cultures, people, religions, etc..  Hence a unified consciousness.  The recognizing of our wholeness given to us by something wiser, more loving, more understanding, more forgiving, & more creative than us as creators. This exists within the current perception we choose to live in.  So maybe it is something worth sharing.  The beyondness that exists inside us all.  Even you. If this is true (we will find this out for ourselves) then please continue sharing your truth because its the only thing that Real(ly) exists!

God Bless
