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Saturday, June 11, 2011

I went to a Buddhist lecture today and boy is my mind peaceful! lol Sorry bad joke.

I went to see a Buddhist monk yesterday at Borders. I have been to a few different events concerning Buddhism so was expecting the norm. He said some things that really clicked for me.

 Compassion is the inner wish for others to have that inner peace and love that keeps us from suffering. True compassion is when we have an empathic feeling and relation to others going through travesties as we continue to hold on to that inner wish for those who don't.

Also we are not the delusions our mind shows us or thinks, that is false. And we actually are the divine sparks of love and light that we have to awaken to. 

He mentioned that Wisdom is greatly needed these days. You can not create wisdom from reading books and learning spiritual lessons. You can only grow wisdom from experiencing these lessons in daily practice in your life and sharing these truths with others.  Many people have knowledge, but very little have wisdom.

 We cannot just dive in and forgive everyone like a Jesus, instead we must overcome the small judgements and criticisms our mind often makes about others and events in front of us. I feel forgiving our self for these judgments and accusations could be a good start to help us not identify with the falseness we believe.

 He mentioned if we all woke up with that inner peace in us peace would be across the world.  Our mind is an ocean and the stresses and anxieties cause the waves and turbulence, however underneath the waves is our true existence with the divine, which is calm and still. 

Also by using TV we can better understand how important it is for everyone at this time to find that inner peace within. To live that inner peace every moment of the day and by doing that it helps others find that peace of mind and state in themselves.

Last imagination is key. If we just meditate or just imagine a world where everyone is living as their true perfection, in peace, unconditional love, and wisdom then we would help make this a reality.

The book is Modern Buddhism and its about modern times and how you can use steps to bring your mind back from the delusional state it wants to perpetuate.  He even said its not for Buddhists its for the common person in daily times.

God Bless and continue to let divinity shine from different paths we all need to take to remember our home and destiny.

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