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Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Illusion of Proof

Today I thought again about how we believe we've come so far with civilization because of technology.
It's because of these new discoveries that we now know what makes an object exist. Exhibit A. A chair. If we zoom into a chair we find somethings inside. We call them atoms. But if we were to look for the chair inside the atom through a microscope we might be very disappointed with our findings.
We will instead only find more and more parts of the atom that is the chair. And no matter how much we want to experience the fullness of the chair when using all of our senses, the closest way we can do it is to touch it & feel it's structure whether with our hands or buttocks. But you'll never be able to sit on the chair within the atom unless you were an Ant Man which you'll find out sadly it's still an atom. And you sure as hell won't see an actual representation of a chair in the atom. Unless that's a new discovery that I haven't been updated on yet (If that's true then scratch this whole post).
This could also be a super interesting way to see how God works. If God is everything then I suppose if we zoomed in on God we would only see the trappings of what makes God. But what if our universe were the trappings? You, me, and the world that spins so easily around are all pieces of God. Then did we ever actually make a new discovery of any kind or did we just go in circles with learning the many different ways that we exist as God or how God exists as us through all things. What's funnier is that with all of these supposed new discoveries, we were given everything we could ever need to prove that God exists. And instead of searching for how, where, and what God exists as, we instead try to find evidence that proves things exist. It's amazing with how stubborn our race can be when it comes to life, society, and proof.
These are thoughts that play inside my head. Hope you enjoyed.
God Bless

Now here's something worth discovering in my opinion.
Proof (TNT) Official Trailer [HD] Jennifer Beals plays Dr. Carolyn Tyler, who has suffered the recent, devastating loss of her teenage son, the breakup of he...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

I'm Sick

I'm Sick

I'm sick of judgement.
I'm sick of rejections
I'm sick of excuses
I'm sick of labels
I'm sick of misconceptions
I'm sick of projections of fear
I'm sick of agendas
I'm sick of conflicting discussions
I'm sick of misunderstood approaches
I'm sick of bias
I"m sick of the pursuit of not listening
I'm sick of the disconnect
I'm sick of purposeful confusing dialogues
I'm sick of angered reactions
I'm sick of non-love
I'm sick of disrespect
I'm sick of disbelief
I'm sick of separateness
I'm sick of no conscience
I'm sick of heart being slandered
I'm sick of not talking
I'm sick of no one listening
I'm sick of painful substitutes
I'm sick of feeling-less individuals
I'm sick of blocked minds
I'm sick of programmed lies
I'm sick of forgotten justice
I'm sick of sickening creations
I'm sick of overlooked nameless saints
I'm sick of faithless ventures
I'm sick of spiritless foundations
I'm sick of self guaranteed emptiness
I'm sick of selfish needs
I'm sick of disagreements
I'm sick of being misunderstood

All of these things I'm sick of. So sick that I wrote about it for you to read. To read and hear my voiceless sound. To understand my painful contemplation when it comes to us.
Yes we are together in this. With this. Of this.
Together we can do something that brings heart to those not asking.
Bring truth for those who need a voice.
Tell someone that they are real.
This is real. This is what my love looks like.
Chaotic, frustrated, meaningful, and hopefully contagious.

God Bless


Friday, July 17, 2015

The long shadows of the disappearing truth. Part 1

The long shadows of the disappearing truth. Part 1
I know that technology is at the core of the glitch. What I can't come to an agreement within myself about is whether it's a blessing in disguise or it's a repressed memory embedded within our collective consciousness.
In other words.
Is the true purpose of technology to free us once and for all from living in our detached ways with one another or is it here only because it's locked into humanity's original purpose?
This is something that I can't shake over the last few days. The repetition of robots and technology in the mainstream media over the past few decades is curious to say the least. Many people say many different reasons for why this might be, but all of them only touch the surface of something that underlies all those reasons. Some reasons which are superficial "It's cool!" to reasons that lean toward educational such as "We have evolved".
There are other reasons as well that support technology but leave us overall without ever giving us a good reason for technologies importance. That at the moment.... I don't have a good enough example of because I myself do support technology for reasons such as mentioned in this paragraph itself.
However I do also know that obsession over technology, is not allowing us to balance our lives properly enough to make decisions for ourselves, remember important dates, information, numbers using our own thinking muscle, and alleviates any reason for spirituality to have any sort of importance when it comes to technology. In fact more often then not it gives us a green light when it comes to self serving principles which spearhead new fresh ideas about how God is no longer worth searching for compared to a God particle.
Strange isn't it? I thankfully have been given a podium with a microphone to use to help bring my ideas and spiritual guidance (if it can even be called that) to people such as yourself. The catch is who doesn't have this podium with a microphone? And there you have it. Everyone has this capability. So I guess my next question is where is difference now? What makes a person unique? I mean if we're all using the microphone that means we're all (even if it's only fractional} a little similar. There's no denying that.
Sure technology has given us advances, cures, capabilities we never had, a reach to things we never could have reached, an inundated amount of ideas anyone could surf, a collective grouping of people who were outcasts becoming normal while the normal groupings become more and more outcast-ed.
But I stand firm that we need balance. We need a little personal one on one time with people. Technology was only supposed to support our society not control it or us. Did we forget this? While I'm typing away someone somewhere is possibly reading a post while on their phone driving to a city with their satellite radio on while their driving companions are all on ipads, ipods, or iphones. The I's have it! Don't they? It's all I these days and no us, but we can change it and fortunately we are.
Even if that change is being done through a boring post about technology and the meaning behind it's purpose.
At least I'm sharing the idea with you instead of keeping it all for I-self.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mercury Retrograde and the Reboot

Mercury Retrograde May 18-June 12 2015

The retrograde has come and gone, but a trail of turns and bends are what was left behind it. It was and has been a life awakening event. Whether you believe in this phenomena or not is completely up to you. But I hope that through my story from personal experience it may open your heart and mind to see that things aren't always as they appear.

This may be for a very good reason.......

It started. I didn't even know it was going to happen until it was already happening. I had no time to prepare. No time to batten down the hatches and/or what not. Because it was too late. Mercury was in retrograde and in retrospect I should've known how important we needed it to do so.

The text I received was sent to me with a link to an explanation of what we should expect from it. A few key points was highlighted strongly while other aspects seemed mild at best. I'll summarize the main highlights so not to get off point.

Highlight 1) The past will be revisited. Start or restart unfinished projects.
Highlight 2) There will be miscommunication especially through text, voicemail, and email.
Highlight 3) Computers, phones, cars, and most devices will have bad connections and some won't work.

Ok so now I knew what I was in for, but of course I knew not to freak out. Instead I took the observer approach toward any future events that came my way during the event. Thank God I did. If I hadn't I think I would have been cursing the stars!

It was only shortly after I read this that I began my transformation into full observer. It all seemed to happen so quickly with this subtle transition.
First it was some mishaps with my voicemail from people I needed to get in touch with. A sprinkle of an email here and there. Then came complaints from family and friends. This is where it got really interesting. Two people close to me in the family had to literally buy new devices. One was a computer which out of nowhere stopped working completely after an update. The other was constant issues with various usage alerts on the phones.
Finally the one phone was upgraded which we came to find out that it had some type of issue with the mainframe. Yep had to return that and got a newer one. Even I had an issue which was straight up bizarre that my friend while we were texting back and forth in conversation (if you can call it that) suddenly received an entire message that I never sent/typed yet it still was in line with the topic we were discussing. Bizzarrre!

 Let's not forget the few times I was driving while conversing via speaker and the call just completely disconnected which doesn't happen very often for me at least.

For me (An observer) it was utterly fascinating. But then it spread to people I worked with. One after another I would hear whispers of complaints about emails being misinterpreted and phones not working correctly.

Ok I know you're probably like "Yeah that happens. Not a big eye opener for me. I need something else to prove this whole silly retrograde phenomena has any substantial truth to it!" I hear ya. Trust me I do. No need to get angry at me. I'll move on.

Now with the retrograde there is the possibility of the past coming back. Welcome back past!
That's exactly what happened. First it was a long time haven't talked to for reasons I won't mention friend. That was strange.

Then there was the time I was praying about what and how to make my purpose a part of my life. Next day I hear from another group of people I haven't heard from in at least 2 years. Getting stranger. Then while walking around the local area on various days I run into people associated with the family of which I haven't seen or talked to in many years. Again strange.

 My family runs into people that I know that I haven't talked or seen in years as well. Good God! What's going on?
Now enter people I know that don't know anything about retrograde, spirituality, universal consciousness, etc.... It seemed that during this thriving time of the past, people were just bubbling with the need to talk about and reminisce about the past. What's funnier is that I never mentioned anything about this phenomena and yet they felt so compelled to just spill their past memories with me and anyone else around.

No matter how I tried to slice it the evidence was just adding up more and more. Then my close friends starting hearing from people they haven't talked nor seen in decades.
All in the same month? That just doesn't seem probable.

I started to realize something as an observer. I realized that maybe this event was something so important that if I wasn't an observer it would completely pass me by. What I felt strongly was that this was our time to get it right! If we were going to revisit the past I presumed, maybe it was for us to heal some old beaten and battered wounds that had been left open for far too long. This seemed to be right on the money. It was soon after I came to this conclusion that things started becoming a lot more clearer. I could see the momentum of this phenomena and I could see that there was something beyond proper explanation happening to us as a whole race.

There was a glitch in the system and it was making itself  known to anyone watching closely during this universal event.

As an observer simply taking everything in around me I wanted to get a full scope of how far this whole retrograde went. I started looking into current events and the evidence seemed to be seeking me out this time.

Three Patriot Act provisions were going to expire and from what I read they did. And after they did there was something new attached to an old fossilized procedure. NSA now needed a warrant from the Federal Court to have civilians data. Damn! Talk about blast from the past!

Next up for me was the show Halt & Catch Fire which premiered around the same time that a mother recycled their old vintage apple computer worth 100,000 dollars. Just fascinating.

Tomorrowland debuted on May 22 which has everything to do with the past and revisiting it. It's called Tomorrowland for God's sakes!
Speaking of movies from the past-

Mad Max Fury Road-May 15
Poltergeist-May 22
Entourage-June 5
Jurassic World-June 12

How about TV?
Aquarius-June 4th
Halt & Catch Fire-May 31
Girl meets World-May 11
Are you smarter than a sixth grader is back?-May 26

I just thought it might help people if they saw how many different things were premiering during this retrograde event. It's just an interesting fact is all.

Finally I decided to take matters into my own hands and I wanted to explore a little bit more with what this glitch was exactly. Could the retrograde be another way of showing that our universe was rebooting time? What a concept right? There's no way to really know if that's true, but I knew that if I couldn't prove that time was rebooted, I could definitely try to uncover what the glitch was at the very least.

So that's exactly what I tried to do. But before I got to work I needed one more detail that someone from my past had to share with me. Seeing the glitches live and in real time. That's exactly what was given to me. An example, a personal encounter with the glitchtym. If it weren't for this individual I don't believe that I would have had enough pieces to help me uncover what the glitch was.

Thankfully the retrograde made sure that the past would not just exist as a memory, but I and it would once again revisit one another to help get things right. To help wake up the world!

Introducing the data page. Evidence to show the real from the unreal. To help us all uncover the glitch so that we can free ourselves from the illusion. I built this page just before I went to see Tomorrowland in the theater which made the experience all the more wild and exciting. I built it in hope that you along with me would share your own experiences, evidence, and beliefs of how we can unveil the glitch to the world!

Please help us find the glitch in the system so we will never have to reboot again,


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Book of Truth

Book of Truth
Book of Love

“What is the Book of Truth?” the young boy asks his mother.
“The book of truth? Oh that is what I’ve read to you since you were only a baby my dear” Mother smiles gently at her boy.
“I know that mom! I mean but what is it? Who wrote it? Where did it come from?” The boy grew anxious because he had a deep yearning to find answers to all things that inspired him.
The mother carefully looked at her impatient son. “No one knows where it came from or who wrote it. The only thing that comes close to answering these questions is that it never didn’t exist. It was always there just as the light burning embers glowing from up within the darkened heavens. Does that help?”
He wasn’t happy. He expected a better answer. Something more deserving than just another guess. “I guess mom. But how can something never not have existed? That seems impossible right? I didn’t know those lights in the sky always existed? I thought spirit brought them through love? Didn’t it?”
“Son, the Spirit Laws are more complicated than the Book of Truth, but funny enough those same laws are contained within the Book of Truth. It’s a strange mystery. To answer your question, yes from love came spirit and from spirit came the Book of Truth and from the Book of Truth came everything.”

“Ohhhhhhhhh” something clicked with this last answer for the young boy. If he was built of metal the gears and levers could have been seen moving perfectly with precision. He wasn’t done interrogating his mother though.

“Do you believe that true love is real mom? Do you believe that is really all we’re here to do?”

Saturday, April 25, 2015

4/11/15 Compassion Report

Compassion Report

When asked to write about compassion, there is one person that comes to mind more than any other person.  Since I met David almost 4 years ago, we shared a bond that was given to us by the spirit and from the very first day, I fell in love with his kindness.  There have been a handful of people in my lifetime who have bent over backwards for me, but none like him.  Id like to tell you what compassion means to me, through the eyes of my relationship with a near perfect man, David Dirkhising.  The kind of man of which we all wish more existed.  Since I can assure you that his talent can not be summed up in this short summary of our life together, Id like to focus on one example of who he is specifically.

            No matter what my needs are, David puts them ahead of his own.  He lets me stay at home, because that's what I need.  I always get to pick out the movies, shows, what we eat for dinner, even though I would happily let him choose.  Like the good partner he is, the man listens to me complain yet never puts me down or says anything critical.  His dedication at work to support us both is inspirational, even life giving, a vehicle for his tireless dedication to our larger goals.  He is wonderful, even when I am not.  And these statements don't cover a fraction of what he does for me every single day.  To me, Davids selfless attitude is a perfect example of what compassion should be.

This is the first of many more reports from the front line observer who will be experiencing these events first hand, live, and through their flesh and blood.

Remember everyone that we are Human's first.

God Bless

Monday, April 20, 2015

Human Again Chapter 10 Contemplation of the Human Process

Human Again Chapter 10
Contemplation of the Human Process

It’s now or never before we’ll know what this spell of writing has been all about. Humanity has reached a precipice of forgetting their purpose, their roles, their destiny, and their heart within the all. With a careful reflection upon the ventures we tread there lies waiting for each of us a crystalized truth of what life really means. Hidden in the facades we carelessly display, projections of emotional turmoil work their way to the surface to show us through another face. The many faces and the many masks we use to conceal the true essence of our living soul allows it to silently play in the background of our life’s story. An untold phenomena in which each of us are take part in and where each individual is has its place within the tale we are living right now.
To be human now is the vast request of the whole of the world without even so much as a whisper from them to make it known. Our programmed natural response to these various notions is to keep your mouth shut and keep your heart closed so as not to make too many sounds which could wake the sleepers waiting. Waiting for the feeling of life to come barreling through their doors begging them to take part in. The adventure to meet them headway while cruising down a narrow road while traveling to the local deli. A meeting with the divine while surfing the long wide web of electrified knowledge. We’re all still waiting to be born into a soup of boiling truth, while carefully being stirred by the weak hand of observance. For me there’s a boiling spirit churning unnoticed within the recipe of the unknown. A proof that needs nor deserves proving. An evidential fact that asks not for evidence. A feeling that creates itself endlessly while simultaneously moving inside each of our own bodies. This is the puzzle piece in which has come to be known to all humans as the heart, beating the love into our bodies and through our lungs. Love isn’t a lonely word, but in fact the true word of all life that continues to be. Regardless of our self-will, self-projections, and the chaotic mechanisms each of them use.
            This was an experiment. An experiment that I feel captured one of the deepest measures of what being a human is all about.  Writing is becoming lost to the fathoms of glowing vessels strewn about leisurely throughout the globe. Day by day each of our electronic gizmos continue to self-perpetuate their never ending  lives by allowing us the pleasure and honor to use them to our own devices, just as long as they are in control of their controllers. You might believe this to be an embellishment of my own perception, but it’s nothing less than an eagle eyed focus on the core of what has become a continuing process involving humanity. There are reasons to believe that with this outer reflection we can finally discover where and when our curiosity took the driver’s seat while our heart became the passenger barely tagging along for the ride. What pray does this mean when considering the notion of writing as something more than just a past time play? While all the various meanings become plastered across the globe for all too see they inconspicuously remain hidden behind the distracting wants and pleasures in which we all take so much enjoyment in. Thus leaving the written word begging for a home to live and grow in. That home is and has always been the heart and specifically the heart that glows so boldly without a sound that our society ear couldn’t hear, the one in which bodies use daily to live and frequent their life with. That being is the human.

            The truth is there if you want it. The truth is hidden if you believe it to be. The truth is what you make it if you’re not being honest. The truth is loud if you are quiet and silent if you are too loud. The truth builds lives and creates possibility. The truth vanquishes the pain from the suffering. The truth is hidden in plain sight if you look to far while easy to find if you aren’t looking anywhere at all. The truth is within the writing of your own soul and if you dare recognize that truth then you’ll start writing until you’re finally whole. You’ll start writing down your thoughts and your dreams and you’ll find that reality is not at all what it seems. You may see the writing on the walls or the beckoning letter calls. You may hear the words find you where we all do meet. Or you may instead find yourself listening to the stories from the people you meet. You could find yourself texting the ideas to your web or translating your messages being beamed to your head. Maybe you can see your thoughts that live in the memories you carry and even the millions of perspectives your conscious helped bury. Endless amounts of reasons for you yourself to write. Start now, start here, start today! The truth has been waiting so adamantly to find you and if you give truth just a few moments of your valued attention you will find that each learned writing lesson had a pearl of wisdom holding all the meaning your dear heart could have ever desired.

            Being human is needed now more than ever. To be a truthful spirit one must be a believer that truth will always deliver. The heart knows no bounds and has no wants that it doesn’t experience already. Each heart plays the biggest part within the entire story of life forever. You’ve made it this far and for that I have been given the greatest treasure. To bring the words from heart to mouth to fingers to letters. The purpose of this blurb is to bring words back into place. They were being forgotten and hadn’t the space to bring the truth to the outer most reaches of inner space. Writing may be a forgotten mystery but I believe that what you have to write just adds more truth to our shared history. Some may say mirror you don’t realize what you say. The spirit that brings the words to you is a shared understanding that is destined truth. Will you follow the trail of letters bringing you down a passage or to new paths? This isn’t a fantastic notion, but a hurried fact. You’ll recognize its beauty once we’re all back on track.
This is phase ten of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

(A letter about compassion) The Introduction to becoming a Human

(A letter about compassion)
The Introduction to becoming a Human

Dear fellow reader,

It’s come to my attention that the more we spout off about compassion through the various channels of communication the less it’s taken seriously as a super power. It’s shameful as race of “civilized beings” can’t see the rewards that are warranted them if more than just a few individuals would take such a stance toward life, their family, and the universe. For thousands of years and possibly even centuries beyond that the gift of compassion has served magnificently when it came to beings who endlessly suffer. But given the new approach that I’m continuously being briefed on about when it comes to “modern” perceptions of such innocent childlike actions, there has been deemed no room at all to squeeze between the ego’s and greed to allow such beauty to transpire through the collective whole.

I regretfully have to inform those who believe in such nonsensical perspectives and graciously give my saddest of apologies for their soul has been quietly shut out of their body. And with such drastic tactics we beings who have been observing such practices have decided to use a different approach. So that they too won’t, can’t, and shall never be dubbed useless again.

For argument sake let’s discuss person 1. That is what we will call this being.

Person 1 goes through their life as does all of you said HUMAN beings. But a few things distances this person from the survivalist mentality that you have all conjured into your beings labeled as INSTINCTS. Person 1 does not exhibit the egotistic notions of various hidden plans with sleight of hand agendas being quietly discussed in back rooms with dirty money being propagated to those who are deemed worthy by said peers. No person 1 just simply uses its head to look the other way without judgement, without complaints, while quietly sharing with those who are interested plans of another way.

Next you can see Person 1 going about their business doing good deeds out of the sheer feeling of driving them to do so because they feel that it’s needed more than anything else in the world. While vultures of multiple communities shout at one another while feeding off any information they can find to help only themselves move forward and with a hope that all the other’s not playing along will eventually become forgotten about. And eventually left behind. Instead of sharing these animals choose the way of self propelling their own lives without any help they stomp on anyone that gets in their way.

The last example I will recall about Person 1 is that even after said person experiences these types of drastic attention grabbing accounts of insecurity in which each of these human animals proudly exhibit, Person 1 continues with their life with smile upon their face, a warmth in their heart, and of course, of course while opening the door metaphorically as well as physically for any of these groups of hungry feeding frenzies to vent their frustrations to Person 1. While Person 1 gives them the respect, care, love, and energy to help these misguided beings come back to the beings they truly are.

These are simple examples of daily life for people who fit in the Person 1 scenario. This example isn't taken any of their other sufferings, challenges, and sadness into account. Because though one’s can strive toward compassion it takes nothing away from their born humanity. They are not regardless of what the masses may believe these beings that exist in perpetual bliss while pain and suffering circle them about. They are just not allowing their essence to be pulled fully into said pain. Rather they move steadily move through the pain without allowing any attachment to the suffering that goes along with it. It certainly does not make them less human in fact I believe it increases their ability to become fully human instead. To withstand all that’s thrown at you with a smile is what I firmly believe a human being for they understand the truth that you are nothing less than brother/sister of theirs and love for that person will be the first thing exhibited at all times.

This is only an introduction to what will be a story of Person 1’s experience when it came to becoming a full human being. Join me as we go through this beings experience on a place called Planet Earth. Share this beings triumphs and failures, challenges and sadness as he crosses the threshold of life to become what the being was always born to be.

Along with this there will be multiple reports about people doing amazing things currently from this year 2015 and on. They are shared in hope that they will inspire others along their journey's to help bring compassion back into the world regardless of the challenges and pain we each are personally experiencing.

God Bless


Friday, April 10, 2015

Divine the nine Regulating our Actions to be Heart Attuned

Divine the nine
Regulating our Actions to be Heart Attuned

Its fine they say. Just another number we forgot to notice today. A statistic fumbling into the laps of nonsense plenty. Without such dis cordination we couldn’t travel through the nation. We couldn’t get enough stock for what we sell and who would tell anyone anything, but those who are looked over.  And looked over quite well. The trick was to pick the side and then align with the highest giver of what we wanted. Once we found a big enough crowd we continued to grow the slumber. As long as they took no interest or care into what we provided and we did what we dared. We could cruise on without any hitch to bring us utterly close to the deepest and darkest or just the plain rich. It isn’t counter to bring our course in another direction from what our goal originally started moving toward whether it was moving away from pain, divinity, illusion, or their source. There isn’t a time that I can divine when such plainly simple gestures floated among the known. The holly ever after has finally been given over to the difficult depictions of where the light has always shown. But low and behold the knowing and the know-nots for they are at once and never again profoundly mis-sold. Truth be shown that if you were to follow up on the ones who’ve been forgotten you would find yourself suddenly being forgotten because of everything they had unveiled. Because once you uncover all that is true you won’t remember who you were before or why you were doing what you do. And this matters not as much as what matters all around you. Popping up here and disappearing there. There isn’t much to it all except the gracious gratuitous fall from a very high stature. What other option would such matters incline themselves to bring? While the mad artists wait so desperately to sing! There unusual hymns for the ones who don’t know and quite sadly those still don’t ask to know, the ins and the outs of how many directions we all seem to go. Isn’t it the glorious tapestry of divining which brings our hearts and souls toward pining for the very spirit that grows and sews our weaving integrity into the all-around never ending musical? While flowing and sharing it does nothing less but move us together into the rhythms where each and every one of us become the utmost of caring. Nine isn’t so lost as many numerals often are. It’s certainly not as soft as it lends us a preview of all the rest of the numbers which will soon come barreling through. It’s simply an access point of unity which silently lives inside me and in all ways you!

With that a humbleness should be afforded for all the racket and noise that I’ve escorted to the halls of understanding. For if I hadn’t then all that would remain living loudly in our brain would be the various accusatory lies which no one would want recorded. The chatters and chimes singing their lives into every minute step of once again yours and mine. Live on I say and you’ll know the day when everything round straightens into the path of middleness so dear have patience. It’ll be here yesterday if you keep looking into tomorrow so please don’t go astray. Wait now and know now that yesterday is but a thought away while tomorrow will forever be forever non. Thus we shall move on into the twilight of our new century’s rebirth with a gladness we no longer can remove. From this a church of spiritual truth will continue on behind the scenes singing with solitude. That is the imagining of the spirits true love. A reality that all of us are one and different and in return we become the one that used to exist only up above into the true shining essence of our united, dare I believe connected existence as love.

In case you haven’t understood. The numbers will bring you closer than you might have thought they should. They’ll appear when you’re not looking, in the vast arrays of frequency we call air, or under the pulsing waves with double the care. An anointing of fresh displays of true blossoms will you find sprawled from there to now. Within the crisp glow and life extensions of anyhow. Follow the expressions the numbers give to your life and you’ll not only remember their meanings, but you’ll remember how you were always supposed to live your life!

This is phase nine of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Chapter 8 to Infinity Birth of Rebirth

Chapter 8 to Infinity We Go
Birth of Rebirth

Is it a cause to be questioned that what certainly should be the very next step that we breathe is a rebirth after moving through the death of what we ought not to become ever again. Though residual trappings of our past behavior which can be easily triggered by memories of things we buried using a purposeful motive to keep ourselves from back sliding into the first and worst aspects of our own deeper selves, they may continue to remain as nothing less than a background screen of puzzle pieces slammed together in a variable disarray and can continue to be the distasteful distraction we know they aim to be. It’s with great disciplinary actions grounded by the soul in which each of us I know have glowing through our heart radiating spiritual projected visions of where we are to go next. Not everyone has the clear eye or eyes to depict how this very notion of being something beyond our skin and brain can be experienced. This is only because one has to believe in the truth of oneself before their true eyes can see the source of all one needs. One must believe that the images of being become something deceptive to our own mind, body, and control. This is nothing more than a tally of what other people’s actions acting with a self willed desire that is neither connective nor is it used for a simplified order. A mere reflection of distracting desires begging for our focus to begin that which has no order or need to begin. To work on something that has no spirit of life embedded into its life force in which it uses to be. For is it not factual or fancy that every creature living, every natural artifact made from mother earth, and even the light glowing from the screens looking into your body has an electric energetic pulse of vibrating frequency coursing through it? And even with such truthful, verifiable, & self evident purpose we decide to look within and outside of this energetic confluence to discover something that is nothing less than a part of the whole instead of seeing what, where, when, and how the source of it’s frequency has come into our world. The shambles of discombobulated willful actions has been thoroughly projected throughout the world and possibly through the infinite cosmos itself, but woe is the person who validates such perpetual truth. Except be it the one who knows the heart is more of a necessity then the mind of thousands or millions of neurotic bringers of things that we need not.

Alas this is a subject of birth into rebirth and for such a topic to be tackled one must look outside the daily mind review of what’s happening out there to find the true discovering habits waiting to be engaged with. If one can’t see how the old paradigm of good vs bad has been played infinitely as if a broken record left on repeat then one can’t see the peace in which each of us are designed by our very spirit to reveal to the infinite itself. If we are living in the universe of forever than one might have a need to reexamine how such a universe ties itself into the neurologic connection between one another’s shared collective psyche. This multifaceted organism pulsing energetic ideas into the connected ether could very well be used to reshape the way one another look at each other. As something more whole then isolated individuals separated by time and space which can only be connected through the deception of disconnection.

 The collective psyche is you and I. We are it. It is shared with you as it is shared with me. The façade is to prove and display that it is vastly different then what we feel it is. For if we were to study our feeling toward the collective psyche using a piercing focus we would find that underneath the textured surface of the illusion is the liquid infinite truth pulsing, resonating, and vibrating with us and as us instead of just through us. What does this mean exactly? It shows us that the call to know what is about life is something deeper and only if we give ourselves those fleeting moments to reflect on, the same ones we believe are purposeless, we would discover new entire worlds of feeling proving everything we think we know and believe, may have less to do with the truth and more to do with everything that is a distracting portrayal of what is true. This might anger you. It may confuse you. But this is where the digging begins. Especially when the majority of the populace on the face of this planet have only moments to give toward deep complex truths and philosophies that have an essence all to themselves. Please understand that to form a relationship with people and things takes little time, little action, and little contact with them compared to the vast amount of energy, effort, will power, discipline, and focus that is and will be needed when trying to scratch just the surface of truth. So having no intentions to complicate the complexity that you are searching for, regardless if you are aware of it or not, I have compiled a mile long or less of my thoughts that transfer through the atmosphere of this world. Using the same space and using the same time that each of us share while journeying with our lives. It’s this meaning that gives us a better understanding to why such lengths are certain to always be taken when it comes to discoveries that have inherited value to societal populaces who are still asking the questions that they already know the answers to. There is another path. The one that isn’t shining in front of your own two eyes nor the one that secretly betrays all the external representations of the other path. It’s in the middle. Just as the third eye is in the middle of your head. The middle path is one in which multiple carriers of truth through histories life have offered us in one way or another. Yet because the paths that gleam and blind us are more attractive to our wills greed we get lost again and again. And because the other path expresses its distaste with our hearts wisdom it works at vanquishing this type of spirit by fully using all and any section of the physical body to keep us trapped and content. But trust that the spirit is the only thing that fully gives us the feeling of freedom. Spirit alone brings peace to our soul and through this peace the spirit grows larger freeing all that needs to be freed from both paths while it continues moving onward forever as the center.
Now the birth of rebirth has come fully into being. And you now become that same everlasting being. As you move on with your life living from the center you become gifted the ability to free all that roams around you whether they believe it possible or not. From the rebirth you are now born to give life to miracles while the miracles themselves give us life along with giving those who are now being freed new life as well. This continues to occur over and over again.  Time becomes least of any individuals needs except when bringing a miracle to fruition and space turns in on itself as we become time forever within the miracle itself. Feel and know. Know and you will feel what is true. There’s no other experience except what you feel. And if you feel and perceive the experience itself the truth becomes overturned immediately by your will without having any fault fall on any individual. But to use true observation while allowing the experience to share its own story with us we become instead channels or participants of both the experience and truth. Now it’s time to seek that which we no longer remember. And to remember that which we no longer seek. There we find everything we ever needed and desired living within the love we all so desperately wanted.

This is phase eight of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dream Experiment Update Hadron Collider and Me

Dream Experiment Update Hadron Collider and Me

Recently I've been sharing my experiences with Synchronicity and/or dreams. As always my dreams seem to allude me and it's getting to be a big time bummer. However my synchronicity experience rate has gone through the roof. Here are the updates so far.



I watch the documentary on History channel called Proving God which is just below these letters :)

During the film they talk about the Hadron Collider. Which is quite a fascinating feat of technology and human innovation if I may say so.
I noticed from the corner of my eye the different names of some of the detectors.
Atlas and Alice were two that stood out to me. It got me thinking. HMMMMM.
Could Alice be named after Alice from Wonderland?
I couldn't find conclusive evidence to support this theory however I thought next about how Lewis Carroll had an alias.
This alias was the one where he was an astute mathematician. One of his theories is called “A New Theory of Parallels”
Given the most recent announcement from CERN about the Hadron Collider I had to find this to be quite interesting and hilarious. Almost as bizarre as Wonderland thinkers!

On my FBook a person commented about a looking glass particle. I haven't looked into it yet, but I'm sure it's looking into me as we speak :) See below !

On the way to work after reading this the following events transpire.

IPOD Touch 1000 random songs chooses

Kenna-song HellBent
Tool- song Reflection
Arcade Fire- song Sprawl Mountains Beyond Mountains

The next morning my other half tells me the dream she had. It was alicish in nature. This reality merged back and forth with the wonderland world. Both worlds kept switching back and forth.

In the French Alps a plane crashed 1 kilometer away from where another plane crashed 35 years ago. Both crashes coincidentally were near the Hadron Collider.

Fun Facts
Most recent Once Upon a Time Episode mentioned wonderland
Through the Looking Glass the sequel to the Alice in Wonderland movie with Johnny Depp is currently being filmed.
Hadron Collider should be starting up to get warmed up for Summer this Friday.

Lastly after noticing all these big big synchronicities a few small ones happened to me personally in the background.
R.E.M. the band has played more times than I can count over the past week. 3 times just today (2 on my Ipod touch and 1 at work).
R.E.M. stands for Rapid Eye Movement which happens when you are in a deep sleep.
Along with this I've been having major doses of Deja-vu this past week. Which happened the last time I did this experiment lol

Thanks for reading. Let me know if any of this triggers anything in you.
God Bless! And thanks for all the fish!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dream Experiment Reboot Update

Today I don't remember much of my dream as I woke up except for something having to do with construction. The rest is vague and forgotten.

Synchronicities today

I was looking through new shows coming on SYFY channel. There were a few that caught my eye. One triggered the idea to look up Bryan Fuller a creator of shows (Pushing Daisies, Hannibal to name two) that I use to follow. As I keep looking at the new shows one show canceled the development of the series. It just so happened to be a show that Bryan Fuller pitched. Interesting....

That's all for today.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dream Experiment Reboot 3/20/15

Dream Experiment Reboot


Dream exp. reboot 3/20/15
Woke up from a dream about me following up on an r2d2 robot being used at a bar/party. I had to chase it to get it back. There was something in it about food and being creatively in charge.  It got me thinking immediately if Lucas and disney met or if their death and births were around similar years. Then I wondered if Jung might have gone to Disneyland and what his opinion was.  I haven't found anything yet. But the following happened after I got out of bed.

Synchronicity connection to last nights blog.
Today when I turned on vh1classic the video angel by Aerosmith was ending and the video I don't remember by Peter Gabriel played right after. It was a different version then the one I've seen. It had an old picture at the end of it which I believe had to do with the characters family in the video. An old framed family photo maybe.
Major points that stand out to me about this are the following:
1)The very first music video I ever uploaded as mirror living was I don't remember by Gabriel. It was basically during the beginning of mirror all together. Big symbolism there.
2)It feels like a response to my most recent blog post about death. Maybe my loved ones heard me, maybe it's coincidence, maybe I'm crazy, who knows?
3)As an archetype the video and the artist along with the song angel just before it could represent something highly significant when it comes to the equinox/eclipse. A message of our renewal? That we are being thoroughly guided at this time? To move through fear without fear? I like that idea the most! I found this link randomly while looking up Gabriel
Then yes song leave it played on vh1classic which is beautiful connection to my family. I didn't even know they did that song. So I'll keep it short in case that's also their message. Get to the point.

In conclusion this time in our lives once again reminds us to do it right. Our loved ones are cheering us on even though we can't see, hear, or feel them completely. Let this eclipse be a beginning of all those things you wanted to start and an end to all those things you no longer need in your life. Let the music guide you, the coincidental events remind you, and the warmth you still burn in your heart be shared with everyone you meet. Whether living or be they dead. Because love you see will always live on forever!

Some video runner ups that played today as well were
What I am
Don't you forget about me
She's right on time
This monkey's gone to heaven
Change of heart

Thanks for reading! God Bless!

Bonus personal find and perfect timing no less

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Death Hurts (Fighting it Just Weakens the Essence)

Death Hurts
(Fighting it Just Weakens the Essence)

I’ve been fighting this topic for what could seem eons. But alas before the sun eclipses the moon or the moon eclipses the sun something desperately begged for a healing which hopefully has finally begun. I’ve lost so many people from family, friends, and stars I never knew which inspired me dear deeply and I’m sure they inspired some of you too. Nobody likes to discuss the pain and agony in which we all deeply feel, but the truth of the matter is that deeply feeling this truth is how we all can eventually heal. It’s no longer about denying those memories that get buried under pain. It’s more about remembering those treasury moments even the ones where we got drenched in the rain. Pardon my forewardness, but I refuse to go backsliding. The present situation in which we all share must also be thoroughly aligned. This eventful process can’t fully get into place if all we do is look in the opposite direction of all the pain that just becomes displaced. With nowhere to wonder and no place to go we forget the forgetting and instead we fool ourselves to believe that we know. What do we know?

We know that the loss of a loved one brings an emptiness to their spaces. We know their faces weren’t so forgetful and their craziness might not have been so crazy. We know the things that burned our buns now become the most desired bothers we took sadly for granted. We know their laugh filled rooms we didn’t know existed within our hearts. We know their spirit was a gift that was given to help us light our own spark. We know no matter how angry we were during the time they were here that we’d give anything to have them with us now especially their voice dancing through our ears. We know how much they gave us while we continue to feel we never gave enough. We know although they may be listening and watching we still search desperately for proof that they are doing well. We know that no matter how much we’d like to remember the golden moments which shined like the sun, sometimes we just don’t have the notion to follow through and get it done. Sometimes the pain beats us down till we feel we can’t breathe, but we know deep down inside that they have become the inspiration for the new life that we now lead. 

As I look at those I’ve lost I can’t help, but feel their love. That’s how hard it’s been for me to keep them close instead of just up above. Even if they are above, beyond, within, or here. I know they’re with me even if I can’t see them near. I know through their presence I receive support and guidance I never had. I know that without fully knowing they are helping me understand the most difficult things that make me deeply sad. I know most of all that their hearts sing loud and that gives me the best motivation.
To make all of them fully proud.

Please understand that you’re never alone. No matter if you believe me or not within you are always home. Sure it sounds shallowly superficial at best. But it’s the one thing that I simply can’t forget. Beyond what we know and beyond what we don’t. Their spirit lives on with us even if their body won’t. I know that I know I’m no different than all you are. And regardless of the challenges I face and have faced I’m still human by far. The lives we live lead others one way or another. I choose always to inspire even if I’m far better at doing some other something or the other. It matters not how you do what you enjoy the most. What matters is that it’s up to you to make it the best you can even if it’s just writing a post. Take care of those who need it so and believe that every minute you do is another moment that you get to spend with the people you love dearly. This may seem cheesy, redundant, or worse. But that doesn’t matter because it’s from the heart and I hope that intention does comes through clearly.  None of this I can say for sure can put you back together or keep you fully intact. But it can make grieving a little more relatable even if it’s been years before you’ve gone back to the moments, days, and years before your mind helped make it go black. Because although it’s hard to go back there to the days before their last. To the days where their lives were still blossoming and new. It can help bring us back their spirit which could be for them or maybe just for you. Whichever way you do it just do it through and through. And even though it’ll be hard which is sad to say but true. You could uncover a lost beautiful memory which could be the one and only thing you ever needed to do.

So as we move forward into the super sun that shines I for one will bring all my lost one’s memories especially the ones that shined. I will keep them glowing within my growing life and I’ll do my damndest to keep their spirts alive. I’ll remember you all always and I pray that this reaches all of you. The ones waiting for us to remember all there is for us here to do. You gave us so many gifts more than we can share. More than we can remember. Much more than our deepest despair. I’m sorry from the bottom of my now missing-you heart. Please don’t allow me to become only cliché and remind me each morning to be thankful for every day. Guide me through the darkest nights and lift me up as you do. And I’ll make a solemn promise to do just the same for everyone I meet and I’ll be sure to do the same for you too. I’m sorry I didn’t have a minute to come down to where you were. I’m sorry I didn’t have a second to call you and now those lost moments have become a blur. I’m sorry I didn’t thank you, open up, or share enough of my heart while you instead waited, gave everything, or shouted in the dark. I’m sorry you didn’t forgive me or that I didn’t forgive you. I’m sorry I didn’t grow up with you the way that we were supposed to. I’m sorry we lost touch even though you were only blocks away. I’m sorry that we allowed things to go in such a way. But now I know not to continue such ignorance and right now is where I’ll start. Giving my best to each second, each minute, to each moment using the fullest of my heart. This is what it means to spring into the month. The beginning of the blooming and the end of all that’s done. Thank you for knowing me and I’m thankful I knew you as well. Thank you for your love. A love that I will eternally tell.

This is phase seven of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Aphex of Life Existence (Otherwise known as NOW) Thanks user48736353001

The Aphex of Life Existence (Otherwise known as NOW)

Recently it’s come to my attention that a band/musician/inventor/paver of society has been dumping loads of musical tunes off into the internet ocean. Free for downloads. Free to share. This particular artist had given me many strange opinions, feelings, and perceptions. Still the jury is out when it comes to this novelists intentions. But regardless of my previous beliefs and griefs I find that the most recent approach to fresh/raw music is in itself a refreshment of the other dimensional kind. There in the throes of suffering breathes which each musician which has now been owed to debt comes a waterfall of fresh air to pump again blood, creativity, and imagination into what was seemingly dead.  The language of music which I had recently discussed is coming full circle to kick up the dust. There’s not only this artist, but for more than few bringing fresh air with anyway they have to help the spirit behind music finally break through. Doors are now open and have been worked on for some time. But locks are not broken and are leaving the old frames of mind, the old way’s, far behind. Thank God for this patrons antics for we were starting to believe music was finally done. But not just for sharing his talents and rawness, but mostly for bringing music back to fun!

Please don’t think I’m finished because I’m far from ended with all that’s to come. There’s a magic now stirring among us and shall continue until the spirit has won. Today for the Saints I pledge to be crazy. I’ll pray for the random, the passion, and the saving. Of all the lost souls who don’t sit back and wonder at the various plans that their hearts do doth ponder. There’s a music of life brought to each of us only, but can only be heard during our silent slowly. I dare, but wonder can the song reach your mouth? Can the songs find you out? Will the songs of life bring you to the now?
Your essence is growing beauty don’t be mistaken. Truly this has certainly begun!
This is phase six of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

What is Love? Chappie 5 is still alive! (The evolution of recycled archetypes)

What is Love? Chappie 5 is still alive!
(The evolution of recycled archetypes)

Let’s be clear. Some might say that what I have to say within these seemingly meaningless pages of disarray are squabbles of rambles. Certainly they are nothing new when it comes to the sun. Call it sun or light, but it doesn’t really make anything less wrong and definitely makes no-thing more right. We must stick tight, hold heart, and let our spirit’s vision guide us through the night. Otherwise we end up lost allowing our lives to be filled with everything that’s uptight. But is that why you’re here right now, living, learning, and remembering how the disasters we vowed to forgive are less than deserving with what our love could give? The variance of quality measures, in which we spell the way to find our treasures become instances of moments we forget with fleeting acceptance. Comparing days to nights and life to lives. The past to future and the present to fear. What oh what is the point my dears? Some might argue it’s all about fun. And if you are here now then living the life you have might be the only one. This could be the biggest fallacy of the time. Certainly this couldn’t explain the divine? For how could the divine be explained using such a hypocritical stance? Why might be it hypocritical you ask? Simple because for anything to be divinely real they must with all their gumption become something ye can feel. Not once and then nevermore, but twice or 20 times for sure. The very essence of divinity has an eternity to work with along with much, much, more. A measure of time in which we could barely begin to find an instance where it wasn’t now. Wow! Could it be so simple then? Holy cow! Tres bien and if so then let’s begin! Intro! Sound the stars for one couldn’t make it very far if you didn’t have the parts of the whole story which makes it flow oh so true filled with blazing hearts! An orchestra of inspiration professing their valiant harmonies before the sun setting soliloquy. Tease. It’s always a tease until you can feel for yourself. Once and for all the shaking crawling through your knees. Making you beg and plead for the experience to end nevermore. Care take. Care make and if you doth wait to long then the Earth shall shake with a vibrant beauty. Coloring everything you know and love with a new layer of mooty. Motley and sooty there upon the blankness will be the violet color of life being uncovered slowly as you sleep. A façade you believed in was nothing more than a lie which we doth made. Nothing was blank. Only violet and protrusions of glittering sparks shining from within the dark.

You see it over and again. Vying for your most sought out attention. While you say I must be quite important. At least for today. Another illusion coveting your life. Begging you to dig in so you move further off the light. Another recycled intrusion busting into the weaves of your past looking to find that sunken memory dangling within that sea. A cornucopia of ocean of thoughts with their waves and current flowing. Waiting, just waiting for them, you, or me to see that below the ocean is a sea. Below the sea is the truth and beyond the truth is something we are still all striving silently to be. Talk is expensive. Used to be cheap. Now it’s up for grabs. Anyone who has a crack at it might find themselves losing more energy than they might have choosen. Did you correct me automatically with your brain? Just testing to see if you are still sane. Still using the noggin to get your thoughts jogging into territories you forgot were there. Now you know a little more about your own devices. One’s we were born with which still await our existence to infuse them. Now you know that electronic surprises have taken you where they will as your will quickly forgets where you are. It’s a copy of an idea that for the believer and the thinker who know, has already been here. Are we done with the antics of squarreling frantics against a loving dimension which is felt? Or do we quickly squander our thoughts we ponder into the spiraling virtual cell? I’ll use what I can to bring you home. It’s for you to choose when you are ready to truly know.
So like I said from the beginning. Some may think these words are patters of pittering defeats. Some may call it by a name, give it a label, or choose a blame. I write as I write and feel what’s to be said. I know not what I’m telling till it’s out of me head. It could be read as a gorgeous beauty when it comes to streaming consciousness instead. But yet some may just believe I finally have lost my head. Matters not for what I believe will prove itself beyond you or me. The truth is a thing and thoughts make it real because of what we feel. Otherwise we’d be nothing less than shelled metal containers of electric wires with heads and a body. We’d feel what our thoughts tell us to feel instead of allowing the frequency of what is real to teach us all there is. For that I’m grateful that we live on with our spirits ablaze while our hearts grow fonder from the time that each of us have made. It’s simply just another circle of cycle of a thought that needed to breathe. I promise that there is more to the eye than what it can see. There is more to the circuits of connections that we pretend to be. There is more to the loss that each believe no one else can understand. There is more to the beyond then we can clearly understand. For now.
This is phase five of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Chapter Synchro 4 (The Universe’s Nature)

Chapter Synchro 4
     (The Universe’s Nature)
Synchronicity is no more evident than the world you move through daily. Yet the existence of it is far more revealing. Is such a theory more probable than our leveraged brain wants to allow? In a working theory it could explain the very purpose of life if one were to consciously become a witness to the endless evidence parading around us. Via movies, TV, music, and the daily occasions of telepathic happenstance situations that we glide through as if it’s an ordinary part of the day. Is it the philosophy of logic that rises our suspicious mind to take a few deflating measures and knock back any truth that may or may not have been buried within the example God/Universe has provided for our lives? The spirit of life begs us to participate while the human fight or flight system of primitive responses moves us more into the dark dense furrows of unbelieving. When 2 + 2=8 shouldn’t we at the very least open ourselves to see how such infinite cubatures structure themselves within their own worlds? This is music to my mind! With this in mind how were we to know that through our distribution of algorithms we were unknowingly tickling the universe.  How were we to know that as we continued this process the universe would tickle us back, or better we would find a way to teach the universe how to laugh. And while doing this the universe would enjoy such attention that it would seek us as audience more than we it’s.  How were we to know that we were living in its dream? How were we to know that all we had to do was wake up? After I thought this thought about waking up a song started to play by Metallica on my Ipod touch circa out dated. The one song called one. Which follows the lyrics of “Oh please God Wake me!
As if the universe/God was saying. Wake up! And once you do the universe would follow suit. Funny because as I perused my daily headquarters I found a magazine tucked away in a lost cabinet with the title Wake up! It’s all so synchronized-ly random wouldn’t you say?

What if the truth was that randomness held the same meaning as connectivity? Synchronization? Or even Harmony? Could that be a possible scenario? Did we make the mistake to believe in a world/universe that was not already thoroughly put together without having an inkling of separation as a prominent factor? What would such a place look, feel, smell, sound, or be like? More importantly if such a world exists how do we get there?

Here lies the message behind it all. Wake up. Perception. Music. Writing. Communication. Math. Love.
The language of the universe is math. To understand what the universe is saying to us we uncover the mathematics that explain it. As we begin to understand the language and use the language to build new things is the universe learning how to communicate with us through our reality using math to synchronize to our life? Via frequencies? We live by our perceptions right? Expand our perceptions and what happens? A different vision of the world, time, experience, communication, and life. But we have to wake up first. Are you awake? Do we even know what that means? Sure plenty of people have written books upon books about waking up, but if they are connected to us then if they just woke up then would we need books upon books to wake up? Or because they woke up we instantly would wake up and possibly then the universe/God?

This brings us back to Synchronizing. Could synchronicity be a new form of dialect, one where the universe/God formed so we could finally reconnect with the true world in which we always mistook for a vision, fantasy, or illusion?  A dialect that didn’t evolve or become instantly created. Instead it was always there waiting for us to uncover it. Proving that we had reached a peak moment in the consciousness, mind, body, and soul. This moment would be when all truth was released from their cages and brought back to life through our re-engagement with it. It’s not that the truth ever changes, but because of all of our individually different perceptions, we project our own persona’s onto the truth making it come to life in a way that no one else in the entire universe ever could.

Writing has always been the way. From the beginning there was the word. First the breath then the sound molded into form becoming a spoken letter or letters. Our own identity attached to words through sound or by touch using invisible interfaces or actual paper material to get across our deepest dreams and desires.

Music uses math, frequency, sound, breath, feeling, spirit, and imagination.  Where would we be without it? That’s for another blurb. For now onward with the subject at hand. Through vibrating strands of energy we are able to tune into a feeling that is beyond explanation. Especially for musicians. But if you have no experience or desire to be a musician somehow we have been blessed with the gift of dancing which brings the feeling of music to our bodies which brings the sound into our body exciting the energy within until it moves back and forth in synch with the music in real time. This why music is so essential as well as mysterious. Feelings which are conveyed through sound can bring changes within ourselves along with the world if one deemed. But the spirit that carries the song, the harmony, the melody, the rhythm, the beats, and the lyrics is something that cannot be manufactured. No matter how much one try’s. Only a musician that plays with music in some shape or form can validate this as true. One that uses music as nothing more than its money tree will not understand anything that I’m saying when it comes to music. Sadly they will go on trying to conquer the sounds and bleeps instead of working with the sounds and bleeps to form a previously undiscovered harmony to share with the world, the universe, the human spirit.

Combine all these elements and you have a masterful work of art, a formula for mystery, and a heaven that can be heard, felt, and experienced as something that is beyond existence. Would that formula also be what they call a miracle? But instead of it being divine this would be a natural occurrence of such an event. Are miracles natures songs, harmonies of the universe/God, a musical expose of reality? Would this be what love exists as then?

This is phase four of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Monday, March 9, 2015

A Scientific Troubadour and Experimenter of Spirit Chapter Trinity (Just in time for Paddy’s day!)

A Scientific Troubadour and Experimenter of Spirit
Chapter Trinity (Just in time for Paddy’s day!)

Where are the scientific artists? The spiritual detectives? Where are the romantic mathematicians or the musically inclined lyricists of physics? Where are the poets of intellect, the discoverers of the realms that only can be found within the mind, tellers of stories which beg to be philosophized or analyzed using spiritual vigor?

The classic notion of bringing new ideas to life is quickly falling into the hands of the intellect. Every patron is an avid follower of what’s real these days. And when confronted with the abnormally real they dismiss it away with hurried haste because of their own misconstrued grasp of said reality. The quantum spirit is ghostly appearing from there to here but no one is looking in that particular area for what would have been a seemingly easy discovery.  Even now with time weighing down on me within my own life I sit emblazoned with spiritual need to portray these architectural feelings using shapes of lines. Why? Because the need is beyond my want and the want is not as powerful as the passionate need to do so. The wandering paths of my heart and soul have no end which is what makes it so challenging to not control. To submit to one’s soul is something that verily becomes further and further from the point.

What point is more acute then the articulate explanation of that which is beyond explaining? What drive is more forward with its momentum then the feeling of accomplishing something that is only parcels of the entire goal which waits at the finish line of purpose? Some may say the societal magnetized attractions which have become ever more so distracting and localized to each individuals home and life are far too strong for us to not go along with the sleeping pillars of the variants existing within the world. To that I say back, what is the point of such a trivial forgetful existence? Shouldn’t the mark of imagination be the first and foremost need within the population of lost souls? Shouldn’t a clearer understanding of a soul, spirit, and the sacredness it has invested into this reality be one of the top priorities of our travelling lives? Seers and prophets of old are no different than scientists studying the most intricate of details existing inside the fragmented illusions in which we co-exist with. Furthermore shouldn’t science finally jump from one ship to the next and instead of discovering things that only our intellect vie for, we in all its glory allow our heart to speak of the virtues and invisible realms that it has found through the varying process of collective aging of humanity? Should we not allow it speak it’s truth for the first time after adapting to the challenges, trials, tribulations, and changes in which we our collective ID decided to throw upon it? The mask of ignorance isn’t as entertaining as the spiritual collective findings, discoveries, and data that it has taken note of through the centuries. This I say, I predict, would beget the science of art to stand on its own infinite feet. It would allow the spirit of math to speak in a language we can all understand. It would allow the singers to sing into reality the quantum feelings it can no longer contain. And of course the romancers of intellect would finally have a niche where they too could explore their variations of studies which brought them true love in the most strangest of ways.
Pave the way for the future makers. The creators of beloved disciples of the collective spiritual mind and the beggars of love’s ultimate formula. Wouldn’t this new area of novelty be the utmost point of it all? A beautiful spectrum of what is and how we made the world fresh and crisp through our endeavors in which spirit decided to meet us before we began? Authors of intellect can only predict what is routine and pronounced as understandable. It takes heart to clarify the beauty that can no longer be identified using intellect as our pedestal to stand upon. Maybe a cloud would do us much more justice. At least if you are going in for training to become a troubadour of the universe, that is.

This is phase three of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Chapter Next .95 (Throwback to Literature or the Distinguished Gentleman Series)

Chapter Next .95 (Throwback to Literature or the Distinguished Gentleman Series)
Before you read on I just wanted to bring to your attention that the universe/spirit has given me some winks. Here are those winks.
1)Perception TV Series-Episode Mirror-
2) Radiohead Romeo&Juliet MovieSync
3)Rumi mentioned on Perception episode Mirror and a Backstrom episode
All of this after I posted Chapter Next .95

I’m bringing letters back. I know this is a bold statement, but it has everything to do with the times we are currently living in. I’m desperate and the best part is if it works, if I succeed in my mission, then you will know how far our society has plummeted because I’m not an author or from circa 1657. What would this mission entail you ask? Well we would need the most worthy and astute non-authors we could find. Bloggers will do, because they don’t know how to write (myself included).
Please all bloggers don't be offended by the non-author thing. It's tongue in cheek type of silliness that the distinguished use to distinguish one thing from the next and otherness.
 It has come to my attention that if you are to be a writer then you best have a battleship worth of dabloons to be able to plunder because the market is anything, but reasonable when you come to think of it.

Hell if you sit and reflect for more than 25.6 seconds you might find that this whole idea of writing and being an author is far too daunting to take a crack at. Dos thou know the ins and outs of literating literature across the pages of electronic vessel like spaces of congruence? This is the questionable question in which we each seek with a diligent carefree modem of motive. Or in which none of us question at all. One or the same. To give valiant truth’s a second life would be an extraordinary adventure to say the most. Where does one go while hubbing through the speedy vespers of connectivity parts? Do we connect at all or are the integral variance projections just way too small to allow our indifference to go noticed? This is the call of prophetry wouldn't you agree? This distinguished gentleman series is one for the cogs and wheels running the operations behind the scenes. A shout out to the little people breaking their hands and legs given the ethic they portray so posthumously.

Have you taken the time to dine with the divine conspiracy of shattered feats? Ones that are labeled “More to Run”. Soon they’ll be all that’s left when it comes to valiantly pursuing the adventures we were birthed into the world with. But as if only in jest. That is considering we were blank folded by the distracting ambiances of our most plagiarized culture to date. The fellowship of truth sleeps quietly a sheep while the wolves unleash the fangs of pain upon our last vessel of innocence. Duty calls as the cavalry surrounds the leaping faith blazing franchise of hopes and dreams. “We’ll buy em out before they can hold a name” they’ll say. But hearts are burning as fiery as the turning world is luring and as the dreams come full circle the busy bodies spreading ridiculous parodies of nonsense will be left in the dust of reality. One where they had no warning of insight to prepare because their centered foresight was on what wouldn't be after the days had retired while the night continued setting up for expectational imaginings!
 The killer of dreams isn't as pretty as their projection wants you to perceive, but one must dig to find the roots in which this silent miller of potent potions continues to imbue into thought highways of media sensations. One must be diligently ready to take on the task of looking under the surface to see how the other side of the iceberg floats. Otherwise all we’ll see are the multiple displays of ships, vessels again, and boats. To be a thinker living in a quicker age is quickly now something more passé. Comfort yourself knowing that as you think you are and as they research they aren't anything more than what their fingers travel across. As the thinker travels landscapes of worlds living within his own being, he’s also thinking of how it would feel to feel that thinking thought as a reality. And the thinker and only the thinker will have the opportunity to visit such magical locations while still having the ability of thinking of wild landscapes and worlds in which this special destination connects with. The fingers touch empty spaces of digital context and perspective. Shambles of shams with elaborately large diagrams protruding into the spaces of spaces with pixelated energetic burning rays of vibrating atoms while the finger to the touch becomes more or less devoid of feelings of the third kind and should it be anything less?

This is phase two of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.
