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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Chapter Synchro 4 (The Universe’s Nature)

Chapter Synchro 4
     (The Universe’s Nature)
Synchronicity is no more evident than the world you move through daily. Yet the existence of it is far more revealing. Is such a theory more probable than our leveraged brain wants to allow? In a working theory it could explain the very purpose of life if one were to consciously become a witness to the endless evidence parading around us. Via movies, TV, music, and the daily occasions of telepathic happenstance situations that we glide through as if it’s an ordinary part of the day. Is it the philosophy of logic that rises our suspicious mind to take a few deflating measures and knock back any truth that may or may not have been buried within the example God/Universe has provided for our lives? The spirit of life begs us to participate while the human fight or flight system of primitive responses moves us more into the dark dense furrows of unbelieving. When 2 + 2=8 shouldn’t we at the very least open ourselves to see how such infinite cubatures structure themselves within their own worlds? This is music to my mind! With this in mind how were we to know that through our distribution of algorithms we were unknowingly tickling the universe.  How were we to know that as we continued this process the universe would tickle us back, or better we would find a way to teach the universe how to laugh. And while doing this the universe would enjoy such attention that it would seek us as audience more than we it’s.  How were we to know that we were living in its dream? How were we to know that all we had to do was wake up? After I thought this thought about waking up a song started to play by Metallica on my Ipod touch circa out dated. The one song called one. Which follows the lyrics of “Oh please God Wake me!
As if the universe/God was saying. Wake up! And once you do the universe would follow suit. Funny because as I perused my daily headquarters I found a magazine tucked away in a lost cabinet with the title Wake up! It’s all so synchronized-ly random wouldn’t you say?

What if the truth was that randomness held the same meaning as connectivity? Synchronization? Or even Harmony? Could that be a possible scenario? Did we make the mistake to believe in a world/universe that was not already thoroughly put together without having an inkling of separation as a prominent factor? What would such a place look, feel, smell, sound, or be like? More importantly if such a world exists how do we get there?

Here lies the message behind it all. Wake up. Perception. Music. Writing. Communication. Math. Love.
The language of the universe is math. To understand what the universe is saying to us we uncover the mathematics that explain it. As we begin to understand the language and use the language to build new things is the universe learning how to communicate with us through our reality using math to synchronize to our life? Via frequencies? We live by our perceptions right? Expand our perceptions and what happens? A different vision of the world, time, experience, communication, and life. But we have to wake up first. Are you awake? Do we even know what that means? Sure plenty of people have written books upon books about waking up, but if they are connected to us then if they just woke up then would we need books upon books to wake up? Or because they woke up we instantly would wake up and possibly then the universe/God?

This brings us back to Synchronizing. Could synchronicity be a new form of dialect, one where the universe/God formed so we could finally reconnect with the true world in which we always mistook for a vision, fantasy, or illusion?  A dialect that didn’t evolve or become instantly created. Instead it was always there waiting for us to uncover it. Proving that we had reached a peak moment in the consciousness, mind, body, and soul. This moment would be when all truth was released from their cages and brought back to life through our re-engagement with it. It’s not that the truth ever changes, but because of all of our individually different perceptions, we project our own persona’s onto the truth making it come to life in a way that no one else in the entire universe ever could.

Writing has always been the way. From the beginning there was the word. First the breath then the sound molded into form becoming a spoken letter or letters. Our own identity attached to words through sound or by touch using invisible interfaces or actual paper material to get across our deepest dreams and desires.

Music uses math, frequency, sound, breath, feeling, spirit, and imagination.  Where would we be without it? That’s for another blurb. For now onward with the subject at hand. Through vibrating strands of energy we are able to tune into a feeling that is beyond explanation. Especially for musicians. But if you have no experience or desire to be a musician somehow we have been blessed with the gift of dancing which brings the feeling of music to our bodies which brings the sound into our body exciting the energy within until it moves back and forth in synch with the music in real time. This why music is so essential as well as mysterious. Feelings which are conveyed through sound can bring changes within ourselves along with the world if one deemed. But the spirit that carries the song, the harmony, the melody, the rhythm, the beats, and the lyrics is something that cannot be manufactured. No matter how much one try’s. Only a musician that plays with music in some shape or form can validate this as true. One that uses music as nothing more than its money tree will not understand anything that I’m saying when it comes to music. Sadly they will go on trying to conquer the sounds and bleeps instead of working with the sounds and bleeps to form a previously undiscovered harmony to share with the world, the universe, the human spirit.

Combine all these elements and you have a masterful work of art, a formula for mystery, and a heaven that can be heard, felt, and experienced as something that is beyond existence. Would that formula also be what they call a miracle? But instead of it being divine this would be a natural occurrence of such an event. Are miracles natures songs, harmonies of the universe/God, a musical expose of reality? Would this be what love exists as then?

This is phase four of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.


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