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Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Illusion of Proof

Today I thought again about how we believe we've come so far with civilization because of technology.
It's because of these new discoveries that we now know what makes an object exist. Exhibit A. A chair. If we zoom into a chair we find somethings inside. We call them atoms. But if we were to look for the chair inside the atom through a microscope we might be very disappointed with our findings.
We will instead only find more and more parts of the atom that is the chair. And no matter how much we want to experience the fullness of the chair when using all of our senses, the closest way we can do it is to touch it & feel it's structure whether with our hands or buttocks. But you'll never be able to sit on the chair within the atom unless you were an Ant Man which you'll find out sadly it's still an atom. And you sure as hell won't see an actual representation of a chair in the atom. Unless that's a new discovery that I haven't been updated on yet (If that's true then scratch this whole post).
This could also be a super interesting way to see how God works. If God is everything then I suppose if we zoomed in on God we would only see the trappings of what makes God. But what if our universe were the trappings? You, me, and the world that spins so easily around are all pieces of God. Then did we ever actually make a new discovery of any kind or did we just go in circles with learning the many different ways that we exist as God or how God exists as us through all things. What's funnier is that with all of these supposed new discoveries, we were given everything we could ever need to prove that God exists. And instead of searching for how, where, and what God exists as, we instead try to find evidence that proves things exist. It's amazing with how stubborn our race can be when it comes to life, society, and proof.
These are thoughts that play inside my head. Hope you enjoyed.
God Bless

Now here's something worth discovering in my opinion.
Proof (TNT) Official Trailer [HD] Jennifer Beals plays Dr. Carolyn Tyler, who has suffered the recent, devastating loss of her teenage son, the breakup of he...

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