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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ho'oponopono- A Gift To The Planet From The Hawaiian People

Recently, Joe Vitale wrote about a simple Forgiveness technique that rocked his world (Zero Limits, Wiley, 2007). He actually said to Dr. Len, his co-author, that after learning this technique, everything he had written up until then became obsolete. Dr. Len assured him there was still value for some in what he had written previously, but Joe knew something completely different and new had happened.

In the ancient Hawaiian culture, whenever a member of the community fell into any kind of misfortune, whether through illness, accident, or even willful crime, the entire population sat in a circle around the person, silently searching their own hearts for how they may have contributed, even in some seemingly minor way, to the person's suffering. Perhaps they held a judgement against this person or their family or maybe felt a secret envy or jealousy. Whatever the case, after they recognized their part and silently asked for the subject's forgiveness, they quietly left the circle. No words were shared. In the end, when all had made their own peace, the individual sitting in the middle was healed.

As simple as this practice sounds, it works based on what we now call quantum principles- that we are all entangled or connected and therefore we cannot escape the effects of one person on the collective, or of the collective on one person. It also works on the metaphysical level we have been discussing, that of the One Mind asleep in a dream of suffering. All minds, then, are joined as One, even in the dream.

Page 145 Navigating the Collapse of Time (A peaceful path through the end of illusions) By David Ian Cowan

More to come......

Thursday, January 26, 2012



Living Reality

Our oneness is more real than anything this dream portrays and love is the only thing that created that world as well. Being afraid is only being afraid of yourself to receive that love. Being afraid was dreamed up in this reality to help us wake to the love we give!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

‎(Spirit Virtual/Visual Reality) It's actually in the word itself. How blind I was!

I don't know if I'm the only idiot that didn't get the notice, but I received a realization today. I wanted to let everyone know in case they didn't get the notice themselves. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. Just my intuition posting interesting possibilities.

Here goes..... Spirituality is actually a reality. Another dimension or world. It actually is a place and everything that has been taught about it is actually a direct communication from it.

There is no time there and so they have been waiting for us to receive these messages clearly so we could better understand how our world was made and what we need to do. Listen I know its crazy, but this world is crazier by the minute because we aren't thinking outside the box.

That is where truth lays waiting for our heart to meet it. We aren't crazy for thinking this we are actually becoming sane. Follow your heart and I'll meet you there.

Love, light, peace, and joy to you all. God Bless.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


And as the tides rough the sides of all that surrounds us with torrential force I quietly sing to the wind a beautiful song that sat within my heart for what seemed like forever. And as I sang that song with the voice I was given the rain slowed to a still, the winds peaceful relinquished its force, and the world sang with me in harmony.


Wide awake we dream of a life that lives within us bursting to share with us all the love that was hidden inside. You are that love and I thank you for your gifts that you share with the world each day. This love is so beautiful that the only way you would recognize it and see its beauty was when someone showed it to you as a reminder of what you created.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your Garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to yourself.
And not look outside of yourself for a leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones that we have been waiting for."

- The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

Friday, January 20, 2012

Be fun!! Be crazy love!!! Be creative with your love!! Love is on track with its plan!!!!

But don't fret for the emotions and disappointment that we feel is the last vestiges of the ego or illusion dissolving into itself and all that appears is love brighter and brighter.

The dark night of the soul is the dark night of the ego because the light of truth pierces through and as we reveal more and more then the many will look toward the light and re-member their divinity.

And they will knock on your door and say how did you find it? What did you do? I want this I'm scared. And you will know that the reminder you gave yourself again has shown up in your life. Giving you renewed faith and trust in yourself all over again.

Reminding you of how vast and unique you have expanded beyond the illusion. For we may just be looking at the illusion from the other side because of how far we have reached and as you put our attention back on ourselves we then remember all the love that brought us to see from love and with the attention as love. We see for once how love begets love. Even the illusion was designed using love however we forgot and then as the ego sees how it was never real it dissolves into itself because its the only thing it could ever do.

But without love to understand it, it makes no sense. The possibility of us speaking as one collectively but singularly can't seriously make sense. So we use insanity of a different imagination and full of creation to grow within the cracks of egos attention toward impossibility and this is where love reconnects with love all over again.

We the ones who humbly forgive others who are ourselves, and with comfort and compassion we remember. For them, for you, for us, for me, for we are memories of love. Memories as love and we have freedom always. We just have to utilize the creativity that sits waiting for the formula of joy, fun, truth, and love to combine creating something wickedly excitingly real and beautiful with love being its core beginnings.

It's hard I know, but that's because we have bought into being hard on ourselves and taking the game to seriously. Time to spice things up with effort of ridiculousness and see how that shows up in your life through synchronicity. It will I promise!!! Already have seen the evidence mounting. Just pay attention to the sillyness and crazy fun that's happening because the illusion has to much seriousness to pay it any heed. This is the new Earth, this is the new Creations, this is the new Race of beings. Being love and fun in everything. What could bring you more passion then being in love and enjoying everything?

Try it I dare I or you or we or us to try it, but don't just try it as yoda says that's not enough. Dive into crazy joy and fun and see how everything un real dissolves right before your eyes as if it were the key or magic to life. And maybe it is? How do you know? We know? I know? Me know?

I don't that's why it just might work :) Love you and everyone in here. Having fun now enjoying the joy that we deserve and freeing the absurd seriousness that I kept to be so important. Use the truth as tools toward fun.

If you don't agree than I'll create some fun for you to perceive and then we'll be on the same page.

Wait for my signal of fun its already happening you just have to set your focus on stare and watch it! It's there :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

You love you all ways

As this is the time to focus on the heart the pulsing begins to flow.

The love glows brightly within everything we see and everything we see then grows.

The growth of this truth is rooted in what’s remembered from the beauty that rises up from the depth of love that dwells and lives right through us.

Be the example of the awareness that’s forgiveness and the peace of mind will be found to rest with the love that creates us!

You love you all ways

You love you all ways

As this is the time to focus on the heart the pulsing begins to flow.

The love glows brightly within everything we see and everything we see then grows.

The growth of this truth is rooted in what’s remembered from the beauty that rises up from the depth of love that dwells and lives right through us.

Be the example of the awareness that’s forgiveness and the peace of mind will be found to rest with the love that creates us!

You love you all ways

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Masterpiece! And we all think the heart is not worthy of our attention This is your perception playing with your thoughts!

Comics and comedy

It’s comical at best as you survived the bearing of making truth be known you forgot the ultimate test.

To define yourself in everything you sing and speak from the hearts deep knowing of the longing potion.

You swim so drastically toward freedom of joy where the door has been created ready for the many to tip toe through.

The challenge my friend the challenge you face oh my heart sings that the challenge is you!

I bet you won't read this because of length !

What will it take to get your attention? Videos, songs, writings, art, pictures, to show and still no one looking toward remembering their easy song that so driftly flows.

I’ll fix ya this time I know that even when you are skimming through your slide show of brilliant philosophy the title will hone you in and then you’ll know.

What the dillers is happening in your body since you spent so much time pining over the other reflection that you so dearly and close very well know.

No need to argue this conversation for its all in your head and even when you’re sleeping this rhyme will sing you to the beds of everlasting wakeness pillows and heart.

Good News finally a clue! (Imagination is emotion)

I've been told that the bottled emotional feelings fizzing from within your bodies as soda bubbles shaken to forever and back would have you feel as they forced their way to the top are something you can allow out without such a crazy display.

The sensations that are ripe for the taking are in there asking for you to start playing with the thoughts that gather in your brain like heavenly shafts of pouring dances creating the rain.

The emotions you hold so close to your thinking are ripe now for the bridge toward releasing that final flow and other growing sections of imaginative concepts of real life illusions to fall to its burning cindering safe embrace. Yes its time and time is a place where I can't begin to announce how so many beings are waiting with patience and saving the best for the worst and the worst to fade final.

In short the feelings burning in your heart and burrowing through your human bodies are making their way toward your eyes with thrills to hopefully finally allow those crawling beauties to allow their chills.

You are emotions and emotions are you (E)nergy Motions. These spiraling paths of lightning creations are asking with the utmost patience for you to be the emotions that come from down deep within the heart that glows inside you.

All that's needed is to create with this light from whatever desire you feel could help one another remember its beauty that they hid quite clearly from each other which is your sister or brother and you. All you are is love it is true and eventually you'll release the chains that silent your making into a quite new form of creating from the heart that energizes your body.

This electric is dynamic with ever lasting beauty guding you new to the place you already once knew and re joining these miracles that you continue to blind your attention or and perfection from feeling through and through.

Be the emotion you already have and create from that imagination that is cleverly tucked inside your beautiful heart and your spirit will show you the way!


Love is you if you would finally remember you already knew than this game would be joyous I promise this is, but one clue!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Care to guess?

Care to take a guess at how many people you now bring down your spiral toward the center of knowing and remembering the distance and fog we bellowed through with aches and pain tasting bitter to the flavor of our desperate and various song we were writing. Down we go up and up we walk the path of flowers and beauty taking all the time and space to make up for the sadness we graciously brought toward the sanction from our hills to our ocean blue revelation growing new and forever seeds that grow as the wind kisses and hugs the everlasting movements of eternal joy living today yesterday and in the shallow calls of our local friends who forget how the emotions take its taxes and lives again the birth of its purpose.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

And that love is forever and ever eternally!

That all you really need is love

To learn the policy of truth

But I really do need the free time

To dream on forever and ever in time

Inside we play mind games today

We all live forever!


And now for something completely different!

Project Global Brain

In the Center

In the center there is a person, a soul, a being, a living thing, within the spirit, now you are in it.

Dreaming scientific longing of making Brilliance, brilliant again.

To prepare for the oncoming brilliance has no need for preparation or creed. The tools were strewn about the room and the sciencer dreamers decided to forget their regement toward achieving brilliance to share. Instead they held it quietly in the corners of their minds staring at each other with that otherworldly view of I have something you don't. So they slowly parted and their brilliance that they so cleverly dreamed up became sporadic and split into dices and slices of moments that they couldn't put together again.

As they continued to preach their dream to the other pupils that they so easily drew in with their intelligent devices of collective brilliance, the truth dispersed again and again throughout the land to all the company of individual seekers of evidence which was evidently a heart warming longing that they couldn't wait to get back to and decidedly they agreed they would.

The brilliance wandered through brain to brain and traveled the mechanical workings of the minds the etched their understanding on the blackboards of conscience and sold their truth for to high a price and too little to be believed.

Forward march on they drifted along toward the barriers and walls that would put bricks in their calls and solid division by attaching their names. Another slide toward victory was another slip down the hill toward forgetfulness of brilliance with every earth footstep embedded. People of all statures went to their rooms to figure out where the brilliance went and again and again a circle of endlessly illusions created tools with how to get the brilliance. The truth of its creation was left hidden under a dust of regrets of guilt while their memories of choices slept silently under the covers of ignorance.

Meanwhile on the other side of the land where new dreamers began, a movement of inspiring acts of brilliance was being shot into observance by all the livers watching the land. The acting became the actors while the technology of their decisions became lost and never considered by the scientific dreamers that motions of brilliance could be reactivated far and distant from their treasured longing tenants.

And as the townspeople gathered around to share this new found pleasure and the plans formed themselves without the people needing to get in the way. Creations never dreamed or hypothesised came into fruition without action nor needence of dreaming for how it was to be done.


Nope they simply just begun!


The Global Brain Consciousness Movement

by David Russell on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 11:51am



The Global Brain Consciousness Movement’s worldwide meditation events, which take place every Saturday, are intended to have a real, meaningful and tangible effect on the world. However, one has to ask how a crowd of people who do not actually know each other in the real world, all practising different but similar techniques from the comfort of their own homes at the same time can have any effect on the world?


Surely, if such events have any effects they are on the individuals participating not the world?Whilst change, real change, can only happen on an individual basis that is not the intention of the meditation events. The meditation events are intended to harness the collective experience of those participating and send it flowing into the world.


If that seems an idealistic and unachievable objective, it is not. There is substantial evidence that collective meditations have a significant, verging on dramatic, effect on the world. There have been many monitored studies demonstrating that collective meditations have an effect on many social factors.


In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, applying his knowledge as a physicist, came up with a prediction that if a critical mass of 1% of a community were to practice TM, a measurable improvement in the quality of life for the whole community would be evident. In the following years he put this hypothesis to the test in a number of city-based studies. In 1974, a study indicated that the hypothesis worked when a collective meditation event produced a 16% fall in crime plus large reductions in car accidents, hospital admissions, fires and social strife.


In the following decades these events were organized in many US cities and every time they produced a significant drop in crime figures, the average being 11%. In 1993, under the scrutiny of an independent review board, a study was conducted in Washington DC. This produced a drop in crime of 23.3%. The probability of this happening by chance is less than one in one billion.


If such meditation events can have such dramatic effects on a local level, why not on a global level?


The Global Brain Consciousness Movement’s worldwide meditation events are designed to take Maharishi’s vision to the next level. Never before has there been an attempt to change global consciousness in this way. Not that any of that makes it seem less idealistic and more achieveable. I mean, 1% of the world’s population? How many is that, then? Well, actually it is well over 68 million. Gulp. So how’s that going to happen?


Well, fortunately, science is on our side. As the world of quantum physics has discovered subtler and subtler levels of communication between smaller and smaller particles and waveforms, the figure of 1% has come down. Maharishi’s original prediction had been based on initial discoveries in the field of waveform transitions. As this research progressed it was discovered that a much smaller percentage of a new waveform could could completely transform another waveform. The discoveries came thick and fast. First 0.01% (in population terms, slightly over a million) and then the square root of 1% (around 8000.)


Hmmmm, now 8000 people? That is a realizable objective.


It is our belief that if we can get a body of people numbering thousands we can start to have a real effect on the world. For that reason we would ask you to share these events wherever you can, invite your friends and post it in groups.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Occupy Geriatrics: Seniors in Walkers Shut Down Local Bank of America

Did you believe you weren't love?

You have been going around in circles biting your own tails. It's time for the truth of your heart to be known. You are the desires you have. You don't have to have desires to create, because the desires you have are created when you just remember them. It's all been a memory game. The emotions of our own making threw us off its trail and we forgot.

What did you forget? Everything. This life you are living is a life you are creating. The desires in your hearts we're the radar's you should have listened to from the start. (Depeche Mode lyric) Why didn't you listen to them? Well because you are so smart and clever with your creations they lost you inside themselves. Now the whole time you're reading this, your heart beats an extra thump and the chills move slowly down your skin, if not then maybe you forgot to allow that to happen?

If so then you are remembering this to be truth. Tears that fall are just another way for the love to radiate its call out to the world and beyond. Know that you are without doubt because the doubt you have lives in the shell of illusion you believed in. You were always full of life and love, but chose to close off yourself from knowing this and really remembering your own truth.

The truth is you are everything and nothing was never you. Does that ring a bell or two? It doesn't matter where you look because there your love is. The silence in between the moments are still your love. But I have something to tell you all. What if I told you this is only where the story begins. That love isn't the goal but the journey beyond love. It doesn't matter which path you choose toward love begins love has no end and is eternal.

All you can do is walk down the path of many loves and dimensional plains of existence crawling with loving life ready to be with you again. Yes there are all forms of life, beings, experiences, and wisdom waiting for you walk down the path toward love.

Remember to remember. And the whole time you realize you never forgot. Never ever could you would you forget that you were designed from that love. Created as multifaceted jewels to twinkle as the stars twinkle in the sky, but within your heart. Even now you can't believe this to be true, but you can't stop reading because your heart is guiding you in this moment.

It never wasn't. The challenges we created together were for better never worse. The worse idea came from another idea to project something unnecessary into our lives. A seperate way for us to understand and live as this love, but now we remember that we have always been on this journey together. Just with different perspectives, opinions, and beliefs.

Love isn't in the details because it is the details that create that love. It never wasn't anyplace you weren't and right now you are remembering the love you had hidden away in a box within yourself. Afraid to believe you are deserving of such an experience.

Good news you are and always were worth an eternal experience of love and the feeling of this truth. Be your beautiful shining light that guides the world toward itself once again.

Doesn't matter either way because the secret to life my friends is ..........................................

Love Will Find A Way!

I dare you all to prove us wrong! Ok people for God's sake this is the truth about our energy problem. All we are asking is an education given to you the people of this country. We don't need oil and we don't need gas, but you have to research yourself to