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Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

I guess in honor of Venus (Love) I offer my vulnerability and small reflection of who I am to you my family.

I'm starting this thread in two groups. Here because everyone seems more than familiar with this concept and the other to see what kind of reactions I get from the topic.

Along my spiritual journey I always held two things strongly that I could be guided by. One was Jesus and the other was unconditional love.

As I went along I found myself stuck in a tangle of webs of confusion. Early on in my journey it was filled with information, wisdom, spiritual perception I couldn't have dreamed of previously. I started with light stuff. 
The bible lol
Chicken soup for the soul
Then I read the Monsters book, Mothman Prophecies, I was slowly getting lured in. 
Read some Atlantis Enigma book I think Herbert Brennan and than the masons.
All of a sudden back to light stuff again.
Than I heard about the mystery schools that Jesus might have attended I sprinkled a little Buddha in here and there. 
Joseph Campbell came on the scene and then James Redfield.
Round back again to conspiracies.

The more I opened my understanding and searching the more open the dimensions of worlds of experiences I never could have imagined opened up to me.
It was like all types of groups of subjects wanted my attention. Because I never judged what they had to offer. I only asked how it fits into the grand scheme of God. Unconditional loving force that grows everything into life itself.

Not everyone believes in God or love being the only thing there is. That's ok because that's the mystery of life and the most important aspect of how life's mysteries find you again.

The purpose of this thread is to share with you a perspective about the world of conspiracies and how often they are frowned upon. This is understandable given the surmount of information and people throwing their opinions into our face. However there is so much vital information if one can discern from the fear and judgments.

No matter your religion, belief system, or prior experiences they all have powerful insights that only the heart can read, the soul can understand, which the spirit can bring to you. And if one can use unconditional love to better understand these insights one can see how the puzzle of conspiracies, oppression, and suffering fall into place of knowing what they truly mean instead of what people tell us they mean.

Find the inner light to turn toward the dark unknowing and at least you will be able to better see the path in front of you a little bit clearer one day at a time.

I'm also posting this to show that just because you believe in Jesus doesn't mean that you are limited to understanding one way. Instead it's the middle road. A road that has all sides surrounding it, trying to tell their stories to the one who has an open ear and an open heart. I believe in him however I believe that somehow some way aliens, masons, angels, psychics, oracles, etc.. fit into this belief. 

The mystery has been solved. Without mystery we forget our purpose. With the mystery of life coming back into our lives, we in turn come back to life.

Love to everyone searching, seeking, questioning, the very fabrics of their humanity. This is how the mystery can be solved with how to bring mystery back into your life.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bringing You a Path

         The Cathars believed that their soul became trapped in the world, reincarnating over and over until they were once again free from identification with this dimension and could return home to pure Spirit. They saw how our attention becomes easily trapped in this dualistic universe. Snared by the temptations of the outer life, the mind creates an inner thought-based world to match, and by these very thoughts, reinforces the outer world of matter and the senses. Seeing how thoughts and matter became intertwined, creating a net nearly impossible to break, the Cathar Perfects labored to save themselves with great earnestness. A little serious introspection will show us that we too are trapped in a net of two worlds interwoven of mind and matter.
The first of these worlds, and the primary projection, is the physical world of matter and the senses. It is basically neutral, having no emotional or value-based characteristics in and of itself, and separate from us, being a view. This world includes our body, also. The second world, our personal inner drama, is entirely in our heads, and is reactive, less real, and layered upon the first world like icing on a cake. It too, is only a view. The only reality in either of these worlds is our attention, which, when it comes into contact with this dualistic mess, soon becomes trapped.
        These two worlds, or movies, let's call them, are so intertwined that we come to see them as one. We are taught from birth to accept what we see in front of us as real, and soon learn to accept our inner reactions, or thoughts, as valid also. Most of these early thoughts are colored by the psychic atmosphere of our home environment, and are never questioned, being so close, and us so young. Soon enough, as the play of life unfolds, we have blended our thoughts and the scene before us into one big drama, which we call our life. This so-called life oscillates between heaven and hell, depending on how the two movies are interacting. Barring a catastrophic failure, trauma, or mounting misery, we never question any of this. Any attempt at escape usually consists of simply rearranging one of the two movies to better fit the other. Let's take another look at each of these dramas, and see if we can find any holes in this net; the trap of movie madness.
       The first movie, the world 'out there', is the universal projection we are all, as humans, subject to. It functions according to universal rules, and can be taken as good or bad, right or wrong. Hardly anyone sees it clearly, in and of itself. To illustrate this, simply pick an object and try to look at it without association. If you could see the world as it is, without benefit of the inner drama's projections, you would not know what the object was, nor care. As soon as 'knowing', or memory, kicks in, you are looking at the inner movie as it layers itself over the neutral world of the senses. For most of us, many years of inner work are necessary before we can gaze upon the world without attachment. This can be a startling revelation, to look about at a world created new every moment, full of wonder and possibility. This listening attention can only be had in a quiet mind cleared of emotional baggage, a mind unconcerned with voices of judgment and fear, desire and greed.
       The other drama, the inner movie, is the world of thought, both personal and impersonal. It is reactive, associative, and entirely in the head of the individual, regardless of how it may or may not correspond to the heads of others. It is what separates and confines. Again, to get a look at this, pick any familiar object, and take a look. What you tell yourself you are seeing is your inner movie at work. If you see the object as separate, with associations in memory, no matter how valid, you are looking at your own head, not the object. As you go through your day, look at how everything you see is colored with memory, expectation, and judgment, trapping your attention into a dualistic dream world of your own creation. And it all happens automatically, as if by magic. And magic it is. We weave and spin the net that binds us into our own heads with every thought we identify with. How can we free our trapped attention, and perhaps turn it back in the direction of our Source, towards something non-associative and changeless, something Real?
        The devil is said to be in the details, and this is where we can start. Simply look at your thoughts, your reactions, as they automatically fire every second of the day. There are many holes in the net, if we but look. By a constant passive attention, a listening, a looking without thinking, we can spot the many little clues that show us how we project the inner movie onto the outer, and how we can break the chain of relentless association. Once this listening attention is familiar, one can learn to turn it, to move it from movie to movie. We may eventually find it can be turned around and focused within, behind the inner movie to the formless realm beyond all experience. This freedom of movement of the attention doesn't happen by willing it, for that would  be just another ego-character playing about in the inner movie. It simply happens, once we've paid the price.
       If you're not lucky enough to have paid the price of losing your own head through the grace of trauma or disaster, then the freeing of your attention must be bought with austerity, conviction and earnestness. The Cathar Perfects gave us a hint on how to get started freeing the attention through their lives of abstinence, discipline, and peace, which set them free from the cares and temptations of the worlds of matter and thought. This lifestyle develops the intuition and clears the head of desire and fear based thinking. Then, by paying constant attention, coupled with intuition, one can see little tricks, gaps in the net, that build on the conviction that things are not as they seem. The inner presence of one who has already lost his head can also help. If felt, this presence may trigger a revelation, a conviction that there is something beyond the apparent. As for earnestness, this cannot be bought or faked, but again can be bolstered by intuition, clear reasoning, and the facing of the fact that life, as it is in appearance, is a zero-sum game.
       The everyday world of paying the bills and getting by will not allow itself to be questioned; it will not help you of itself. If you have read this far, you must have seen enough holes in your own net to start questioning your worlds, inner and outer. If so, make a move. Find your true companions, the ones who too have had enough of the dream world of living alone, in the movie theater inside their heads. They're out there in the lobby, waiting for you, these soon to be headless souls. Help each other, clear a path through the tangle of thought and form. Find the exit, the door to daylight and freedom, and walk away from the movie madness of shadows and dreams. You may discover, once you are outside in the daylight, that you and your companions are One.

Hurry Up! We're Dreaming!

M83 – Intro
It kept ringing in my inner ears. If there even is such a thing. Repeating over & over again.  A whisper as subtle as a snow flake falling to the ground, but holding all it's beauty while resonating it through your entire body.  What did it mean? What was it saying exactly? What dream and why the rush?
The Cooper Temple Clause – The Same Mistakes
 I couldn't explain any of it, but I knew it sang something remarkable into my own life.  The painting hung on the wall opposite of the bed.  A glow came from some numbers.  No lights, no T.V., no candles, but there the glow continued to shine it's presence.  

 Wilco – Dreamer In My Dreams
As subtle as the sound to my inner ears. Warm to the heart. Glowing effortlessly through the dark.  I looked over to see my love still drifted into a deep sleep.  I sat up slowly not to wake the dreamer. Not to allow my confusion to overtake her grace.  My clock was glowing it's own blue.  Hardly enough to be considered a light of any sort.  The numbers reflected back into my eyes.  2:22 am.

 Once again I slowly moved toward the painting.  The numbers becoming more pronounced through its vibrant rays.  I took a deep breathe & turned my head to see if she remained asleep.  Her stomach moving naturally in & out.  The mountain of sheets & blankets layed atop her body hiding her identity to the night.  As I got close enough to the hanging light I could see 3 numbers piercing into the darkness.  Made out to be golden rays that swirled into each other creating a bright white hue.  The picture was an art piece done by a high profile persona among the art community.  her initials were scrawled into the tree toward the ground where the Earth & tree merged naturally.  Next to it were the numbers which were known to be her signature which she blazed upon all her paintings.

The sky in the painting had a deep purple with orange tints sprayed throughout the landscape.  It's title reknown as well " Dreams of the everchanging creations of Heart" was a few centimeters above the sky.  A girl standing alone with her hair drifting with the wind was actually a self portrait she of herself as a young girl she imagined herself to look like once. This self portrait was done at an age completely far enough from the innocence she shouldn't have been able to capture so perfectly, from a future living woman now.  A masterpiece to some, a forgery to others, & a disgrace for many.

 A personal favorite of mine. 222 began to glow brighter. And I felt it must be time. The voice whispered amid the darkness.  She woke up, looked at me, & spoke words I never imagined could come out of her mouth.  Without knowing, without hearing, without ever telling me before that night.  Her eyes sparkled like diamonds, her words sang like a choir.  "Hurry Up We're Dreaming!"  

We locked eyes, both looking at the glowing canvas shining through ink stained darkness.  The darkness became light again. Were we awake?  Were we dreaming? We held each other closely.  It had to be a dream. "My painting!" she yelped. "It's glowing" I responded.

A masterpiece that glowed the dark into light.

Mirror Living 

Inspired by the album title (Hurry up We're Dreaming by M83)

 M83 – Hurry Up We're Dreaming