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Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Illusion of Proof

Today I thought again about how we believe we've come so far with civilization because of technology.
It's because of these new discoveries that we now know what makes an object exist. Exhibit A. A chair. If we zoom into a chair we find somethings inside. We call them atoms. But if we were to look for the chair inside the atom through a microscope we might be very disappointed with our findings.
We will instead only find more and more parts of the atom that is the chair. And no matter how much we want to experience the fullness of the chair when using all of our senses, the closest way we can do it is to touch it & feel it's structure whether with our hands or buttocks. But you'll never be able to sit on the chair within the atom unless you were an Ant Man which you'll find out sadly it's still an atom. And you sure as hell won't see an actual representation of a chair in the atom. Unless that's a new discovery that I haven't been updated on yet (If that's true then scratch this whole post).
This could also be a super interesting way to see how God works. If God is everything then I suppose if we zoomed in on God we would only see the trappings of what makes God. But what if our universe were the trappings? You, me, and the world that spins so easily around are all pieces of God. Then did we ever actually make a new discovery of any kind or did we just go in circles with learning the many different ways that we exist as God or how God exists as us through all things. What's funnier is that with all of these supposed new discoveries, we were given everything we could ever need to prove that God exists. And instead of searching for how, where, and what God exists as, we instead try to find evidence that proves things exist. It's amazing with how stubborn our race can be when it comes to life, society, and proof.
These are thoughts that play inside my head. Hope you enjoyed.
God Bless

Now here's something worth discovering in my opinion.
Proof (TNT) Official Trailer [HD] Jennifer Beals plays Dr. Carolyn Tyler, who has suffered the recent, devastating loss of her teenage son, the breakup of he...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

I'm Sick

I'm Sick

I'm sick of judgement.
I'm sick of rejections
I'm sick of excuses
I'm sick of labels
I'm sick of misconceptions
I'm sick of projections of fear
I'm sick of agendas
I'm sick of conflicting discussions
I'm sick of misunderstood approaches
I'm sick of bias
I"m sick of the pursuit of not listening
I'm sick of the disconnect
I'm sick of purposeful confusing dialogues
I'm sick of angered reactions
I'm sick of non-love
I'm sick of disrespect
I'm sick of disbelief
I'm sick of separateness
I'm sick of no conscience
I'm sick of heart being slandered
I'm sick of not talking
I'm sick of no one listening
I'm sick of painful substitutes
I'm sick of feeling-less individuals
I'm sick of blocked minds
I'm sick of programmed lies
I'm sick of forgotten justice
I'm sick of sickening creations
I'm sick of overlooked nameless saints
I'm sick of faithless ventures
I'm sick of spiritless foundations
I'm sick of self guaranteed emptiness
I'm sick of selfish needs
I'm sick of disagreements
I'm sick of being misunderstood

All of these things I'm sick of. So sick that I wrote about it for you to read. To read and hear my voiceless sound. To understand my painful contemplation when it comes to us.
Yes we are together in this. With this. Of this.
Together we can do something that brings heart to those not asking.
Bring truth for those who need a voice.
Tell someone that they are real.
This is real. This is what my love looks like.
Chaotic, frustrated, meaningful, and hopefully contagious.

God Bless


Friday, July 17, 2015

The long shadows of the disappearing truth. Part 1

The long shadows of the disappearing truth. Part 1
I know that technology is at the core of the glitch. What I can't come to an agreement within myself about is whether it's a blessing in disguise or it's a repressed memory embedded within our collective consciousness.
In other words.
Is the true purpose of technology to free us once and for all from living in our detached ways with one another or is it here only because it's locked into humanity's original purpose?
This is something that I can't shake over the last few days. The repetition of robots and technology in the mainstream media over the past few decades is curious to say the least. Many people say many different reasons for why this might be, but all of them only touch the surface of something that underlies all those reasons. Some reasons which are superficial "It's cool!" to reasons that lean toward educational such as "We have evolved".
There are other reasons as well that support technology but leave us overall without ever giving us a good reason for technologies importance. That at the moment.... I don't have a good enough example of because I myself do support technology for reasons such as mentioned in this paragraph itself.
However I do also know that obsession over technology, is not allowing us to balance our lives properly enough to make decisions for ourselves, remember important dates, information, numbers using our own thinking muscle, and alleviates any reason for spirituality to have any sort of importance when it comes to technology. In fact more often then not it gives us a green light when it comes to self serving principles which spearhead new fresh ideas about how God is no longer worth searching for compared to a God particle.
Strange isn't it? I thankfully have been given a podium with a microphone to use to help bring my ideas and spiritual guidance (if it can even be called that) to people such as yourself. The catch is who doesn't have this podium with a microphone? And there you have it. Everyone has this capability. So I guess my next question is where is difference now? What makes a person unique? I mean if we're all using the microphone that means we're all (even if it's only fractional} a little similar. There's no denying that.
Sure technology has given us advances, cures, capabilities we never had, a reach to things we never could have reached, an inundated amount of ideas anyone could surf, a collective grouping of people who were outcasts becoming normal while the normal groupings become more and more outcast-ed.
But I stand firm that we need balance. We need a little personal one on one time with people. Technology was only supposed to support our society not control it or us. Did we forget this? While I'm typing away someone somewhere is possibly reading a post while on their phone driving to a city with their satellite radio on while their driving companions are all on ipads, ipods, or iphones. The I's have it! Don't they? It's all I these days and no us, but we can change it and fortunately we are.
Even if that change is being done through a boring post about technology and the meaning behind it's purpose.
At least I'm sharing the idea with you instead of keeping it all for I-self.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mercury Retrograde and the Reboot

Mercury Retrograde May 18-June 12 2015

The retrograde has come and gone, but a trail of turns and bends are what was left behind it. It was and has been a life awakening event. Whether you believe in this phenomena or not is completely up to you. But I hope that through my story from personal experience it may open your heart and mind to see that things aren't always as they appear.

This may be for a very good reason.......

It started. I didn't even know it was going to happen until it was already happening. I had no time to prepare. No time to batten down the hatches and/or what not. Because it was too late. Mercury was in retrograde and in retrospect I should've known how important we needed it to do so.

The text I received was sent to me with a link to an explanation of what we should expect from it. A few key points was highlighted strongly while other aspects seemed mild at best. I'll summarize the main highlights so not to get off point.

Highlight 1) The past will be revisited. Start or restart unfinished projects.
Highlight 2) There will be miscommunication especially through text, voicemail, and email.
Highlight 3) Computers, phones, cars, and most devices will have bad connections and some won't work.

Ok so now I knew what I was in for, but of course I knew not to freak out. Instead I took the observer approach toward any future events that came my way during the event. Thank God I did. If I hadn't I think I would have been cursing the stars!

It was only shortly after I read this that I began my transformation into full observer. It all seemed to happen so quickly with this subtle transition.
First it was some mishaps with my voicemail from people I needed to get in touch with. A sprinkle of an email here and there. Then came complaints from family and friends. This is where it got really interesting. Two people close to me in the family had to literally buy new devices. One was a computer which out of nowhere stopped working completely after an update. The other was constant issues with various usage alerts on the phones.
Finally the one phone was upgraded which we came to find out that it had some type of issue with the mainframe. Yep had to return that and got a newer one. Even I had an issue which was straight up bizarre that my friend while we were texting back and forth in conversation (if you can call it that) suddenly received an entire message that I never sent/typed yet it still was in line with the topic we were discussing. Bizzarrre!

 Let's not forget the few times I was driving while conversing via speaker and the call just completely disconnected which doesn't happen very often for me at least.

For me (An observer) it was utterly fascinating. But then it spread to people I worked with. One after another I would hear whispers of complaints about emails being misinterpreted and phones not working correctly.

Ok I know you're probably like "Yeah that happens. Not a big eye opener for me. I need something else to prove this whole silly retrograde phenomena has any substantial truth to it!" I hear ya. Trust me I do. No need to get angry at me. I'll move on.

Now with the retrograde there is the possibility of the past coming back. Welcome back past!
That's exactly what happened. First it was a long time haven't talked to for reasons I won't mention friend. That was strange.

Then there was the time I was praying about what and how to make my purpose a part of my life. Next day I hear from another group of people I haven't heard from in at least 2 years. Getting stranger. Then while walking around the local area on various days I run into people associated with the family of which I haven't seen or talked to in many years. Again strange.

 My family runs into people that I know that I haven't talked or seen in years as well. Good God! What's going on?
Now enter people I know that don't know anything about retrograde, spirituality, universal consciousness, etc.... It seemed that during this thriving time of the past, people were just bubbling with the need to talk about and reminisce about the past. What's funnier is that I never mentioned anything about this phenomena and yet they felt so compelled to just spill their past memories with me and anyone else around.

No matter how I tried to slice it the evidence was just adding up more and more. Then my close friends starting hearing from people they haven't talked nor seen in decades.
All in the same month? That just doesn't seem probable.

I started to realize something as an observer. I realized that maybe this event was something so important that if I wasn't an observer it would completely pass me by. What I felt strongly was that this was our time to get it right! If we were going to revisit the past I presumed, maybe it was for us to heal some old beaten and battered wounds that had been left open for far too long. This seemed to be right on the money. It was soon after I came to this conclusion that things started becoming a lot more clearer. I could see the momentum of this phenomena and I could see that there was something beyond proper explanation happening to us as a whole race.

There was a glitch in the system and it was making itself  known to anyone watching closely during this universal event.

As an observer simply taking everything in around me I wanted to get a full scope of how far this whole retrograde went. I started looking into current events and the evidence seemed to be seeking me out this time.

Three Patriot Act provisions were going to expire and from what I read they did. And after they did there was something new attached to an old fossilized procedure. NSA now needed a warrant from the Federal Court to have civilians data. Damn! Talk about blast from the past!

Next up for me was the show Halt & Catch Fire which premiered around the same time that a mother recycled their old vintage apple computer worth 100,000 dollars. Just fascinating.

Tomorrowland debuted on May 22 which has everything to do with the past and revisiting it. It's called Tomorrowland for God's sakes!
Speaking of movies from the past-

Mad Max Fury Road-May 15
Poltergeist-May 22
Entourage-June 5
Jurassic World-June 12

How about TV?
Aquarius-June 4th
Halt & Catch Fire-May 31
Girl meets World-May 11
Are you smarter than a sixth grader is back?-May 26

I just thought it might help people if they saw how many different things were premiering during this retrograde event. It's just an interesting fact is all.

Finally I decided to take matters into my own hands and I wanted to explore a little bit more with what this glitch was exactly. Could the retrograde be another way of showing that our universe was rebooting time? What a concept right? There's no way to really know if that's true, but I knew that if I couldn't prove that time was rebooted, I could definitely try to uncover what the glitch was at the very least.

So that's exactly what I tried to do. But before I got to work I needed one more detail that someone from my past had to share with me. Seeing the glitches live and in real time. That's exactly what was given to me. An example, a personal encounter with the glitchtym. If it weren't for this individual I don't believe that I would have had enough pieces to help me uncover what the glitch was.

Thankfully the retrograde made sure that the past would not just exist as a memory, but I and it would once again revisit one another to help get things right. To help wake up the world!

Introducing the data page. Evidence to show the real from the unreal. To help us all uncover the glitch so that we can free ourselves from the illusion. I built this page just before I went to see Tomorrowland in the theater which made the experience all the more wild and exciting. I built it in hope that you along with me would share your own experiences, evidence, and beliefs of how we can unveil the glitch to the world!

Please help us find the glitch in the system so we will never have to reboot again,


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Book of Truth

Book of Truth
Book of Love

“What is the Book of Truth?” the young boy asks his mother.
“The book of truth? Oh that is what I’ve read to you since you were only a baby my dear” Mother smiles gently at her boy.
“I know that mom! I mean but what is it? Who wrote it? Where did it come from?” The boy grew anxious because he had a deep yearning to find answers to all things that inspired him.
The mother carefully looked at her impatient son. “No one knows where it came from or who wrote it. The only thing that comes close to answering these questions is that it never didn’t exist. It was always there just as the light burning embers glowing from up within the darkened heavens. Does that help?”
He wasn’t happy. He expected a better answer. Something more deserving than just another guess. “I guess mom. But how can something never not have existed? That seems impossible right? I didn’t know those lights in the sky always existed? I thought spirit brought them through love? Didn’t it?”
“Son, the Spirit Laws are more complicated than the Book of Truth, but funny enough those same laws are contained within the Book of Truth. It’s a strange mystery. To answer your question, yes from love came spirit and from spirit came the Book of Truth and from the Book of Truth came everything.”

“Ohhhhhhhhh” something clicked with this last answer for the young boy. If he was built of metal the gears and levers could have been seen moving perfectly with precision. He wasn’t done interrogating his mother though.

“Do you believe that true love is real mom? Do you believe that is really all we’re here to do?”

Saturday, April 25, 2015

4/11/15 Compassion Report

Compassion Report

When asked to write about compassion, there is one person that comes to mind more than any other person.  Since I met David almost 4 years ago, we shared a bond that was given to us by the spirit and from the very first day, I fell in love with his kindness.  There have been a handful of people in my lifetime who have bent over backwards for me, but none like him.  Id like to tell you what compassion means to me, through the eyes of my relationship with a near perfect man, David Dirkhising.  The kind of man of which we all wish more existed.  Since I can assure you that his talent can not be summed up in this short summary of our life together, Id like to focus on one example of who he is specifically.

            No matter what my needs are, David puts them ahead of his own.  He lets me stay at home, because that's what I need.  I always get to pick out the movies, shows, what we eat for dinner, even though I would happily let him choose.  Like the good partner he is, the man listens to me complain yet never puts me down or says anything critical.  His dedication at work to support us both is inspirational, even life giving, a vehicle for his tireless dedication to our larger goals.  He is wonderful, even when I am not.  And these statements don't cover a fraction of what he does for me every single day.  To me, Davids selfless attitude is a perfect example of what compassion should be.

This is the first of many more reports from the front line observer who will be experiencing these events first hand, live, and through their flesh and blood.

Remember everyone that we are Human's first.

God Bless

Monday, April 20, 2015

Human Again Chapter 10 Contemplation of the Human Process

Human Again Chapter 10
Contemplation of the Human Process

It’s now or never before we’ll know what this spell of writing has been all about. Humanity has reached a precipice of forgetting their purpose, their roles, their destiny, and their heart within the all. With a careful reflection upon the ventures we tread there lies waiting for each of us a crystalized truth of what life really means. Hidden in the facades we carelessly display, projections of emotional turmoil work their way to the surface to show us through another face. The many faces and the many masks we use to conceal the true essence of our living soul allows it to silently play in the background of our life’s story. An untold phenomena in which each of us are take part in and where each individual is has its place within the tale we are living right now.
To be human now is the vast request of the whole of the world without even so much as a whisper from them to make it known. Our programmed natural response to these various notions is to keep your mouth shut and keep your heart closed so as not to make too many sounds which could wake the sleepers waiting. Waiting for the feeling of life to come barreling through their doors begging them to take part in. The adventure to meet them headway while cruising down a narrow road while traveling to the local deli. A meeting with the divine while surfing the long wide web of electrified knowledge. We’re all still waiting to be born into a soup of boiling truth, while carefully being stirred by the weak hand of observance. For me there’s a boiling spirit churning unnoticed within the recipe of the unknown. A proof that needs nor deserves proving. An evidential fact that asks not for evidence. A feeling that creates itself endlessly while simultaneously moving inside each of our own bodies. This is the puzzle piece in which has come to be known to all humans as the heart, beating the love into our bodies and through our lungs. Love isn’t a lonely word, but in fact the true word of all life that continues to be. Regardless of our self-will, self-projections, and the chaotic mechanisms each of them use.
            This was an experiment. An experiment that I feel captured one of the deepest measures of what being a human is all about.  Writing is becoming lost to the fathoms of glowing vessels strewn about leisurely throughout the globe. Day by day each of our electronic gizmos continue to self-perpetuate their never ending  lives by allowing us the pleasure and honor to use them to our own devices, just as long as they are in control of their controllers. You might believe this to be an embellishment of my own perception, but it’s nothing less than an eagle eyed focus on the core of what has become a continuing process involving humanity. There are reasons to believe that with this outer reflection we can finally discover where and when our curiosity took the driver’s seat while our heart became the passenger barely tagging along for the ride. What pray does this mean when considering the notion of writing as something more than just a past time play? While all the various meanings become plastered across the globe for all too see they inconspicuously remain hidden behind the distracting wants and pleasures in which we all take so much enjoyment in. Thus leaving the written word begging for a home to live and grow in. That home is and has always been the heart and specifically the heart that glows so boldly without a sound that our society ear couldn’t hear, the one in which bodies use daily to live and frequent their life with. That being is the human.

            The truth is there if you want it. The truth is hidden if you believe it to be. The truth is what you make it if you’re not being honest. The truth is loud if you are quiet and silent if you are too loud. The truth builds lives and creates possibility. The truth vanquishes the pain from the suffering. The truth is hidden in plain sight if you look to far while easy to find if you aren’t looking anywhere at all. The truth is within the writing of your own soul and if you dare recognize that truth then you’ll start writing until you’re finally whole. You’ll start writing down your thoughts and your dreams and you’ll find that reality is not at all what it seems. You may see the writing on the walls or the beckoning letter calls. You may hear the words find you where we all do meet. Or you may instead find yourself listening to the stories from the people you meet. You could find yourself texting the ideas to your web or translating your messages being beamed to your head. Maybe you can see your thoughts that live in the memories you carry and even the millions of perspectives your conscious helped bury. Endless amounts of reasons for you yourself to write. Start now, start here, start today! The truth has been waiting so adamantly to find you and if you give truth just a few moments of your valued attention you will find that each learned writing lesson had a pearl of wisdom holding all the meaning your dear heart could have ever desired.

            Being human is needed now more than ever. To be a truthful spirit one must be a believer that truth will always deliver. The heart knows no bounds and has no wants that it doesn’t experience already. Each heart plays the biggest part within the entire story of life forever. You’ve made it this far and for that I have been given the greatest treasure. To bring the words from heart to mouth to fingers to letters. The purpose of this blurb is to bring words back into place. They were being forgotten and hadn’t the space to bring the truth to the outer most reaches of inner space. Writing may be a forgotten mystery but I believe that what you have to write just adds more truth to our shared history. Some may say mirror you don’t realize what you say. The spirit that brings the words to you is a shared understanding that is destined truth. Will you follow the trail of letters bringing you down a passage or to new paths? This isn’t a fantastic notion, but a hurried fact. You’ll recognize its beauty once we’re all back on track.
This is phase ten of a Book to be and my wildest of writings.
