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Sunday, January 8, 2012


The Global Brain Consciousness Movement

by David Russell on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 11:51am



The Global Brain Consciousness Movement’s worldwide meditation events, which take place every Saturday, are intended to have a real, meaningful and tangible effect on the world. However, one has to ask how a crowd of people who do not actually know each other in the real world, all practising different but similar techniques from the comfort of their own homes at the same time can have any effect on the world?


Surely, if such events have any effects they are on the individuals participating not the world?Whilst change, real change, can only happen on an individual basis that is not the intention of the meditation events. The meditation events are intended to harness the collective experience of those participating and send it flowing into the world.


If that seems an idealistic and unachievable objective, it is not. There is substantial evidence that collective meditations have a significant, verging on dramatic, effect on the world. There have been many monitored studies demonstrating that collective meditations have an effect on many social factors.


In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, applying his knowledge as a physicist, came up with a prediction that if a critical mass of 1% of a community were to practice TM, a measurable improvement in the quality of life for the whole community would be evident. In the following years he put this hypothesis to the test in a number of city-based studies. In 1974, a study indicated that the hypothesis worked when a collective meditation event produced a 16% fall in crime plus large reductions in car accidents, hospital admissions, fires and social strife.


In the following decades these events were organized in many US cities and every time they produced a significant drop in crime figures, the average being 11%. In 1993, under the scrutiny of an independent review board, a study was conducted in Washington DC. This produced a drop in crime of 23.3%. The probability of this happening by chance is less than one in one billion.


If such meditation events can have such dramatic effects on a local level, why not on a global level?


The Global Brain Consciousness Movement’s worldwide meditation events are designed to take Maharishi’s vision to the next level. Never before has there been an attempt to change global consciousness in this way. Not that any of that makes it seem less idealistic and more achieveable. I mean, 1% of the world’s population? How many is that, then? Well, actually it is well over 68 million. Gulp. So how’s that going to happen?


Well, fortunately, science is on our side. As the world of quantum physics has discovered subtler and subtler levels of communication between smaller and smaller particles and waveforms, the figure of 1% has come down. Maharishi’s original prediction had been based on initial discoveries in the field of waveform transitions. As this research progressed it was discovered that a much smaller percentage of a new waveform could could completely transform another waveform. The discoveries came thick and fast. First 0.01% (in population terms, slightly over a million) and then the square root of 1% (around 8000.)


Hmmmm, now 8000 people? That is a realizable objective.


It is our belief that if we can get a body of people numbering thousands we can start to have a real effect on the world. For that reason we would ask you to share these events wherever you can, invite your friends and post it in groups.

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