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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dreaming scientific longing of making Brilliance, brilliant again.

To prepare for the oncoming brilliance has no need for preparation or creed. The tools were strewn about the room and the sciencer dreamers decided to forget their regement toward achieving brilliance to share. Instead they held it quietly in the corners of their minds staring at each other with that otherworldly view of I have something you don't. So they slowly parted and their brilliance that they so cleverly dreamed up became sporadic and split into dices and slices of moments that they couldn't put together again.

As they continued to preach their dream to the other pupils that they so easily drew in with their intelligent devices of collective brilliance, the truth dispersed again and again throughout the land to all the company of individual seekers of evidence which was evidently a heart warming longing that they couldn't wait to get back to and decidedly they agreed they would.

The brilliance wandered through brain to brain and traveled the mechanical workings of the minds the etched their understanding on the blackboards of conscience and sold their truth for to high a price and too little to be believed.

Forward march on they drifted along toward the barriers and walls that would put bricks in their calls and solid division by attaching their names. Another slide toward victory was another slip down the hill toward forgetfulness of brilliance with every earth footstep embedded. People of all statures went to their rooms to figure out where the brilliance went and again and again a circle of endlessly illusions created tools with how to get the brilliance. The truth of its creation was left hidden under a dust of regrets of guilt while their memories of choices slept silently under the covers of ignorance.

Meanwhile on the other side of the land where new dreamers began, a movement of inspiring acts of brilliance was being shot into observance by all the livers watching the land. The acting became the actors while the technology of their decisions became lost and never considered by the scientific dreamers that motions of brilliance could be reactivated far and distant from their treasured longing tenants.

And as the townspeople gathered around to share this new found pleasure and the plans formed themselves without the people needing to get in the way. Creations never dreamed or hypothesised came into fruition without action nor needence of dreaming for how it was to be done.


Nope they simply just begun!

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