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Sunday, April 12, 2015

(A letter about compassion) The Introduction to becoming a Human

(A letter about compassion)
The Introduction to becoming a Human

Dear fellow reader,

It’s come to my attention that the more we spout off about compassion through the various channels of communication the less it’s taken seriously as a super power. It’s shameful as race of “civilized beings” can’t see the rewards that are warranted them if more than just a few individuals would take such a stance toward life, their family, and the universe. For thousands of years and possibly even centuries beyond that the gift of compassion has served magnificently when it came to beings who endlessly suffer. But given the new approach that I’m continuously being briefed on about when it comes to “modern” perceptions of such innocent childlike actions, there has been deemed no room at all to squeeze between the ego’s and greed to allow such beauty to transpire through the collective whole.

I regretfully have to inform those who believe in such nonsensical perspectives and graciously give my saddest of apologies for their soul has been quietly shut out of their body. And with such drastic tactics we beings who have been observing such practices have decided to use a different approach. So that they too won’t, can’t, and shall never be dubbed useless again.

For argument sake let’s discuss person 1. That is what we will call this being.

Person 1 goes through their life as does all of you said HUMAN beings. But a few things distances this person from the survivalist mentality that you have all conjured into your beings labeled as INSTINCTS. Person 1 does not exhibit the egotistic notions of various hidden plans with sleight of hand agendas being quietly discussed in back rooms with dirty money being propagated to those who are deemed worthy by said peers. No person 1 just simply uses its head to look the other way without judgement, without complaints, while quietly sharing with those who are interested plans of another way.

Next you can see Person 1 going about their business doing good deeds out of the sheer feeling of driving them to do so because they feel that it’s needed more than anything else in the world. While vultures of multiple communities shout at one another while feeding off any information they can find to help only themselves move forward and with a hope that all the other’s not playing along will eventually become forgotten about. And eventually left behind. Instead of sharing these animals choose the way of self propelling their own lives without any help they stomp on anyone that gets in their way.

The last example I will recall about Person 1 is that even after said person experiences these types of drastic attention grabbing accounts of insecurity in which each of these human animals proudly exhibit, Person 1 continues with their life with smile upon their face, a warmth in their heart, and of course, of course while opening the door metaphorically as well as physically for any of these groups of hungry feeding frenzies to vent their frustrations to Person 1. While Person 1 gives them the respect, care, love, and energy to help these misguided beings come back to the beings they truly are.

These are simple examples of daily life for people who fit in the Person 1 scenario. This example isn't taken any of their other sufferings, challenges, and sadness into account. Because though one’s can strive toward compassion it takes nothing away from their born humanity. They are not regardless of what the masses may believe these beings that exist in perpetual bliss while pain and suffering circle them about. They are just not allowing their essence to be pulled fully into said pain. Rather they move steadily move through the pain without allowing any attachment to the suffering that goes along with it. It certainly does not make them less human in fact I believe it increases their ability to become fully human instead. To withstand all that’s thrown at you with a smile is what I firmly believe a human being for they understand the truth that you are nothing less than brother/sister of theirs and love for that person will be the first thing exhibited at all times.

This is only an introduction to what will be a story of Person 1’s experience when it came to becoming a full human being. Join me as we go through this beings experience on a place called Planet Earth. Share this beings triumphs and failures, challenges and sadness as he crosses the threshold of life to become what the being was always born to be.

Along with this there will be multiple reports about people doing amazing things currently from this year 2015 and on. They are shared in hope that they will inspire others along their journey's to help bring compassion back into the world regardless of the challenges and pain we each are personally experiencing.

God Bless


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