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Monday, June 6, 2011

Wakey Wakey to the art gallery of life!


The many facets of origins have made me consider our lives to be gifts that we should welcomely share with the world.  The glorious facets of unknown secrets and mysteries were discovered and purposely forgotten, so we could once again play hide and seek with the many pieces of the puzzle. 

Could we but open our eyes and wipe the cobwebs off our internal knowingness, then we could actually experience the diversity of paths that we continue to share and explore with each other.  Each person another beautiful masterpiece of art that we so willingly dissect and confuse to be our own. My portrait is not yours to paint, but yours to add your glorious perspective and dimension to.  If we could step back and observe all the different paintings that are displayed in the art gallery of life we could see the beauty inherit within all the various visions. 

We would say, I can understand the pain that artist went through when they used those colors and depictions of life.  I could see the joy this person used when creating the world that is displayed here. I can see the hatred that coursed through this artists broken heart and how they forget their divine spark, while the other artists kept painting their joy around him/her to remind them of their own divinity they forgot.

The truth is the the love thats used to paint the many paintings in the gallery, no matter how its depicted is still at the end of the day, love. Love in its fullness and unconditionality, to display its passions, desires, visions, & various experiences of being.  Love that is for-getting and not re-membered. If we were to re-member the connections within ourselves, we might then allow the love to generate its true vision without interfering with its clarity, by using human perception.

The truth of love is beyond our current vision, however we can see fragments of sparks that lie dormant and fully energized within each other. Won't you see your own spark of love? Won't you share this today with your family on the Earth?

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