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Friday, March 2, 2012

In honor of Dr. Seuss a story short and true to its natural glory!~

I've been informed to announce that the cavalry of shouts has sighted its eyes on an unbelievable prize. The very inch of necessary proportions of love washing away doubts in amounts of oceans. Trouble flowing past the decreed witnessing of all that's been dishonorably agreed to. The lies of endless dramatic sadness is finally weighed itself to be to heavy a burden to carry for all. So let the unloading, reflecting, and blessed commence with its ever unfolding of turning twisting and tale-ing events. Conspire to see the code that lives in the feeling glowing in the heart that shines forever without dark. For the dark is nothing more then where the loving light is going to next which is the true tale of how we all exist.

In honory of illustrations come full bloom on todays day of birthing truth I speak for the dreams to those illusions which think to be true. The good truth is they never were there nor did you even assume to begin to relive your inner news. The news of freeing features and actions of excited journeys. Let the good love be your truth and know that all the outside distractions are nothing more then fearful retractions of being proven too downward to continue. These continued fallings of failing duties from sea to shiny land is the ever present gift of love fully planting the roots of beauty within our souls and spiriting them to life through the grounded projected sillyness to allow the truth to behold the loving grace of our evolution that has already proceeded.

This song played after I wrote that

Can it be any clearer?

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