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Friday, March 2, 2012

Call me Crazy, but I'm dreaming synchronicity in the spirit of things! (Synchrologblog 15)

This week has been full of synchronicity!


The pieces moving together as the puzzle comes clearer into view.


It started out with me using serpentine for most of the week. What an interesting energy. I noticed before reading the following that it definitely was clearing away old issues and helping me stabilize myself while everything else was a little funky around me.


Other Serpentine Properties

Although it is known for its kundalini awakening... other Serpentine properties make it a very useful stone. It is a strong heart chakra stone... and it resonates with the Devic realm. For this use choose the lighter green stones.

Elemental beings may be encouraged to make contact with you and using this stone may also aid you to make contact with angelic guidance. Place a piece of the Serpentine rock in your garden to aid the process.

Serpentine stone often contains Black Magnetite or Lodestone within it... which is a magnetic mineral. Rough SerpentineRough Serpentine with this inclusion look quite different to the normal green stones. They may aid you to access the energy of the planet and may aid those who wish to heal the earth.

It is an excellent stone for cellular regeneration... and to assist with healing problems within the heart and lungs. It may also aid healing of diabetes.... and eliminate parasites, as well as helping you to better absorb both magnesium and calcium.

This stone is an ancient stone... and it resonates within those ancient reptilian areas of the brain. It will aid you to rewire your brain... and it may aid you to let go of any aggression you might be feeling. Combine it with Seraphinite for this use, as it is an excellent combination.

This green stone assist with healing problems within the heart and lungs.... and it is an excellent stone for cellular regeneration.

It is also a stone to encourage you to make contact with the elemental beings as the members of the Devic realm resonate with its energy.

If you wish to aid the healing of the earth... its vibration of earth energy will aid you in this aim.

Using Serpentine For Kundalini Activation

Kundalini activation is associated with 'enlightenment'... and this whole process has been written about in depth in many books. If you have a strong interest in this... you might like to read more widely on this subject... as there is a lot more to this than is outlined here.

Then during the week I started 2 more groups on Facebook. One about yes you guessed it synchronicity and the other about music. The one group about synchronicity is for people to start sharing theirs with others so we can keep the miracles in our focus first!

The second is about music and spirituality merging. Anything having to do with music that connects with spirit is welcome and as always I'll let it evolve from there.

The point of the music is to get my butt in gear. I'm a singer and my spirit wants to sing and by God that is what I intend to do. It's a group not only for musicians to meet and share, but also to better connect with spirituality through it. Wish us luck!

Which brings me to the following events!


This week someone I know went and saw Radiohead in concert and raved about how it was the best concert they have ever seen! I can agree for I have seen this band live and it truly was by far the best I ever saw out of all the ones I've seen. These are only opinions so we could be wrong, but the experience of it was definitely worth it regardless.



So after discussing the amazing songs and their performance I went to writing a little. The day went and talked a little about Radiohead at work with someone and then comes the dreams.

One was with my wife which I'll get to another time. The other was about me meeting Thom Yorke! In the dream we talked and I said to him I wanted to ask him something because I thought he might be able to help me out.

Then I told him I was a fan since Pablo Honey and I've been inspired by everything he and they do as a band.  He was pretty humbled.

His response was I don't know what all this means with how I could possibly help you. I told him that I want you to know that I'm a singer and that I don't know how to get out there. And how they have been a huge inspiration for me. I said I have a message that's spiritual and I want to get it out there.
Which he responded we need you out there now! lol. Then he offered to give me help by giving his peoples e-mail and I told him I have some songs that are covers that I did, which I was looking for desperately in the dream, but couldn't find it. He was chilled out and he was fine with whatever I had.
Then I woke up. After waking I realized that I didn't get to hear what he had to say, but I knew this was once in a lifetime opportunity so I took it. I don't feel it would be any different than if I would have met him in real life because you always feel in my perspective like if I don't do it now then when? You know? Here's my chance!

After the dream I opened randomly to a page to see what kind of message my spirit was giving me.

Dream symbols and sychronistic events

So far, we have focused on dreams whose images have near-literal parallels with subsequent external events.   But the symbolic nature of dream images themselves is sometimes echoed, significantly, in the course of one's external life. Stories such as this one, I confess are the sort of tales concerning synchronistic dreams that I find the most engaging, for they defy all attempts at placing the dream within a chain of causes and effects. The dream that Jung himself used to illustrate the limits of rationality and the power of our nighttime imagination has become a traditional tale in the annals of synchronicities, and so , is an appropriate story to tell as we end our discussion of "predictive" dreams. I am going to let Jung tell his own story.

Pg 151-156 There are No Accidents by Robert H Hopcke


Also another person I know online mentioned a few weeks back that our group should watch the movie The Way. Well this week it was reviewed in the paper as a great spiritual movie to see.

So in conclusion who knows? I'm just moving with the flow and letting spirit guide me as my heart follows and my eyes stay wide aware! Let's not forget that yesterday was the premiere of

And today my dreams become true with the Lorax hitting the big screen!

Not forgetting to mention that its Seuss's B-day another hero of mine and inspiration~!

A true originator of bringing dreams into our hearts and giving them new life!

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