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Thursday, August 30, 2012

This week is about Meditation

This week I had some interesting synchronicity's concerning meditation. In a class I started  connecting with the Celestine Prophecy, the subject we were discussing was meditation and how or if it means anything. Is it important? Should we waste our time doing it? Do you believe it is important and has an effect on others? These are the questions I asked. Not only did I get answers inside the group, but also outside of it as well.

Here are the videos I used to discuss the subject and here are the videos and other insights that found me this week.

Here's something I posted that goes along with the video below.

Interesting factoid about the video. The candle I used in the video was hand molded and has specific herbs and intent of the muses. It states that its supposed to burn more wildly, truer to fire's actual nature. Now what's funny is that when I looked up the word meditation I got the following definition.

To muse over, contemplate, ponder, intend, plan. Didn't occur to me until after reading that, that meditation literally means to muse over something.

As I'm typing this Muse the band comes on spotify (set to random with 7,049 songs to choose from this is quite interesting to say the least.) Song apocalypse please which the word apocalypse actually means to reveal not destruction as everyone will tell you.

So the true definition for meditate is actually to ponder, contemplate, or muse which is an inspiring act of creativity.

I will share some videos in the class for you to watch and I really would love to hear feedback. It's a class to learn from each other.

Each week I'll post videos and after watching them I ask that you leave your thoughts about it and share anything you feel the class could benefit their understanding toward. Whether it is an article, another video, or anything that feels connected to it.

Thank you for joining us here and I'm honored to learn from you all.

Something I posted because a friend recommended the video below for the class.

Something the universe shared with me this week after I posted the topic for the group.

Just sharing this since it coincided with my other posts this week. I just watched this episode yesterday without knowing this would be talked about.

Start the video at 23:54 if you just want to hear about meditation health benefits from current science experiments. Simply astounding that they are sharing these ideas now with you on TV!

This was shared in the class after the other posts.

Another thing the universe shared with me

Below a person got this insight from a meditation in another group I'm in.

A reflection that was shown this week during our discussion of meditation.

While meditating today a movie, DINOTOPIA, which I have not seen in some time came to mind. It was actually a mini-series but can be found on Netflix. In the movie, humans and dinosaurs coexist and share a spiritual bond. There are 11 codes to live by and it was these codes are what that grabbed my attention so I thought I would share them. I personally plan to review these daily and try living by them.


1 - One raindrop raises the sea.
2 - Survival of all or none
3 - Weapons are enemies, even to their owners
4 - Give more - take less
5 - Others first - self last
6 - Observe, listen and learn
7 - Do one thing at a time
8 - Sing every day
9 - Exercise imagination
10 - Eat to live, don't live to eat

Another reflection this week of meditation.

A meditation...

The Shiva lingam is the symbol of the union of the masculine and feminine energi
es. It represents the orgasmic blissful Love which is the universal power of creation. This essence permeates all of creation yet in today’s society we have suppressed and limited this blissful energy to sex. Do not judge or suppress, allow yourself to be always aroused, always in orgasmic bliss. Let it rise pulsing up through you flowering at the crown emitting the essence, the beautiful aroma, the bliss of creation, touching all those who are open to the divine love you shine. Be the masculine and feminine united, balanced. Be the dance of universe, the whole body, the union of the lingam and yoni. You are the love of creation, radiating ♥
By: I left the name nameless just in case

My own personal experience with meditation this week.

I would like to add from my personal experience this week I have had about 4 or 5 direct synchronicity's with the same message. Clear and specific. Meditate 10 minutes a day. All the videos I've shared here gives that example as well as my own personal experiences have said the same thing. Ranging from a family member, a friend, and Dwayne Dyer. Make with it what you would like, but I feel the universe is speaking and we are listening.

And finally the universe shares with me a 3 videos, two on synchronicity and another music from the heart.

I leave it up to you to believe or not to believe. The truth as I always say speaks for and as itself, clearly, precisely, and with comfort running through it's creative heart. Love to you all!

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