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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

#MirrorExperiments Results

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Monday, February 2, 2015 at 8:36am
2/1/15 Dream
This one was about people in my family being selfish and making me do things for them when they had the ability and the time to do it for themselves. Example: They were in a store and called me to go down to the same store they were in to purchase something instead of them doing it while in the store. Weird. Specifically the dream hilighted me being forced to call someone literally after they got off the phone with them.
I was watching a TV show and the episode was about a person waiting till the last minute to get things done before winter hit. Suddenly winter hits and they are scrambling around trying to get things done and asking others to show them the way. Meanwhile the person who they go to help for told them or and over to get ready for winter. If there are more reflections/synchronicities that appear through the day I will update this document.
1)I was talking with someone yesterday about an old friend and then that same old friend emailed me today asking if I was interested in being involved with a Tesla event.
2)Jordan Pearce from spirit science has a newsletter. Every once in a while I will get an update. Today was that update about a new Chakra video series that he uploaded. (Side note. Yesterday I did a podcast and during the conversation there was mention of Legend of Korra having an episode about Chakras and how it inspired him to go and look further into them.)
Then I log onto Tsu and find that SpiritScience finally friended me after I requested to be friends about 3 weeks ago.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Could not remember my dreams for the life of me today....
There weren't really small synchronicities today. Just one big one while watching Ancient Aliens Ep: Alien Messages

The big one was relating to the fact of Orion being a major place where sacred sites across the globe constructed their structures to mirror or to connect with.
This connects with the conversations that took place two days prior.
Also that episode focused a good portion of it on the I-Ching being a binary code. What's interesting about this is that after Carl Jung studied the I-Ching he came up with the theory of Synchronicity. Hmmmm. smile emoticon
Thanks for reading.
God Bless
The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Wednesday, February 4, 2015
I woke up remembering that it had to do with some work colleagues of mine. One was downstairs in a building and they were in an office trying to get things done, but didn't have anyone reliable enough to help.
I went down there because another employee asked me to get them a chocolate bar and something else, but with a $1 bill. I told him that's ridiculous because of how little money he had.
We'll see what happens folks connecting this with the today's course of events.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless
I was in a meeting today and had severe dejavu (Remember folks that was something to keep an eye out for). The meeting was kinda similar to the reason in my dream. Interesting.
Two major repeating subjects for the past few days has been (Oddly) Billy Joel. I must have heard 5 or 6 of his songs in the past three days and I normally listen to my Ipod, radio at work, cable music station. Very odd. The other has been Pink Floyd (Oddly again though) not through the music per say. More of shirts, pants, objects actually. The song did pop on my ipod today right before I went to work.
Before watching Ancient Aliens my best friend watched starman with jeff bridges. I caught some of it while they did so. Well in it Seti comes up which comes up on Ancient Aliens episode called alien messages and the binary code message is in that movie as well. Along with meteor/asteroids. Very interesting synchronicity.
Come on Alien Messages! If I can't see the obvious than its hopeless lol
God Bless!

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 4, 2015
Once again I couldn't remember my dreams, but had a numerous amount of synchronicity connecting with people remembering dreams after we started this experiment. And a few interesting connections having to do with Orion and a strong reoccurrence of manatees.
The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 5, 2015
No dreams to report as usual. This is normal for me actually. Dreams don't come back into my recollection easy, but I already had a few I did remember so far so I say it's a success already. More interesting is that today I had dejavu again. And I did have a few telepathic experiences where I knew what the other person was going to say and I didn't make them aware of it. But Dejavu again hmmm that's twice in a week. So maybe there is something connected with not remembering dreams and tracking synchronicity helping to bring more dejavu events into our lives?
Thoughts on this?
Thanks for reading!
God Bless

The Mirror Living Experience Part 1 Tracking Synchronicity
By Mirror Living on Tuesday, February 6, 2015
I had some major deja vu again. And I had a significant synchronicity connecting to my deja vu's. It was a title that I saw on a paper of some sort and it had the words mirror and dejavu in it. Pretty wild. Plus stars came up twice strongly today. Maybe I'm repeating issues instead of solving them?
February 7, 2015
I woke up not remembering my dreams like always. At least I remembered a few this week. That's way more than normal. What's interesting is that a synchronicity connecting stones, statues, and ancient origins all came up today. And this is connects to me specifically with my writings that I've been working on. But most importantly I feel that since beginning this experiment I have gotten some really powerful answers and a huge surge of comforting energy surrounding my life. I'm so thankful for all of you for participating and any of your thoughts and prayers. To say I believe it worked wouldn't be saying enough.
So in conclusion for today. Hold the vision, live the vision, and the reflections will not only multiply and focus on you, but will also inspire others to do the same thing. After all there is only we!
Last thing I want to add is that we are almost to Sunday which will be one full week since starting this experiment.
I would like to know everyone's thoughts, feelings, and opinions about it if you would be so inclined to tell. And I would love to know if you'd want to do it for another week or on to the next experiment?
Thanks and God Bless!

I'm curious to hear about any of your experiences over the past week. Also I'm curious to know if any or all of you want to do another experiment or try a similar experiment to the one we just did.
In conclusion from my experiences with the experiment here are the results and answers that I received.
1)Deja Vu is something way more prominent and purposeful when it comes to synchronicity. Is it a way for us to remember the vision that we created while dreaming (Whether awake o...r asleep)? This will have to be explored more from other peoples experiences.
2)To really reach others we have to be willing to show the real relatable human in which we exist as.
3)With just having an intention and as you make the effort to track synchronicity and share your experiences, more connections and messages come your way.
4)Having people interested in participating with said experiment is more then enough proof that more people are awake than we realize.
5)When utilizing the mind, body, and soul to heal oneself you essentially begin to heal everyone outside of you as well. It's not about focusing on healing others or yourself. It's about listening to your heart for the guidance with how to balance the two.
6)Lastly if I didn't ask for help, support, prayers, and thoughts during this process I may not have been able to reveal really what was needed with which my spirit kept asking.

Thank you all again! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feelings about this and Happy Valentines Day or Love Day!
God Bless
A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream, I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from the outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to a golden scarab one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, the common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata), which, contrary to its usual habits had evidently felt the urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment. I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since.

Synchronicity: An Acasual Principle (1952)
The Collected Works of C.G. Jung
Paragraph 843
Princeton University Press Edition

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