Humanity is reaching a unification in awareness. This is not something to have a negative outlook on. Vis-a-vis (The Brave New World Syndrome). No, this is something entirely new to us & something that has always been for the many others. Let me explain. There is nothing new under the sun as so many say because the energy that creates us & gives us life is forever & fractal-ing ever after. So that's not new to the many that know this already. It is new to our perception that we live with now though. Our perception has been faulty for what seems like an eternity. Now is the first time we can examine the perception we make against billions of other perceptions the world makes. The truth is beyond our current perception, so that is why more & more people will learn it. It can't be stopped because it lives forever inside us all. Now I know people are saying you are wacked out of your mind man. Well I'm ok with your perception of me. What you should ask yourself is why am I being so judgemental of someone in a world that is perceived as less than perfect? Meaning who can you say is perfect besides any person or thing existing beyond our current perception as a perfect example? As in until we remember the perfectness we all live, only then will our perception look toward that and not the faults. But I digress, nobody's perfect including me. So my imperfection brings a different opinion. Different opinions bring an understanding of something from many different angles. The examination of many different angles bring a stable truth. A truth that has stability helps unify different cultures, people, religions, etc.. Hence a unified consciousness. The recognizing of our wholeness given to us by something wiser, more loving, more understanding, more forgiving, & more creative than us as creators. This exists within the current perception we choose to live in. So maybe it is something worth sharing. The beyondness that exists inside us all. Even you. If this is true (we will find this out for ourselves) then please continue sharing your truth because its the only thing that Real(ly) exists!
God Bless
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